The Case of the Cock-Fighters
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The Case of the Cock-Fighters (or Frot with Danger)

FuryianFyre at y!



According to the document this is a reworking of the original comissioned from FuryianFyre at y!

The changes are mostly additions that the author of this rework (I don’t know who make the rework)  inserted (original was around 14 pages,  the rework version is around 30 pages) but there are some deletions and re-wordings as well.

The reworking author paste the link of the original work but the link is for a message on the SupermanEroticStories, so is probably lost forever 😢. 



I hadn’t had a decent story in a few weeks. The last one had been about a hacking incident at a major local bank. With things being what they were, that sort of story was old news an hour after it had hit the Planet’s blog page. The five thousand hits it had gotten was a lot less than my last piece. I had to have a good follow-up that would double my numbers. I was stretched back in my chair ruminating on my dilemma when Jimmy came through the doors of the bullpen. He gave me a wave. I smiled, pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and waved back.

“Why so glum, C.K.?” Jimmy asked, putting a fresh cup of coffee on my desk. 

 “Having some trouble finding decent leads,” I said, taking the coffee. “It’s hard not being as connected to things online as I was out in the world.” 

 “There’s a place down town by the old cotton market that’s hosting some pretty shady stuff.” Jimmy was looking over his cup at me. “You could check that out and see if anything comes up.”

“What sort of shady stuff?” I asked.

“Cock fights, mostly.”

I didn’t know how I could parlay cock fights into a winning story. Sure, I could play the animal rights card but that would only be good for a few thousand words. There could be a cruelty to animals angle to it that would give me another tack. I thought about it for a few minutes and asked Jimmy for an address to the place. He scribbled it down on a pad and I finished my coffee. At this time of day, there wouldn’t be many people down there and I could scout out the place. Jimmy made small talk with me for the next few minutes but my mind was still working on the story and what angle I could work it with. By the time Jimmy had left, I had an idea.

I took the steps a few at a time, going down to the car pool. I scrawled my name onto a sign-out sheet and took one of the smaller cars. No need to fly down, this was something I could do as a mild-mannered reporter, after all. Sometimes, it was easier to just be a human being once and awhile. This story, the way I wanted to approach it, would need to be done from a human being’s perspective. An every-man, not a super man. I walked over and opened the car door, sliding in behind the wheel. The old cotton market wasn’t far from work so it didn’t take too long to get there.

I parked the car a few blocks away and walked down to the cotton market warehouse. The place wasn’t huge but it was large enough that it could be used for exactly what Jimmy had said was going on. I looked around but didn’t see any signs of birds. There were no feathers, no droppings, no blood. I walked up onto the dock ramp and took a look inside the warehouse, proper. Still, there was no tell-tale signs of people using this for cock-fighting. I began to suspect that instead of investigating a cock fight, I was here on a wild goose chase.

Still, I was a reporter and it was early in the day.  I thought about what an investigator who wasn’t secretly a superhumanly powerful being might do in my situation.  Clark Kent was more to me than a cover identity.  I had come to think of my alter-ego as capable of contributing to human society in ways that even Superman couldn’t.  I liked to think that even if he wasn’t secretly Superman, he would still be able to handle himself in this situation and come out of it with a story on an important issue.

Partly out of pride in my Clark Kent side, I resolved to complete this investigation as though I were a typical human of average physical and cognitive ability.

I trotted up a short set of steps onto a slightly elevated, wide work area that trucks backed up to when loading product. I found a place behind some old crates and decided that was where I was going to settle in and see if something happened.

I noticed a large pane of golden hued glass that I suspected was a two way mirror providing a view from an inner shipping office to the large elevated dock.  I moved to a different position behind the line of crates in order to take advantage of the expanded view of the space that the large mirror afforded.

After an hour or so, I was ready to head back to the Planet. There wasn’t anything going on here and the smell of dirt and grime and oily cement was starting to get to me. I had almost decided this story was a bust when I heard the distinct sounds of people. I resisted the urge to use my super-hearing to pick out what they were saying. Instead, I settled into the role of Clark Kent and stayed where I was, reminding myself that I’d chosen to take on this story from a human angle.

Through the slats of the crates, I could see a large group of men and boys coming toward me. The majority of them were dark-skinned, tall and muscular. From what I knew about the local color here in Metropolis, I knew these weren’t the friendly type. I also knew that the bandanas, wrist cuffs and solid colored t-shirts were signs of gang membership and loyalty.

They came into the open space and began to walk up the ramp, into the warehouse area I was in. This wasn’t going to go down as anything but bad, I thought, watching them come into the space a few feet from me.

I watched two men, apparently rival gang members, move into the center, one with a dark orange t-shirt on and another with a blue wrist cuff. They jumped up onto the loading area mere feet from where I was concealed.

The rest of the members formed a semicircle around them, staring up as the two faced off on the makeshift stage.  There seemed to be some commotion as the guys at the center of attention moved closer to one another. I couldn’t see much from where I was. I was still crouched down, still cramped into the small space I’d picked for myself. My knees were inches from the ground, my body supported on my feet. I could turn my head and almost touch my nose to the wall and the stack of crates in front of me. As I watched through the crates, I knew I couldn’t move without being seen. I thought, then, that I was really not meant for stakeouts and stealth.

I had an idea, one that had I been a normal man, could have gotten me killed. I stood up, knocking the first crate onto the concrete. The sound was loud enough that it drew the attention of the two young guys closest to me. I backed away for effect, knowing they’d seen me. I couldn’t back out now without exposing myself. They moved toward me and I played the part of the bumbling reporter. I put my hands up, backing into the rest of the crates and sending them to the floor. I attempted to seem harmless and more than a little afraid. Two of the larger guys jumped up on the loading platform and moved toward me and before I knew what was going on, they’d grabbed me.

The gang members had begun to notice me as the two large guys moved me toward the others. Ahead of me, I saw the two guys that had first hopped up onto the platform. I hadn’t seen any birds, hadn’t heard any birds and there weren’t any cages around.

I wondered, as I was brought front and center on the platform, if Jimmy knew what he had been talking about. Cock fights required cocks, right? I let myself be brought forward, in front of the two rival gang members. They were both tall, muscular men with dark skin and handsome features. When they looked at me, I offered a half smile and a goofy tilt of my head.

“Man, who the hell is this?” The one on the right said, turning toward me. “You out to get yourself killed, white boy?”

If I wasn’t who I was, I might have been intimidated. The guy’s broad torso was hard and muscled, dark and gleaming with sweat. He had a few tattoos along his collar and on his right shoulder. His lean stomach tapered down to trim hips. I felt compelled to follow that dark path of skin to the V of his open jeans where a large, veined shaft of dark cock sprouted from his jeans. My mouth went dry at the sight of that long, solid flesh.

I looked at the other guy, the one in the dark orange t-shirt. He had pulled the tee up to the middle of his chest, allowing dark, hard nipples to be exposed. My eyes followed the map of tight muscle, down over his abdomen, his tight stomach, into similarly opened jeans. Again, I noticed a length of thick, veined cock sprouting from his open pants.

I suppressed an inward chuckle.  At least this had the makings of a sort of cock fight.

“What the fuck is this?!” The dark orange shirt asked, pointing to me. “This a plant, mother-fucker?”

“Hell no!” The blue wrist cuff answered. “Hold that bitch-ass back! We in the middle of something! We’ll settle with him after we finish!”

I wondered what that meant. What could they finish standing there with their dicks swinging and their gang mates standing around watching?

I let the guys hold me, pull me back to the side of the loading area. The heat of the building seemed to have increased, the small space, the additional people, the press of skin on skin. I watched the two guys take a step toward each other, their hard cocks standing in front of one another. I couldn’t help the small smirk that came to my face as I watched their heads touch and be forced upward, their shafts connecting and sliding along each other. I felt the flex of my arms on either side of my body and the tighter grip of the guys holding me. It snapped me back to where I was and what I was supposed to be doing here.

The guys in front of me pressed their bodies close and began to work their hips in a circular motion. As I watched, I felt my mouth go dry, felt the need to push my glasses up, to shift my stance and to say something. Words failed me. The guys on either side of me held tighter to me, their fingers digging into my skin so that I could feel the small ridges on their fingers. I looked on either side of me and the guys holding me seemed entranced by the two rivals in the center of the ring.

‘Settle with him after we finish’, the blue wrist cuff gang member had said. Finish what, I wondered. How did all of this figure into Jimmy’s tip about cock fights? There were no cages, no birds, no blood, just two rival gangs gathered in a circle watching two guys rub…cocks. I thought back to my own attempt at wit but as I turned back to the guys in the center of the loading floor, I thought I might have been closer to the truth than I’d imagined.

“Feel it, mother-fucker?” The orange t-shirt guy said, looking down the plane of his torso.

“My monster’s just too much for you ain’t it?”

They were moving against one another, their long cocks pressed hard against each other, rubbing and leaking clear liquid from the tips. The blue wrist cuff member looked down his own hard body where his own dick was almost pressed against his flat stomach. He clenched his teeth and took in several hard breaths. From here, I could hear his heart beating in his chest, fast and excited. The look on his face told me that he was attempting to hold back against the sensation in his dick. He grimaced as the orange t-shirt member pushed his hips forward, driving the blue wrist cuff guy’s member full against his stomach. They ground their hips against one another.

“If that’s all you got, you about to lose, boy!” The orange t-shirt member said, a smile on his face. “Let me show you what a man’s cock can do!”

I’d never seen anything like this. The orange t-shirt member moved forward, rising up on his toes, bringing his arms out to the sides of his body. His lean torso flexed, his muscles rippling. I watched him break into a broad smile and clasp his hands casually behind his head in a confident stance as he continued to thrust against his obviously faltering opponent.  “I could do this all day, boy.”

“FUCK!” The blue wrist cuff member shouted. “FUCK…fuck…”

My eyes dropped to his hard-pressed cock. I was shocked to see it begin to erupt like a small geyser. From the head, long, thick ropes of white cum came out and splashed his tight abs, running down into his dark pubic hair. He cursed again as the other gang member added insult to injury by rubbing against him harder, causing him to ooze more cum.

“You lose, bitch!” Orange t-shirt said. “Get your pansy-assed boys and get the fuck out our turf tonight!”

Blue wrist cuff took a step back. From where I was, I could smell the acrid, earthy smell of his spent cum and I watched it ooze down the length of his cock and spatter on the floor. The rest of his load slid down his muscled stomach and caught in his tight, coarse pubes. I felt that same dry feeling in my mouth, like I’d never tasted water before, as the guy tucked his cock back into his jeans. Something like regret rose up in my chest as I watched him zip his fly and pull his shirt down, covering his tight, dark body. I didn’t know what to say or what to think as I watched the “loser” step back into his gang circle.

I shook my head to dispel these unfamiliar feelings and concentrated on learning what I could about what was happening here, even though it was starting to look like it wasn’t going to make a decent story.  At least not one the Planet would touch.

The whole crew of blue-clothed gang members began to file out of the small warehouse space. The leader of the rival gang gave the other, orange t-shirt, a hard look as he walked away. When they had all gone, there were a few insults shouted and a few cheers for the obvious winner of this contest.

Orange t-shirt, the shirt in question still up around his chest, turned toward me. I couldn’t go anywhere, couldn’t get away from these guys on either side of me, not without going a long way toward revealing who I really was. The obvious winner and leader of this gang turned toward me, his cock still hard and swinging as he moved. He moved closer to me and I felt a strange stirring in my stomach that dipped down to my groin.

“Man, I know you!” He said. “You’re that reporter! The one on the news…Kent.”

Orange t-shirt moved like a jungle cat, hard muscle, toned limbs and a leaking, bobbing hard cock. His dark body glistened with fresh sweat, a sweat I could smell as he came to stand right in front of me.

I watched him put the head of his cock against my groin and push it up so that the length rested against my own. Blood rushed to my face as he flexed against me. This guy was rubbing against me, trying to get a reaction from me as he’d just done with the vanquished rival gangster.  I fought my instinct to use my powers to fend him off and maybe did too good of a job.  I was surprised to note that without drawing on my super-human powers to control my body, I was getting hard.

I couldn’t understand what was happening to me.  Was this a normal reaction to letting go of my super discipline and allowing my body to just go with the flow.  Was simple friction all it took to excite my unguarded cock.

“You don’t tell anybody what you seen here, man!” Orange t-shirt said. “You do…and I’ll find you. I’ll do more than mess you up…I’ll put this huge cock to some good use!”

I felt the urge to fight back, to resist, to do something but I continued to hold back. It was becoming a fascinating experiment for me.  Was this what it was like for a regular man.  Was it a normal thing to be so prone to mere bodily sensation.

Without calling upon my superhuman constitution, I attempted to control myself.  I tried not to focus on the swelling and tight thrill coming from my balls. The hard heat coming from the other guy’s dick was seeping through my suit pants, my uniform and right into my own hard dick. He rubbed against me a few more times and I felt my cock responding by leaping against the tight fabric of my uniform.

All I could do was feel the surge of pleasure coming from my cock. Before I knew what was happening, I had shot a huge wad all over myself. The stuff seeped through my uniform, through the front of my suit pants. Taking a step back, I was mortified at the huge, wet stain in the front of my pants. I’d cum all over myself from the feeling of this brute’s cock throbbing and rubbing against me.

A howl of laughter went up around me. The sudden sound shocked me, made me jump. The guys holding me let go and took a step back from me. I hadn’t felt it, at first, but then, a slow warmth crept into my groin. Looking down, I watched the stain of warm cum appear on my suit pants. The dark stain spread out and I felt my head throb and my face go hot and red. I took a step back, feeling like I wanted to crawl into a hole. I realized that I should have called on my inherent Kryptonian control before allowing this to happen, but I hadn’t realized how fast things would spin out of control.  The laughter around me got louder and I felt the heat on my face get hotter.

“Fuck, man!” One of the gang members said. “Dude has shot his shit all over himself!”

I had. Looking down at my wet suit pants, I could feel the cold, clammy cum collecting in my uniform crotch. Looking up, I saw the tough gangster’s superior smile and felt my humiliation deepen. I’d come here to get a story and I would be leaving with a wet crotch, no story and a stomach full of humiliation. The gangster cuffed me under the chin as he took a step back, his thick cock waving from his pants.

“Not a word, little man…or I’ll find you and make your wet pants the least of your worries.”

As the gang filed out of the warehouse, I heard the small, snide comments and the laughter. Standing there, alone and in cum-soaked pants, I watched them head down the ramp and back to wherever they’d come from. My face was still burning from the embarrassment that I still felt. My cheeks were more than a little warm, my hands sweaty and clammy. All I could do now was go back to the car, go back to the office and try to collect some of my dignity on the way.


Waking the next morning, the worst headache I’d ever had pounded in my head. It was like a Kryptonite steamroller had flattened my brain. I hadn’t slept well, the burn of humiliation still very hot in my body. What had happened at the cotton market building hadn’t left me. I got up, showered and got dressed. Even though I’d decided to go in to work, I knew that the day would just drag on. Coming into the bullpen, I was glad Lois was on assignment and that today was Friday.

Jimmy passed my desk a few times but didn’t bring up the cotton market warehouse story. I tried to work on a few other things but nothing would come to me. All I could think of was the day before and what had happened to me. Leaning back in my chair, I thought about the gangs, the cock fights and what had happened. Standing, I locked my desk, turned off my computer and made up my mind.

I tried to look on the positive side of my humiliation.  In a way the incident might serve to reinforce my secret identity.  No one who witnessed or found out second hand about what happened would ever guess that Clark Kent was anything more than a bumbling milksop who was easily humiliated.  How could a guy like that possibly be Superman.

But there was another part of me that wanted redemption.  Sure, I had been in my Clark Kent identity when I’d permitted curiosity and distraction to allow a mere human to get the better of me, but even I had some small amount of vanity.  I wanted, if only in service of my own self esteem, to assert my superiority.

When Jimmy passed by my desk again, I told him that I was going to get in contact with Superman and send him down to the warehouse. I let Jimmy know that the lead he’d given me had paid off and suggested that it might be in his interest to be there tonight, with his camera.

Dressed in my uniform, I arrived near the warehouse just as the sun had gone down.

I made my way along the alley toward the main entrance.  I noticed someone heading toward me from that general direction.  The guy kept stumbling and stopping to catch his breath.

That’s when I recognized him.  He was the victorious gangster that had humiliated Clark Kent so easily the day before.

He didn’t look so intimidating now.  He was leaning against the brick wall of the alley, panting.  His eyes had a vacant, haunted look and he was muttering to himself.  He pushed away from the wall and stumbled a few more paces.  He narrowly avoided collapsing every few steps having to stop and steady himself before continuing.

His clothes were in extreme disarray, his unzipped, unbuttoned pants would fall nearly to the ground and then he’d yank them back up so that he could continue.  He was damp from head to toe with who knew what combination of sweat and other bodily fluids.

He staggered past my six foot frame as I stood fully decked out in my brightly colored costume and didn’t even spare me a glance.

“He…he ain’t human…Ain’t never comin’ nowhere…near his turf.”  He muttered, shaking his his head as he passed.  “Never again.”

I considered whether to stop him or not.  He certainly was in no shape for a rematch with me.  Finally, with a shrug, I decided to leave him to his own means.  He didn’t look like he’d be giving anyone a hard time for a while.

I continued on to the warehouse, where I’d advised Jimmy to show up.

The loading bay doors were pushed to the side and there were a few small pockets of men and boys here and there. I decided on a low key intimidation tactic and began to walk toward them confidently.

As I’d suspected, a few of the members seemed to think they’d be a match for me and began to run toward me, weapons at the ready. Did these idiots not recognize the S on my chest?

The alleyway was narrow giving me the advantage. These guys rushing toward me didn’t have a chance!

A couple of them dropped to one knee, took aim at me and squeezed off a couple of shots each.  My super senses tracked the bullets as they approached.  To me it was all in slow motion.  Both gang-bangers had taken aim squarely at my heart so I flexed my chest into an impenetrable shield.

With a smirk, and some super accurate pec flexing, I deflected the first two bullets directly back at the shooters, they each dropped their weapons, shaking their hands from the shock of the bullets hitting their guns and blowing them out of their grips.  I deflected the remaining bullets so that they embedded harmlessly in a wall.

I disarmed the rest of them and deposited the two that had opened fire on me into the nearest dumpsters, welding the top shut with a blast of heat vision. The smell of ozone and hot metal filled my nostrils. When I turned back, a few of the smarter guys had backed away. These weren’t ultra-powered nut-jobs or even criminal masterminds. These were civilians and I had to keep reminding myself of that. These were just regular people who’d gone astray.  I told myself that what had happened to me on the previous day wasn’t their fault.  It was mine.  I had let it happen out of morbid curiosity.

The second wave of thugs had just gotten a dose of delusional courage and had started toward me when I heard the unmistakable sound of a struggle and a clatter of overturned garbage cans. The guys in front of me turned and so did I. From the bay doors of the cotton market warehouse, one gangsters was coming down the ramp, his sinewy arm around Jimmy’s throat, a very large handgun leveled at my pal’s temple.

“We don’t want none of you, Supes.” The gunman said, his hand steady. “I don’t know what you or this ginger pussy are doing here but it’s time you both bounce.”

“Now why would I do that?” I asked, wondering if I could take the gun before he could fire it.

“Because none of this has anything to do with either of you!” The guy said.

“None of what?” I played dumb, wondering what he’d say. “What are you men doing here? The warehouse is private property and you’re all trespassing.”

I took a step forward, trying to gauge the distance between us. The guy holding Jimmy raised the gun a bit higher and shook his head.

“That’s far enough. Don’t get any ideas because no matter how fast you are, point blank range is faster.” The guy said. “I could splatter Little Red’s brains all over the back wall before you could spit.”

I put my hands out in front of me, not wanting to endanger Jimmy further.

“I don’t want any trouble.” I said. “Let’s find another way to settle this.”

“There’s only one way to settle this, hero.”  The guy with the gun said with a laugh.   “You and our leader, one on one!”

“Your leader is going to fight me?” I asked, trying hard not to laugh. “I’m a little confused.”

“Not much to it,” the gunman smiled. “You win, you take Little Red here and go on your way. You lose and you leave us to our business.”

From Jimmy to the gun at his head, my eyes shifted. A thousand thoughts went through my head, a thousand scenarios that I could play out to get him out of this. One surfaced as the solution I’d go with. I heard the words coming out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop them.

“I accept.” I said. The next part I added, as a joke. “Take me to your leader.”

“You stay well back, or Red gets it.”  The guy warned, then started moving slowly back up the ramp, not taking his eyes off me for a second.  I followed the gunman back the way he’d come, into the warehouse and soon found myself once again on the elevated loading dock as a throng of men began to gather below.

Soft overhead lights had created a circular yellow glow on the loading floor and I stepped into it. I felt completely confident.  My failure to bring to bear the full range of my super-human abilities to prevent the events of the day before was just a dim memory. Before me, the crowd of men and young boys had formed a semicircular audience, like the one before. To my surprise, they all began to chant my name. Superman! Superman! Superman!

My confidence rose; I even puffed out my chest a bit, feeling my uniform scrape against my nipples. They each responded by growing into hard bits. This was nothing like the humiliation I’d felt the day before.

The small throng of people seemed to shift. I saw the change in their demeanor and from the way they moved I could tell that someone was approaching. I decided against using my vision powers, I wanted to see the big reveal the way the others did. If their leader wanted to make a grand entrance, who was I to stop him?

From the back of the warehouse, two men emerged from the parting crowd. 

“Let Olson go.”  I called out to them.  I wanted to take charge of the situation immediately.  “And tell me what it is you are doing here.”

One of the men placed a calming hand on the shoulder of the gangster that was holding Jimmy.  “We’re conducting some business, settling some old scores in a peaceful manner.”

The man who spoke looked very familiar, but I was having trouble placing him.  He was dressed differently, more simply.  He wore only a plain white t-shirt and jeans.  He was easily as well built as me and about the same height.  His jet-black hair and beard were cut close and contrasted nicely with his light-brown skin.  He carried himself like a man born to lead.

He was accompanied by a much younger man, who was shirtless and wore a pair of warm-up pants.  He was probably a little taller than I was, and the lean muscle of his body was super-defined and looked as hard as if cut from brown diamond.

The pair approached me confidently, but not threateningly, easily bounding up onto the loading floor and moving in until we were standing face to face.  The taller guy’s age was hard to determine.  Somewhere between 16 and 19 was my best guess.  He had a boyishly handsome face, but the muscle he was packing made him appear more mature.  The younger man said nothing, but looked me over with a cool aloofness.

“If what you’re doing is so peaceful, why did your friends come at me with weapons?”

“A force of habit when they see the S, I’m sure.” The guy in the t-shirt said, smiling a bit. “You can’t blame them for being a little hot-headed.”

I leveled my gaze at the guy in the t-shirt for a long moment, then looked away as I paced casually a few steps, taking in as much of the warehouse as I could, checking for possible traps.  This guy seemed way too confident, like he had an ace up his sleeve.

I finally planted myself so that I could see behind me through the large two-way mirror in order to prevent being surprised from my blind spot.  Once I’d established my position, I turned my attention back to the strangely familiar man in the white t-shirt.  “I’ve agreed to go one-on-one with you, but I want your word that when I win, Jimmy goes free.”

This elicited a tide of laughter from the men gathered around.  The guy in the t-shirt smiled as he looked out over the chuckling men.  He finally turned back to me.

“You agreed to go one-on-one with our leader.”  He shook his head.  “That’s not me.”

I frowned in confusion.

The tall, lean guy stepped forward.  With a quick, single tug he ripped free his warm-up pants, the snaps giving way with a sound like static electricity.

He stepped up very close to me, muscular and lean, tight and hard.  The kid was now naked except for a tight pair of boxer-briefs. They were blue with the same emblem across the front that I had across my chest.

So, the kid was a fan.

I noticed that the iconic S was also on the back of his boxer-briefs.  The shield had become a pop-culture ubiquity, but seeing my Kryptonian family crest stretched across the young man’s muscular backside in the mirror was faintly insulting.

“I’m not doing this with him.” I indicated the half-naked, dark-skinned young man. “He’s just…a kid.”  I protested to the guy in the t-shirt while making the word “kid” sound as denigrating as possible.

He didn’t respond.  Apparently the kid had chosen to assert himself, and no one was going to try and talk for him at this point.

“I think you will,” The kid said. “I think you’re going to do what I tell you to and we’re going to settle this whole thing.”

Again, I tried to guess his age.  His face was very youthful, but had some mature angles too.  His hair was in tight, perfectly straight cornrows that followed the masculine contours of his skull.  A small, closely cropped patch of facial hair had been trimmed into shape at his chin.  I wondered if this was because he couldn’t yet generate a fuller beard, but it might just have been a stylistic choice.  I still couldn’t narrow down my estimate of his age.

His eyes were dark and liquid, moving over me and the red and blue uniform. They settled on my crotch and he smiled. I put my hands on my hips, and stood defiant before his stare.  I was still completely confident, but I was also feeling a surge of something strange coming from this whole exchange; anticipation.  I was looking forward to it.  Not just the chance to acquit myself better this time around, but also to again experiencing some of those sensations in a more controlled way.

The kid stepped forward and the large bulge in his boxers shifted heavily from side to side as he moved. He came closer and I caught his smell.  Clean, just a whiff of something like aftershave, but beneath it, a hint of sweat, a deep, earthy smell. We looked at one another, sizing each other up.  Those boxers looked to be on the verge of ripping wide open as they struggled to contain what was obviously a healthy cock.

“Boys, gonna need you to hold this bitch up before I’m done.” The kid said, waving over a couple of gangsters. “We’re going to get this thing going so we get him the hell out of here!”

Two large thugs took hold of my wrists, one on either side of me. A sudden surge of memory at being in the same position yesterday flooded into me. I felt the kid’s hand on my chest, moving across the scarlet field of the S on my chest. I could hear his heart beating, a slow and steady rhythm. He was cool as a mountain spring as he touched me. He knew I wouldn’t fight back with Jimmy in danger.

Taking hold of my belt, the kid unbuckled it and let it fall to the side. He took hold of the briefs and the waistband of the lower half of my uniform. The cool air on my exposed cock was like a soft breath and I shivered with the sensation.

He noticed the tremor.  “I’ve barely touched you and you already trembling like a little bitch.” The kid said, a cocky smile on his face. “This ain’t going to last long, for you, Big Blue. You and your boy will be out of here real soon.”

He stepped closer, bringing his body closer to mine. From behind me, I felt hands bringing my uniform top up, exposing my lower abdomen and chest.

The kid stepped against me, his hard cock sliding against mine. He’d unleashed it while the others were exposing my torso. I felt him press against me, the solid flesh of his cock meeting mine.

I chuckled.  “You’re wasting your time kid.  You’re not my type.”  This prompted more laughter from the men around us.  But I got the distinct impression that they were laughing at me and not with me.

The guy in the white t-shirt moved from behind the kid so that I could see him clearly.  His eyes sparkled with amusement.  “It’s not about types, Superman.”

I felt the kid as he continued to press our thick cocks together, his hard against mine.  Then with one long, slow thrust he seemed to probe my cock with his as though evaluating me.  As he did, he stared down into my eyes, a tiny smile playing on his lips. 

Ever so slowly he began repeating the motion.

“Just what, exactly, is this about then.”  I asked, looking past the kid and making a show of ignoring him.

The man in the t-shirt shrugged as though the answer was simple.  “As you’re about to find out, as all of us here have found out, it’s about dominance.”

I gave a short dismissive laugh.  “I’m not feeling particularly dominated.”  I wondered how long it would take for the kid to exhaust himself or become embarrassed and frustrated trying to affect me.

This time, I had no qualms about calling on the full array of my Kryptonian abilities in acquitting myself.  I hadn’t realized until now just how much my defeat yesterday had rankled me.  Even though it hadn’t been this kid that had humbled me, I actually found myself looking forward to laying him low.

I tried not to laugh as the arrogant punk leaned further forward, pressing his cock against mine more firmly. He moved his hips forward, rotating them softly, slowly against me.  The motion was fluid and had a strange animalistic grace and power and to my shock, the movement was suddenly making my dick harden.

After a moment’s surprise at my lapse, I willed my cock to stand down.  The handsome teen seemed to anticipate this and began thrusting in earnest, with an assertive, steady cadence.  To my shock, I found that I couldn’t reverse my arousal. In fact, my cock continued to swell.

At that point, I was no longer able to pretend to ignore what he was doing.  My head almost involuntarily whipped back, coming face to face with him.  Alarm growing in my chest, I tried to remain outwardly calm, but the shock of suddenly having to struggle to control myself must have registered in my eyes. The kid just cocked his head slightly and smirked as though seeing right through the calm front I was trying to maintain.

“Feelin’ something you like?”  He asked, knowingly.

I swallowed nervously and concentrated harder.  But slowly, inexorably more blood flowed into my hardening member as the kid continued sliding his cock against mine, varying the angle and power ever so slightly with each thrust.

I tried to think of anything other than the sensation of his big cock against mine.  I closed my eyes and imagined bullets flying at my chest. Super-villains. Far-off planets. I tried to think of anything but the silky, hard, pulsating length of the kid’s cock against my own. But it wasn’t any use, the skin against skin contact was too much to resist.

My cock started to throb, more and more blood rushing into it. Against my stomach, I felt my own heartbeat thrumming through its length. Against the sensitive shaft, the kid’s throbbing meat rubbed back and forth, sending small tremors through me. That masculine scent, the feel of his smooth skin against mine and the way he continued to rub on me was making me lose control.

I should not be feeling like this. Not against my will. He shouldn’t have this effect on me.  I’m Superman and he’s just a human kid, no matter how tight a body, how hard a dick, how…masterful…he was with it.

I shook my head, desperately trying to snap out of my entrancement and regain control.

The feeling in my gut, the feeling in my pulsing, throbbing cock, all of it was wrong. My knees gave slightly.  Suddenly, I was fighting to stand, trying to hold onto myself.  I closed my eyes and demanded that my body obey my wishes.  But the way this kid was thrusting against me, he was too much. I could smell him and somehow knew he was staring at me. I didn’t want to, but I opened my eyes.

Sure enough, I was met by his eyes boring into me.  He gave a quick downward glance and cocked his head, that same maddening, confident half-smile playing on his lips.

I tried not to, but my eyes just had to follow that glance.

Tight, washboard stomach, dark skin turned a rich caramel by the yellow light over us, that thick, powerful cock coaxing mine larger with every stroke.  Somehow, this kid’s body was turning me on despite my Kryptonian will to resist! I wanted to pull back, to knock these guys away and rush out of here but I thought of Jimmy and the gun to his head. The guilt would be too much for me if anything happened to him.

I had to hold out against this grinding, confident kid with his dark, veined cock and tight, muscular body.  I told myself that I was the master of my body, that my control was absolute.  No one else could…

With total disregard to my mental commands, my dick throbbed hard and I shot even harder.

“N-no…How…?”  I choked as cum gushed out of my hard length, coating my bare abs in a hot, sticky mess. The guys holding me made sure I didn’t go anywhere while my second shot hit the underside of my pecs and dripped down my stomach.

In front of me, the kid continued to move against me, coaxing a third, powerful shot from my swollen head. And still, the kid ground up against me unceasingly.

I had fought against the inexplicable arousal this kid had kindled in me to no avail. My Kryptonian discipline had been overwhelmed.  The effort had left me feeling like I’d walked through a Kryptonite minefield. If not for the solid guys on either side of me, I might have lost my balance and my strength to stand.

Still, the gang’s leader kept moving his cock against mine with impossible power and skill. The kid was leaning back now, so that he could look down at where he was moving his dick against mine. I could still feel his big cock moving against my own and again, I had to look too.  I had softened somewhat after such a powerful ejaculation, but he was as hard as ever and had not produced so much as a drop of pre-cum.  He hadn’t cum like I had. He was still working his hips, working his body back and forth, still without cumming.

His self-control was awesome. He had won!  Somehow, he had beaten me.

“First one down, Big Blue and you lost.” He said in an almost casual voice. “We can go two out of three if you can get it up again, or you can just bow out now.”  He challenged without missing a beat of his steady thrusting.

Great Krypton, why would he not stop?  I struggled to reassert control over my body but…he was relentless.

I shook my head.  I’d never lost control like that before and wanted nothing else to do with the impossible, implacable dynamo that this kid was turning out to be.

“It’s the only way you’re going to save your girlfriend over there.”  the young man tormenting me nodded toward Jimmy.

“I don’t see that you have much choice, Superman”.  The guy in the t-shirt advised me with something like true empathy.

I suddenly remembered where I had seen him before.  “P-Professor Tyler?  Why on Earth are you here?”  This man was an eminent academic.  I’d attended his talks in sociology before at Metropolis University.  He was so out of place in this environment that I hadn’t been able to remember where I’d seen him before.

“I came here months ago to interview these men.  I was comparing aspects of tribalism and gang culture.  Markus here,”  He nodded toward the kid who was having his way with me.  “Well, he…persuaded me to stay here and serve.”

The kid yawned and stretched, bored.  But he was still moving against me with a steady powerful rhythm.  It made it hard for me to focus.

“I-I’ll get you out of here too, along with…umm…along with Jimmy.  I promise.”

He gave me a puzzled smile.  “What makes you think I want to leave.”

I gaped at him in confusion.

“Besides, what you or I might want is moot.”

“Cut the girl-talk bitches.  It’s time for round two.”  The kid asserted.  “That is, if you want to see your boy, Red keep breathing.”

Utterly trapped, I couldn’t manage anything other than a nod.

If this was what it took to get Jimmy out of here and in one piece, I had to make certain I did all I could.  If I could just get my focus back, surely my super strength and stamina could put this kid in his place.

His thick, grinding member continued to fluster me but I tried to muster some control, I concentrated on resisting the kid.  Still, I felt my own dick growing again, hardening against my will.  I recalled the contest I had witnessed the night before, how intimidation had been used as  weapon to win the contest between the two gang members.  Maybe the involuntary swelling of my cock could be used to my advantage.  Instead of resisting, I used my usually phenomenal bodily control to make myself as hard as possible.

When my cock was at its all out hardest and at its impressive full length, I started trying to match the kid, thrust for thrust.  Surely a mere Earth teen couldn’t match the endowment and stamina of a super-powered Kryptonian.

I managed a defiant stare as I kept pace with the punk.  Hammering at him with my fully powered up member.

“Oh, is that how you want to play it?”  The kid smiled, raising his eyebrows in amusement.

I gasped out loud as I felt his hard cock surge.  It became harder still and swelled even larger and thicker, its size easily surpassing my own. Without missing a beat, the kid pulled back and went at my totally outgunned cock from a different angle.

Arousal flooded me and I fought to keep standing when the kid’s unmatchable cock slid under mine, under my balls and through the tight clench of my legs, getting bigger with every thrust.

“Oh, yeah…” The gang leader said, holding his muscular arms over his head.  He looked like he was dancing at a club.  His muscular body gracefully executing a lewd choreography. 

“Superman’s gonna get ball-fucked!”  I couldn’t believe the sheer size of this kid.  My own massive cock, dwarfed more and more by his with each passing second, was now sliding against the young man’s rippling abs and the sensation was relentlessly stripping away more and more of my dwindling control.

A surge went through the crowd. The kid’s dick came out from between my legs and went back in a few more times. The power of it actually lifted me bodily off my feet, only the big men holding me in place kept me steady.  Pulling out one final time, he slid the blunt head up and it bobbed against mine.  Without changing his rhythm, he lengthened his thrusts, so that my cock was forced to slide along every inch of his larger tool.

“That all you got?”  The kid mocked as he ceaselessly drove home the fact of his superior size with every thrust.  “Guess I shouldn’t be calling you ‘Big’ Blue after all”.  He pushed forward and brought his body closer again. The scent of him was overwhelming my senses. He was all I could smell, now. The slight hint of soap and sweat, the hard scent of sex, it all crept into me – but I didn’t want it to! Rao help me, but I didn’t want to feel what I was feeling and I didn’t want to be here, his cock rendering me helpless.

I fought against him and the urges he was somehow able to coax from me. I closed my eyes, blocking out the sight of his whipcord body. In my mind, I conjured up flashes of Saturn, the rush hour traffic of Metropolis, the smell of Ma’s apple pie…I tried to flood my mind with these things.

But the kid’s mighty cock hammered them out of my mind with ease.

“Aw, look at you tryin’ to win.”  The kid teased.  “Let me show you how it’s done.”  He bent close, I could feel his breath in my ear.  He powered his cock against me with one especially powerful thrust.  I could feel the rock-hard head of his big dick move against my upper abs, far beyond where my own head could reach.  He whispered a simple two-word command in my ear.

“Cum, now.”

Shock flooded me as I felt the same tugging at my balls as I had before. My eyes flew open!  Again, I watched my body betray me. Cum shot from the head of my dick and fell against my abs in thick, hard drops. It pooled in my navel and oozed down my stomach into my trimmed pubic hair. I couldn’t believe the amount that this kid and his throbbing monster had pulled out of me for a second time!

“That’s two…you wanna go best of five?”

I looked past the kid’s grinning, handsome face to Professor Tyler.  He shrugged sympathetically but did nothing.

Again, I nodded reluctantly, there had to be a way of besting this boy and his cock. But that thought faded almost immediately with the new sensation of the kid moving closer into me, his stomach pressed hard against mine.  Somehow his tight, hard abs were grinding into mine with enough power that I struggled to breath. Between us, I felt his meat.  It was so hard that I could even feel the thick ridge of the vein on its underside pressed into my skin. He leaned against me so that I could breathe in his solid manly scent.

The gang leader’s meat mashed against mine.  His seemingly limitless stamina was once again on the verge of overwhelming me. I shook my head, and tried to keep myself from feeling his warm…thick…cock.

“How’s it feel, Blue?” The kid said in a low whisper. “Knowing that you’ve been defeated by this dick? Bet this is a first for you, isn’t it? Then again, maybe you’re a closet cock-lover!”

I shook my head desperately trying to focus.  “I’m Superman you punk.”  I gasped.  “I’ll find a way to beat you.”  Blood rushed into my cock again as I felt myself losing control.  I bucked against him as I hardened, desperately trying to take the fight to him with my steel hard cock, thick and slick with my previous two attempts to resist.

“Yeah Blue, I’m scared stiff.”  He said with a sly wink, somehow hardening that monstrous organ even more.  My Kryptonian cock yielded against his much harder tool as it kneaded my dick, even at my maximum hardness, like it was warm dough.  He looked me straight in the eyes.  Then, for the first time since he had first established his pace, he altered the speed of his thrusts.

He doubled it.

There was no way to keep up against him.  My eyes rolled back and I struggled not to pass out.

“Face it Blue, you can’t hang.”  He laughed and doubled the speed again, effortlessly.  There was simply nothing to be done against such prowess.

Not again, I thought. Please…not again.

Within seconds of accepting his third challenge, this kid had me shooting with such force that I momentarily lost consciousness.

“You fucking lost again, Blue!  This time, you shot quicker than you did before.”  The gang leader said, shoving away the men holding me and wrapping his muscular arms around me.  “Most losers shoot one load and then wimp out on me.  I’m gettin’ interested to see just how many times I can make you blow.”

My feet came off the ground as he adjusted my stunned body in his embrace, positioning me and tightening his hold as though gearing up to really see how far he could push me.  I was now totally enveloped in his muscular arms and torso, all working to keep me pinned so that his cock could keep up its devastating work.  His youthful enthusiasm as he reveled in his victory and skill might have been endearing if not for the fact that I was helplessly bearing the brunt of the marathon pounding his cock was tirelessly delivering.

“You ready for number four?…hey?…Little Blue?”  The kid tried to shake me back to full consciousness.  I could see him through my drooping eyelids as I fought not to pass out.  I struggled to respond.  It was nearly all I could do to stay semi-conscious.

“What’s wrong Blue, you lookin’ a little peaked.”  The kid laughed cruelly, I could see his tight, powerful ass hammering away like a steam engine in the mirror as he kept up the inhuman pace with which he was sliding that massive cock along mine.

“S…S-slow…”  I managed to plead, weakly.

“Oooh, you want me to slow down, that it?”  He asked, not slowing down in the slightest.  I managed a single nod, as I slapped weakly at his muscular back.

He appeared to consider it, then shook his head.  “Nope, not tired yet.”  he declared.

“Besides, I haven’t even topped out.  Check this shit out.”

I saw it in the mirror, but I couldn’t believe it.  The kid’s muscular ass pumped even faster, blurring with the motion of powering that enormous cock as it blitzed mine with more speed and power than a jack-hammer.

The power of it snuffed out the flickering flame of my consciousness almost instantly, even as my hyper stimulated cock once again went off like a geyser.  The last thing I heard was the kid laughing at me.  “Now this is a super power, huh, Little Blue.”

I was in and out of consciousness for a while.  At one point I could hear Professor Tyler speaking to the kid, almost pleading on my behalf.  “Not sure how much more he can take, boss.  You might want to ease up before you kill him outright.”

When I awoke, my balls were aching and I was wet with so much cum that it didn’t seem possible.

And the kid was still sliding his steel hard, massive cock against my comparatively small and exhausted semi-erect dick.  Thank Rao, he’d backed off and slowed enough to allow me to regain my senses.

“Theeere you are Blue.”  The kid laughed.  “Lost you before I could show you even half of what this bad boy can do.”  He bragged menacingly, picking up the pace again just enough to put real fear back into my heart.  “I got you swoonin’ like a little bitch.”

“Please…How do I…What…will make you stop?”  I asked, breathing hard and struggling to speak.

“Nothing you can do that’s for sure.”  He sneered.

Despair washed over me.  My mind was so addled at this point that it seemed perfectly plausible that the kid was capable of keeping this up until the end of time.  But after a few moment’s consideration, he sighed as though he’d grown bored.  “But I guess I got nothin’ else to prove with you.”  He said and suddenly stopped.  He bent forward slightly and let me regain my feet then released me from his arms.  He took a step back, checking out the end result of his handiwork on me.

I stood swaying and unsteady in front of him.  It was suddenly as though I had been transported to a wholly different universe.  One in which the main existential reality was the simple state of not being pounded by that unrelenting cock.

Suddenly, I could totally relate to that vanquished gang leader I’d encountered stumbling down the alley.

I opened my eyes, blinking. He stood, shoulders squared, arms out to his side, the kid turned and took in the crowd. I watched the V of his back and the thick muscles flex as he pumped his arms up and down.

All around me, the sound of cheering men erupted, the sound spilling out, up to the rafters. Flexing his powerful biceps in victory, he got them as excited as he was. His toned body moved in circles, his boxers slung beneath his trim hips exposing his round, muscular ass…that impossible, Kryptonian humbling ass.

Exhausted as I felt, to my utter disbelief, just the sight of him like that hardened my cock again and it began to throb with yet another ejaculation.  But nothing came out of its spasming head and I felt the erection collapse.

I looked down.  Between my legs, weak and deflated, my cock oozed its last drop of cum onto the cement floor.  He had pumped me completely dry.

I tried to find Jimmy but he wasn’t within my range of vision. Few things were within my range of vision – other than the moving, talking, fist-pumping gang leader and his unmatchable hard cock, wagging back and forth as he continued to work the crowd!

As the kid turned to face me that dominating cock was the first thing I saw. I tried to drag my eyes away from it, to tell myself that this was wrong and that I was stronger than this. Still, the length of the thing, the girth and thickness of it…the hard vein that pulsed along its shaft…it was inviting and so…very wrong.

He looked back at me.  It was like he was reading my mind.  He moved closer once more and smiled down at me and a stab of regret and shame shot through me.

White-hot and searing, shame crept up onto my cheeks and into my body. Cum on my stomach, in my uniform, spattered on my thighs, marked me and what had happened to me.

“Why don’t you get to your knees and suck on this dick?”

I shook my head, resolute that I would not do what he suggested.

“Let these boys see you beg for some of this mighty black cock. You know you’re wanting it.”

Rigid, black dick and tight muscles…cut abs and tight, powerful ass cheeks…it was so wrong!

Those narrow hips and that hard torso… my knees felt as though they were hot wax in front of his dark flame. Shame sent me to my knees.

“Oh, yeah! Pussy boy’s really wantin’ the dick, now, boys!!”

Laughter roared through the warehouse, catching like a fire with both rival gangs.

Hair hung down in my face, tears rolled along my cheeks and mingled with spent cum on the concrete floor. The scent of his sweat-coated body inundated my nose as I breathed in his smell. I knew he was standing in front of me without having to look up. The rich, masculine smell of his crotch assaulted my senses seconds before the first swat of his cock against my cheek. I would not open my mouth. I would not allow him the satisfaction!

“Don’t be a bitch! Open that pussymouth and take this bad boy in!”

I shook my head.

Again, he tapped my cheek with his cock. Warm strings of his pre-cum spattered along my cheek and chin, running down my face. When he hit me with his meat again, I was horrified at the sharp realization that I wanted him!

More than anything I’d ever wanted in my life, I wanted this cocky, arrogant, prick of a gang leader! The next few tappings of his prick against my face brought something to the surface I wasn’t even aware of. A deep humiliation of where I was mixed with a need and desire to have this awesome cock in my mouth and I fought against both forces!

Somewhere in that crowd, Jimmy was watching this. Silver-clear strings of cum spattered onto the bridge of my nose, the stuff catching the light. Bright color was rising in my cheeks.

“You want this big ole dick, don’t you?” The kid continued to club me across the face with his cock. “You want to suck me in front of all these dudes? Blow this awesome black monster in front of all these hot, horny fuckers! Put me in your worthless mouth and suck on a real man’s cock.  See what a real dick is like, how much bigger and harder it is than that little white marshmallow that’s between your legs!”

Again, I shook my head but I wanted to do what he said. I wanted to take all of his cock that I could get and force him to push me beyond! Silver-strings of cum slung across my cheeks and my lips. When I felt the boy’s hand on my face, his fingers tangling in my hair, the press of his silky cock-head on my lips…I opened my mouth.

“That’s a good pussy boy…”

I opened my mouth and let him shove the length of his cock into my throat! I let him slide that hot length in and out of my open, wet mouth over and over. All around me, I heard the chanting of the gang, the roaring laughter and cheers, the slick sloshing of this kid’s meat in my mouth and the soft, wet moans that sounded in my head like an explosion. Sucking, licking…mouthing. That’s all that I could think to do to him as he pummeled my face with his firm cock. Tears ran down my cheeks, each one like acid as they hit the floor. Shame and humiliation burned on my face as the crowd around me cheered on the kid feeding me his cock.

“Whose cock you got down your throat, pussyboy?” The kid asked. “It’s mine! That’s a real man’s dick ruling that mouth, ain’t it? Who’s the real Superman here, huh?”

Over and over, he pushed his hard meat into my mouth and throat. The crowd around me chanted and cat-called. I could do nothing but continue to swallow the boy’s hard meat. My face burned with shame, my throat burned with the friction of the kid’s cock and my own cock burned from the lust I felt. I wanted to stop him but I let him continue, feeling the sheer size of him pulsing in my mouth. The thick veins on his shaft throbbed against my tongue and I let him keep going. I wanted him to keep going.

“Oh, yeah!” the kid groaned. “Fuck, Little Blue! Feeding you real good…” he said, thrusting forward. “You…takin’ it better’n ANYBODY ever before”.

He picked up the pace.  He was finally giving himself over to the sensation in his cock.  Letting it slip free from the iron fist of his absolute control.  If I had been a human, I don’t think I would have survived what he was doing to me.

“And now…Little Blue…it’s MY turn…to…CUM!”

I was so blinded by the lust I felt in my groin, his words didn’t make sense. I was deaf to anything but the solid beat of his heart pulsing against my tongue through his cock. The word – CUM – blasted into my brain at the same time the real thing blasted into my mouth! I felt the first of his hot load hit the roof of my mouth. It was rich and salty and warm against my tongue. Greed flooded into me and I reached up to take that mighty ass in my hands.

“Uh oh.”  The kid said, chuckling softly through his animal arousal.  “Shouldn’t EVER … touch that ass…without permission.”

He forced more of his cock into my mouth and I was bombarded by the second shot of his spunk. It filled my mouth and spilled out over my chin. The third shot, I was forced to swallow or lose it to the concrete floor. The kid continued to pump his hot meat into my mouth, feeding me and all I could do…all I wanted to do, was to keep sucking down his sweet slickness.

But it just kept coming. He shot wave after powerful wave, quickly overwhelming even my new all-consuming hunger.

I sputtered and choked. When I swooned from lack of air, he pulled his awesome cock out of my throat and used it to plaster my face and upper body with his cum.

It was like being blasted by a firehouse.

I just managed to catch my breath before he plunged his still fountaining cock back down my throat.

Finally, he finished his mighty deluge.

“Who’s my bitch?” the kid said, pulling his all-conquering cock from my mouth. “Say it…”

The words were like acid on my tongue, but I said it. “I…am.” 

“What does the S stand for now, slut?” The kid went on. “Super blow boy?”

I nodded, the kid’s cum still fresh on my tongue.

“Say it, boy.” The kid said. “Who’s got the job when I want some weak-ass mouth on my big bad cock?”


“You’re my bitch,” The kid laughed. “Now and forever, right?”

“Now and forever,” I nodded, warm cum still in my mouth.

“Now, say goodnight, Little Blue. This is for grabbin’ more ass than you can handle.”  He forced his dick back into my mouth.  Which was fine with me.  Having it there now felt like my reason for existing.  He’d just shot what felt like gallons, but he was still hard.

Turned out, I had yet to see what ‘hard’ truly was.

With two quick strokes, he willed his dick larger…harder.   My lower jaw almost dislocated as he swelled huge in my mouth.  His throbbing head plunged much further than before down my throat and I was deprived of the ability to draw the slightest breath.

After he had utterly filled my mouth and throat, he started pumping his cock again.  I flailed and pushed against his hips, but couldn’t budge him or even slow down his thrusts.  I felt the shaft of his cock sliding against my teeth, but it was so hard that he didn’t even notice.  My tongue was shunted to the side of my mouth where it too was forced against my teeth, but unlike his impervious cock, I could feel my tongue being lacerated painfully.

In my weakened state, I was unable to cope for long without oxygen.  Still he grew, my jaw cracked and creaked, I felt a chip of tooth enamel grind inside my cheek as the world grew dark and I passed out cold.


“Good work, Olsen!” The dark-skinned kid called out as he bobbed his massive cock up and down, making Superman’s unconscious body jump and dance like a marionette before bouncing the unconscious hero off the enormous tool and sending the Kryptonian’s limp form sprawling on the ground before him.

“Now, as a reward, how about you come nurse on my cock for a bit?!”



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1 thought on “The Case of the Cock-Fighters
4.6 (8)

  1. Hot, hot, hot. Frottage is a huge turn-on, so it's great to have page after page after page of the competitive rubbing taking MOS down. The blowjob ending was good, well written for sure. A long rubby scene of Supe getting that mighty stone cock up his ass would have taken me all the way to cumming. Suck= 5 outta 10, but Fuck = 12 outta ten. And frot blows them all away!

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