April 2021

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 3
4.5 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 4.5]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 3   (Superman’s Thoughts): “uuhhh, can’t think straight….pleasant feelings….I close my eyes….something is happening to me…but yet…I still can’t focus….I can only focus on warm…fuzzy…..feeling….uhhhhh.” (Zanes’s Thoughts): “very interesting….I’m enjoying groping Superman….perhaps the reason he is like this is because I’m stimulating his erogenous zones…he must not get a lot of action…maybe I’m ‘reminding’ him of what he desires…Now, let’s see what the male erogenous zones were….the package, the feet, neck, ears, eyelids, inner thighs, under his arms….behind the knees, his ass….” Zane decided to test out his theory, disguising his sinister ‘experiment, he got Superman into a Boston crab position, which meant Superman was lying face down as his legs were bent high into the sky with his shins underneath Zane’s armpits. At this moment, Zane used his fingers to stimulate Superman behind his knees, through the blue fabric. He let Superman’s legs fall to the ground. Superman turned around, half dazed, the hair on his head soaked with sweat. Zane grabbed Superman’s red booted feet and squeezed, again noticing the softening of Superman’s body and the… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 3

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 2
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 2 The Man of Steel was led onto a metal table. The dull metallic surface  was in stark contrast to the colourful blue and red costume that adorned Superman’s muscular body. The staff member spoke “normally we would request you to remove your super suit Superman, but for the purposes of speeding up the process I  don’t think it will make much difference.” Superman looked around, always eager to help, “Ok, no problem. what will  I wear in the wrestling ring?” The staff member smiled “Your famous costume of course!” At that moment there was a knock on the door, and Jean Howard, the business owner, walked in. “Ah Superman, thank you again for your participation! We are always trying to find unique ways to raise money for charity!” Superman smiled, always the good citizen “Always glad to help. How much  have we raised so far?” Jean did some mental sums in his head “hmm, let’s see, we had the broadcast rights of $2Million, ticket sales of $1Million, so $3Million so far.” Superman was surprised “that’s excellent, is that… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 2

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 1
3 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 3]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 1   The buildings were run down; most of them boarded up, with rusty nails which stuck out dangerously, the walls covered over with messy graffiti. This seedy part of town had been largely neglected by Metropolis City Hall. Until one day, an old warehouse was bought by a local businessman, Jean Howard. In no time, it was converted into a boxing ring and gym. And so the old run down building was revamped and renamed ‘Superbox’. Whilst this area was notorious for crime and unemployment, the gym had provided employment opportunities for the local hobos. Without Jean’s help, they would have continued to beg for money and rely on community handouts. Jean trained them to perform manual tasks such as cleaning and setting up the gym and boxing ring. It wasn’t long before Metropolis City Hall awarded a prestigious Mayor’s prize to Jean for services to the community. Jean was flattered, and commented that his greatest reward was to serve the community and see it improve. One of the staff members suggested a PR boost could be… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 1

Superman Learns to Wrestle
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman learns to wrestle… It was a request he couldn’t resist. Superman had been asked to appear at a charity pro-wrestling match to raise money for under privileged kids in the neighbourhood. He would be handing out the prizes to the winning wrestlers of the tournament and mixing with the kids. He’d actually always been a fan of wrestling but of course he could never wrestle another guy himself in case he injured his opponent, but he followed all the big names and caught up with the fights on TV when he had time. Arriving at the venue, a gym in a rough part of town, he quickly scanned the inside with his x-ray vision noting that there were just a couple of guys in a ring grappling on the canvas. He could see no audience or reporters to cover his arrival. Curious, he entered the gym and began walking up to the ring – the wrestlers inside seeming oblivious to his presence. “Hey, guys, I’m here for the….”, before he could finish the sentence, a thick cloud of greenish smoke blew out from… Read More »Superman Learns to Wrestle

Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 2
4.7 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.7]  Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 2              The man of steel awoke alone, still groggy, thanks to a night of tormented dreams.  Erotic and vivid imaginings of beautiful man on man sex, most of which starred him and the young man from the club.  At first they all seemed innocent enough.  The boy thanking him for rescuing him from the clutches of an evil pimp, and Bobby thanking him and in awe of his overwhelming strength and of the near perfect body of earth’s greatest champion.  Of course the dreams slowly became seedier.  One began with Superman arriving at the nightclub, and seeing Bobby dancing in his boots and firemen’s hat.  Waving his cock around like a fire hose.  As the dream continued, Superman who had been drinking shots of tequila at the bar climbed upon the stage and after kissing Bobby deep and hard on the mouth, pulled down his blue trunks and let Bobby kiss and suck on his beautiful cock, which Bobby and the stud of steel both enjoyed immensely, as did the crowd that gathered.  As the… Read More »Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 2

Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 1
4.2 (6)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 6 Average: 4.2]  Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 1                 The Man of Steel patrolled the calm starry night’s sky, scanning the streets below with his X-Ray eyes.  The streets of the city he had sworn to protect were unusually quiet.  It was a wonderful scene and filled the proud hero with a sense of calm serenity that he was certain was similar to the gratification genuine humans got from the act of sexual release.                 It was near eleven thirty as he continued his patrol of the evening sky, the harsh wind whipping his mop of black hair around making him seem even more masculine and powerful.  His sense of calm was broken however by the dense sound of throbbing base music.  Suddenly an explosion of fireworks illuminated the night sky and the man of steel gazed at the lights perplexed.  It was clearly a violation to detonated fireworks within the city limits of the great city, and so he headed off in the direction of the throbbing base, and towards where his eyes had spied the fireworks which continued to explode in the sky above… Read More »Superman Powerhouse to Plaything Part 1

Got Milked?
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  Got Milked? A story by Shabeted Prologue Jimmy Olsen had just started showering when he heard the doorbell ring. Wondering who it could be, he stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and went to answer the door. To his utmost surprise, the person at the door was none other than Lex Luthor the criminal mastermind. Jimmy’s moment of surprise was all Lex needed to slap a chloroform-soaked cloth on Jimmy’s nose and mouth. Jimmy snapped back to his senses but not before breathing in the noxious fumes. He turned and tried to run into his apartment or so his mind told him to. But his body, which had already started to become affected by the chloroform, only managed a slow stumble into his room. Lex made a grab for the staggering Jimmy and managed to snag his towel. The towel came off and Lex was treated to the sight of Jimmy’s naked ass. Lex calmly closed the door and follow stumbling Jimmy Olsen into the room to finish the task. He grabbed Jimmy from behind with left hand while… Read More »Got Milked?

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 83-84-85
3.7 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 3.7]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 83   Superman followed Lois and Charles out on to the veranda at poolside. Night had fallen and a soft, seductive tropical breeze carried the scent of night-blooming jasmine to his nostrils. The defeated hero was pliant and willing. Charles Bryant had trained him well in the art of pleasuring male flesh. So complete was his sexual conversion that Superman actually was excited about the prospect of being with a man other than Charles. Or even two other men. He felt excited and sexy in the lingerie and makeup that he had been dressed in. He wondered if the man or men would want to make love to him or would he be told to make love to them. Either way the conquered superhero felt a tingle in his cock. A cock hardening and straining against the silken captivity of the thong confining his manhood. A golf cart was at poolside and Charles got in and gestured for Lois and Superman to join him. Lois got in the rear seat and Superman… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 83-84-85

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 81-82
0 (0)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 81   The days shadows grew long on Charles Bryant’s island paradise. The day was done. A captured Superman awoke from his long, late afternoon nap. He felt very refreshed and stretched his mighty body like some great cat as he lay there on the black satin sheets. Bryant had told him he would need his rest and he was right. He had slept soundly. His thoughts returned to the mornings events. Bryant had grown angry at him for speaking out of turn. He had made an example of him at breakfast. Dragging him into the garden and forcing him to his knees to blow him. Lois Lane there to see his shame. Not just see it but to revel in it. He knew Lois was aroused by the fact that Charles Bryant had tamed him. Not just tamed him but had turned her husband into his personal bitch and suck-slave. Superman was ambivilent about her and no longer could generate strong emotions. Lois was his wife and he her husband but… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 81-82

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 79-80
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 79 Lois Lane was sitting alone at the poolside table when Charles Bryant arrived for breakfast, Superman tagging behind him. She knew right away that there was a problem. Her husband’s eyes were downcast and it seemed by his demeanor that he was upset. Lois had cut flowers from the garden and they were on the breakfast table. Along with freshly cut assorted fruits, tomato juice and an onion omelet with some feta cheese sprinkled on top. It was being kept warm in a chaffing dish. Against her will, her heart fluttered at the sight of Charles Bryant. So commanding. So male and virile. She wished he did’nt have such a powerful impact on her. Hated the fact that he was vitually irresistable. Bryant spoke pleasantly to her, “Good Morning Lois. Where is Mona this morning?” Lois replied, not missing the opportunity to torment The Man of Steel even further, “Mona is doing some extra training this morning in the gym. She says we’ve been spending so much time in bed together… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 79-80

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 77-78
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 77 Charles Bryant rose from his rumpled bed and stretched his mighty body. He felt refreshed. Wonderfully satisfied from the previous evenings debauchery. Life was good and the mega-billionaire was pleased. Bryant had pulled Lois and Superman into an even lower circle of depravity. Having both of them taking turns sucking his cock while the other watched just inches away with glazed eyes…now that was a trip. Time to bathe away the dried cum and sweat of the previous night and start a new day. He walked casually into the opulent bathroom where he found his prisoner, Superman, sitting obediently on the side of the huge bathtub. The captive was naked. Sponges and scented oils were at the ready to serve his conquorer. Bryant slipped slowly into the hot, scented waters. Lying back he closed his eyes and surrendered to the pure luxury of the bath. Superman began the process of sudsing and cleaning his captor. As he abased himself in such menial duties he again felt the tingle of submissive pleasure.… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 77-78

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 75-76
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 75   Superman sat naked on the black satin sheets in stunned disbelief. Lois Lane also watched the shocking scene unfolding on the plasma screen which had descended from the ceiling of the opulent bedroom. She could scarcely believe her astonished eyes. The mighty and invincible Batman knelt naked before Charles Bryant as his conquorers hard cock slid in and out of his willing mouth. His bat-uniform lay discarded on the bedroom floor. His cowl, the last bit of clothing concealing his identity and dignity, lay on the floor next to the defeated superhero. It might as well have been just a black rag, a scrap of cloth with no meaning. To Superman and Lois, it was clear that as far as Charles Bryant was concerned, Batman was there solely to pleasure him. The man who had put the feared Batman on his knees. The hand-held camera moved slowly about presenting the scene from every angle. Superman gasped aloud when the camera slowly closed on Batman’s broad back and then panned down… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 75-76

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 73-74
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 73   The heat of the moment slowly subsided. Lois backed away and lay with her cheek on Bryant’s smooth thigh. The taste of cum was in her mouth. She watched Superman as he lay with his face on Bryant’s hard stomach. The thick cock slowly deflating in his mouth. A look of pleasure on the face of the fallen superhero as the last of the cum dripped from his masters cock. Charles Bryant spoke to Lois softly in the dim light of the bedroom. “Look at him Lois. Just a sissy aching to suck on a mans cock. He’s been a pussy all of his life. You just never knew it. Without his vaunted powers he’s just a cunt eager to be tamed. He did’nt know it either until I put a hard cock in front of him and rubbed it on his lips. Only then did he know what he was born to do.” Superman made no response to those burning words other than a low moan of acceptance issueing… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 73-74

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 71-72
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 71A   Moments later the door to Charles Bryant’s bedroom opened and Mona strode in followed by a naked Lois Lane. Obediently trailing several paces behind her Mistress. Her statuesque body dirty and streaked with sweat. Her ass was an angry red from the paddling she had gotten. Mona pulled Lois in front of her, presenting her for Bryant’s approval. Neither woman said anything as they looked down at the two naked men. Their cocks were barely hidden by the black satin sheets across their waists. In the dim light of the bedroom, both men looked like demi-gods and it was quite apparent to the two women that both men had just finished love-making. Superman had a relaxed, flushed look to his face as he contemplated his naked, disheveled wife. Lois returned his look with concentrated fury in her eyes. It was he, this broken, defeated superhero, who had given Mona the OK to whip her ass with the leather paddle. She had vowed he would pay for that. Regardless of the… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 71-72

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 69-70
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 69 Charles Bryant lay back against amoung the pillows in his huge bed. Totally relaxed and enjoying the deep satisfaction of his needs that comes with sexual release. Superman lay with his face against Bryant’s broad, muscular chest. Eyes closed, he was murmuring in contented bliss, having just blown Charles Bryant and then confessed his need to be used by him, to pleasure him in any way Bryant wished. Superman seemed untroubled by the scene taking place on the tv screen near the bed. A measure of how deeply Bryant had taken control of the two of them. His wife, Lois Lane, lay weeping and begging Mona for mercy after the thrashing she had just taken at her hands. But there would be no mercy for the star reporter this night. Mona’s bloood was up. This night Lois would satisfy Mona’s sexual demands. That was certain. Lois might fool her husband or other men, even other women, but Mona had her number exactly. She knew Lois Lane was a needful bitch aching… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 69-70

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 67-68
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 67 Superman sat upright in Bryant’s bed stunned by the picture on the TV of Lois hanging in chains. Ball-gag jammed in her mouth, dripping sweat, impaled in both ass and pussy by vibrator and dildo. Angry welts visible on her thighs and ass. As he watched, mesmerized by the spectacle of his wife in the clutches of Mona, Bryant whispered seductive thoughts in his ear. Reminding him of her infidelity and the passionate response she had when paddling his ass and watching the branding of his buttock. As the captured superhero watched Lois writhing in captivity, Mona pulled the ball-gag roughly from her mouth. There was no audio but it was obvious from Lois’ actions that she was pleading for mercy. Bryant’s hand slid slowly up Superman’s  naked thigh, claiming his manhood as he gently urged Superman to decide what to do with Lois. What the fallen hero did not know was that a tiny microphone above the headboard was broadcasting every word the two men spoke into the room was… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 67-68

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 65-66
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 65 “I’m not finished with him. Not nearly finished with him.”  Superman lay in the warm, scented bath in a blissful state of near  oblivion and total sexual satisfaction. The words spoken to Lois by  Charles Bryant baarely registered in his mind. Only that there  would be more sex in his masters bed before this night ended. For the very first time he now thought of Charles Bryant, not by his name, but as “my master.” He was totally relaxed, dreamily reflecting on the dull, pleasant ache in his ass. An erotic reminder of Charles Bryant fucking that virgin ass. At first gently and then brutally as he had his way with the subjugated superhero. Pretention between Bryant and Superman was long past. Superman had been taken from behind, doggy style, brutally fucked and had behaved, finally, like a bitch in heat. Crying out for more. Pushing back at Bryants hips as they slammed that thick cock into his ass. Finally, totally under control, pleading, begging for Bryant to cum in his… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 65-66