The Last Kryptonian: Prelude Parts 1-3
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The Last Kryptonian:  Prelude

Author: Unknown


The following characters Superman and original kryptonian beings are the property of DC comics.  No copyright is intended and this story is just an individual authors fantasy.

Part 1

Superman,  the true hero boyscout of the universe.   The most powerful man in the universe.   Originating from the planet krypton and now residing on earth since his forced exile from his birth planet.   He has seen glimpses over the year of what his home planet was like never knowing the true story of his home planet.   He will soon learn there is so much more to the planet of his birth and not everything is as he has been told.

Many eons ago in the Andromeda Galaxy there was a planet that was teeming with life with no name.   There was life all over the planet and its inhabitants actually lived in underground dwellings very technologically advanced.  They were biped aliens standing anywhere from 6 feet tall to 8 feet tall and weigh anywhere from 300 to 450 lbs a piece.   They were light tan skinned creatures that had no concept of clothing or need for such garbs.   Due to the radiation of the red sun and radiation belts they could not expose themselves on the surface of the planet for very long periods of time.   

Underground they built a  teeming large technologically advanced world far beyond anything human kind has ever known.   They all had large sexual organs for reproduction and since they were omnisexual beings they were able to reproduce and bear children based on the attachments to their partners.   This  was their life for many many years.  

Eventually their scientist predicted that the planet was going to recieve a even greater dose of radiation that would penetrate through the surface of the planet due to a solar flare storm that was about to happen.   They created a series of Stasis chambers for their population to hibernate in.   The lead scientist would then be awoken after 20 years to see if the planet was safe for the other residents to be awoke and return to their life.     So just days before the solar storm their whole society enters their chambers and put to slumber all with the intent of preserving their society and culture.  


Part 2

Over the next twenty thousand years this unnamed planet in the andromeda galaxy has underwent some major changes.   It developed a atmosphere that could sustain life on the surface and a new humanoid race resides on the planet now.   This new race has named the planet Krypton and is well developed at this present time.   They have their own science division, run by a man named Jor-El, who constantly monitor the planet and surrounding space to ensure no harm comes to them.   Crime is minimal and criminals are banished from the society  to the outlands of the planet or out into space.   They believe that they have the utopian society here that everyone craves.   They are about to find out how wrong they are.

3 days before explosion:

Jor-El was having a pretty normal day in his office at the science institute reviewing information that had been collected over the past couple months from space.  It was late in the day and all the other scientist had left to get some rest for the night.   He was actually beginning to get a little disturbed by the data.   Jor-El honestly believed that the nearby sun was going to grow and then go nova on itself within the next five days.   He had a presentation to give the governing body in regards to his data and hypothesis to prepare for in 2 days.   He sets the  data aside and takes a minute to reflect on just how much has changed from 20 years ago while picking  up the plans for the intergalactic rocket that he had been developing in his free time.   This was something that he eventually hoped could be used to explore the nearby Milky Way galaxy in the near future.   Some planets there had him intrigued about what possible life existed there. 


20 years earlier: 

On this particular dig which had very little assistance with since most of the rest of the science society was focused on the decaying orbit of stars and nearby planets in the galaxy.   He had been exploring and mapping this particular cavern for nearly a month now picking up remains of rudimentary fossils and tools that he felt were tens of thousands years old.   His own society was still relatively new to the planet maybe only being there about 50 or so years.   He knew that this cavern had been explored before in the past but no one had ever mapped it or gone as far in as he had.   He was a 25 year old man standing 6’2″  and a very built frame of 235 lbs so he could easily handle all the physical work that this exploration took on him.    He hoped that by exploring this cavern he could locate a new resource of much needed minerals and  water which were necessary for further terraformin of the planet.    He is just about to reach the end of tunnel that is partially blocked by falling debris which he has been removing and exploring.   There is finally a opening large enough for him to safely pass through and explore further down.    He lights up a new light source and walks through the opening into a enormous hollow open space about 3 miles in diameter with about 10 other tunnel openings leading out from it.  In the center of the complex stands 3 different structures all made out of a transparent metal he did not recognize.    In amazement he approaches the first of the three structures and starts exploring the warm exterior with his hands about a third of the way down the first wall he see’s a recessed rectangular area that runs from the floor to a height of almost ten feet high.   With very little force this area gives way and opens up revealing the inside of the structure.   The whole space and adjoining caverns light up brightly upon the structure opening.   With a bit of apprehension Jor-El decides to  enter the structure and see what is inside.   Once inside what he finds looks like a fully funcitonal lab with exam tables, burners, high tech computers,  and numerous other machines that he does not recognize.   He then looks towards the out walls and see’s many capsules all sealed and linked together.   They stand over 8 feet tall each and are completely sealed and enclosed as far as he can tell.   Taking a few pictures he rushes out of the structure and cavern in a rush to show what he has found to the scientific  community.    He exits the cavern and mounts his hover flier all excited.   He knows that he has found a gold mine for his society to explore.   


3 days before explosion: 

Jor-El is lost in his thoughts about all the developments that have occured since that date 20 years ago.  All of the technology they currently have is due to him finding that underground society and integrating their technology and history with their own.    Their community had gone from a society of about two hundred thousand habitants to almost a million and growing at a exponential rate each year.  They could traverse hundreds of miles in just seconds due to transporters, open windows to new dimensions beyond their wildest dreams, and produce all their own resources with very little drain to the eco-system.   He even smiled as he thought about how he was able to impregnate his wife lara, previously unable to have children, who just gave birth to his son Kal-El just 3 months ago due to that technology.   He just imagined what it would be like to meet this ancient kryptonian race.  In his lab down the hall he still had the first original pod that he found 20 years ago in hopes he could open eventually.

As if on cue alarms start to ring out and his visual dipslay screen pops up in front of him jarring Jor-El back to reality.     His lab was on the display barely visible due to a thick smoky fog.   Jor-El, who is alone at the facility rushes to the lab to examine what happened and when he opens the door he is immediately overtaken by the fog as it rushes out into the corridor.  Jor-Els eyes adjust in a matter of seconds to be able to start making objects out in the lab.   The first thing that catches his eye though is the 8 foot well built humanoid figure that is outlined  across the room near where the pod had originally been stored.    Jor-El thought he must be dreaming so closed his eyes for another 10 seconds then opened them again just to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.   Opening his eyes the mist that had permeated the room had dissapated enough he could clearly see this eight foot tall naked being from head to toe standing where the pod had originally been stored. Without approaching the being Jor-El took in the magnificent specimen 20 feet away from him.   The being was easily 8 foot tall,  a estimated 400 lbs of chiseled mass and developed muscle.   Even his manhood was as thick as a regular humans wrist and hanging softly at a length of about 9 inches and uncircumsized.  The being just stood their like a statue with eyes closed but the chest heaving indicating that it was alive.  Jor-El quickly grabbed a nearby handheld medical computer to see about scanning the being in front of him in hopes to scan it remotely before it became alert of its surroundings.   He quickly powered on the unit and started the scan.   The beam hit the being and suddenly its eyes opened and started scanning its surroundings.   There was about a 5 minute pause as the two just stood there looking each other over and the surrounding lab which was still intact and looking none the worse for wear.   Then Jor-El  hears a calming voice directly in his mind stating, “Who are you and where am I?”   Then the being across from him collapses on the floor of the room.   Jor-El rushes to the creature and scans him again to verify it is still alive.   The scan shows where the beings heart is Jor-El touches the area near the beings enormous pectoral region to verify it is pumping.    The scan shows that the beings muscles though are severly atrophied causing the being to collapse.   Jor-El transports the being to a medical lab for further examination.   For the next 4 hours the being is laid on the table with computers working to stimulate his muscles.   The scans show that the being is absorbing the energy and radiation so quickly it  was repairing its muscles faster then Jor-El had ever seen.  The being seems to be asleep the whole time so Jor-El does alot of hands on exploring of the being as well rubbing his muscles, exploring its reproductive areas watching that humungous circumcised cock respond and get to a full hard length of 13 inches and as thick as a mans regular forearm.   The beings flesh is so warm to the touch Jor-El just had to keep exploring.   Hoping to extract a sample of genetic material Jor-El continues to stroke the cock for almost a full hour.   Suddenly Jor-El sees the being open its eyes and in his mind he hears the command “Don’t Stop”   In just a few more strokes the creature is spillings its seed shooting out in jets completely destroying the dish Jor-El hoped to capture the seed in.   The beings eyes then shut again immediately and its energy levels drop excessively low and the energy absorbtion into the being seems to ramp up for a extended period of time.   Jor-El pulls up a chair and sits next to the being admiring it for the remainder of the night after calling Lara and explaining what happened. 


2 days before explosion:

When the being awoke again the next day.  Jor-El was in the chair observing it just waiting their with wide open eyes.   Jor-El thought it might be more comfortable and easier for them to understand each other if the being awoke to see a similar humanoid present with him so he had stripped all his clothes to reveal his own naked body matching the beings.   The being started to look over Jor-El’s naked body and did see some similarities,   Jor-El was only six foot 2 inches and weighed only about two hundred pounds now with about a 5 inch cock that was circumcized.  For a man Jor-Els age he was very handsome.   Jor-El though only seemed to have a cock for reproduction which puzzled the being.   For a couple of hours Jor-El would try and talk to the being to get a name, where it was from,  see what all information he could gather.   Even though Jor-El verbalized everything the being seemed to pick up more by physical demonstration.   Once in awhile Jor-El would get a mental command he understood but usually it was a simple thought structure of about 2 to 3 words.   Words like “Must find home.,  Where am I,   and pleasant sensations to the being were about all Jor-El could understand and make out.  His wife created a pair of pants/shorts for the being which Jor-El demonstrated to him on how to put on.    The being was able to move around on his own and walk on his own as well.    About mid morning more of the scientist started to come into the science hall.   Jor-El called them all in together to show the being to them all and they all got excited at this development.   Jor-El explained that he had other duties he had to take care of, meeting with the board of governors and rechecking about the pending nova from their red sun.   In his mind he heard the being say “Understand” and Jor-El left the room full of the being and five scientists that said they would stay with the being to study it.     In his office Jor-El worked on finishing his report to the governing body.  The latest data collected showed increased gravitational pull from the red sun was increasing greatly hour by hour.   The original timeline Jor-El had of 5 days had shrunk by 12 hours overnight.  Every couple of hours Jor-El would check in on the scientist and being but no real progress seemed to be made since the morning.   About 6pm in the evening Jor-El heard a thought from the being “Must Leave” and then heard some large crashing from his lab.  Jor-El had just finished his report for the governing body and got up and rushed to the lab.   What he found when he opened the door was all 5 scientist laying on the floor naked, covered in cum, and their asses ripped open with the being no where in sight.   Jor-El quickly locked down the building but no sign of the creature was found.    It had just disappeared.  


Day of the explosion:  

The original kryptonian used an ability it had when fully energized to transport to return back to his home.   He was unsure if he would make it or not.    He then came to realize that he was on his home planet but when he arrived home all he saw around him was destroyed, ravaged  and in pieces.   It looked like someone had completely ransacked all the parts of his labratory complex.    Using all the energy he had he started transporting from underground dwelling to dwelling to find similar results.   All he ever saw was signs on the structures that all said “Property of the House of El”.  Emotionally all this came to was further anger at the interlopers and a hatred for the society that was on the surface.   Jor-El as he figured out was a liar to him it seemed.    The other doctors only wanted to experiment on him all the time and take advantage of him sexually.    His blood boiled with hatred.    His energy levels only stayed high enough due to all his hatred that he was forming.   Due to their influence he started to indentify himself as being more male so his body started producing more male hormones that only fueled his rage more.   He then started to feel the planet start shaking violently like it was being torn apart.  


During this same time Jor-El went back to his office for a quick look at the latest data.    The latest showed that again another 12 hours had been shaved off the timeframe before the nova of the red sun occured.   He must present these findings to the governing body and insist that they evacuate the planet in order to survive.     He went to the council meeting to present his findings.  They governors did not agree with his finding though, due to inaccurate data that their own computers fed them that did not match Jor-Els.    Fearing the worse Jor-El went to his home and told his wife Lara of his beliefs and that their only hope of survival would be to flee the planet with his rocket.   Unfortunately they would have to decide who would be the traveler.   They decided to send their sun Kal-El to the Milky Way galaxy to a planet called earth in hopes that their memories would survive.   Jor-El sent memory crystals about their society and its findings.   He was in the middle of the dictating what he could about the ancient kryptonians when he felt the planet violently shake.    He immediately called to Lara to grab his Son and load him in the rocket.   He grabbed all the crystals, except the ones he was dictating and loaded them up with his son, family crest, and a sample fabric blanket in the rocket.    He and Lara kissed their son and closed the rocket capsule. 

Out of the blue after the shocks subsided the ancient kryptonian appeared in front of Jor-El.   Jor-El hit the button to start the launch countdown of the rocket simultaneouslly.    The engines fired off and the rocket left the house of El sending its contents on their path to earth.  Without a word being said Jor-El could see that the ancient kryptonian was enraged.   Without even a thought the being turned on Lara and grabbed her and threw her across the room, where her body snapped due to the force of his throw.    Jor-El was shocked as the being approached him.   The being then quickly grabbed Jor-El and ripped his clothes off.   He stripped off his shorts, revealing his thickening cock and forced Jor-El’s mouth onto it.   Jor-El could not object as it kept thickening and lengthening the full 13 inches down his throat, which caused him to tear up in pain.    Another more violent planet tremor occured disturbing him and the being leading til a short seperation for 2 to 3 seconds before the being grabbed Jor-El again.    This time he flipped the naked Jor-El over and shoved his fist in Jor-Els ass completely dry making Jor-El sob in so much pain.   Five minutes of fisting and the ancient kryptonian started to leak precum on his swollen cock.    He shoved it all the way in to Jor-El and started to fuck him raw and fast.   Jor-El could feel the beings climax approaching and could only anticipate the dread.     Then just before the being climax, Jor-El got a mental message saying “Death to all El and culture.  I will hunt all of your kind down and kill you all.”    The being began to shoot his load while fully immersed in Jor-Els ass and the force of the blast started tearing Jor-Els body apart causing instant death.   Immediately after his climax the ancient kryptonian disappeared from the house of El with two dead bodies and a need to recharge before destroying everyone else of the surface world.    Just then another large quake occurred this time followed by a explosion from the planets core fragmenting it into large chunks hurtling into space.  


Part 3

25 years before arrival near earth: 

In the Andromeda Galaxy the Planet known as Krypton is exploding into millions of pieces and chunks.   Virtually all the residents of the planet are killed due to the explosion but at least one survivor is known,   The little boy rocketed away by Jor-El named Kal-El.   He is on his way to the Milky Way galaxy and the planet known as earth.   The original kryptonian that was awoken just a couple days before the explosion had already extracted part of his revenge for the murder of his people by raping and killing Jor-El just before the explosion and transported home to formulate his plan to hunt down and kill all the remaining invaders on his home planet.   Just as soon as he appears at home he feels the planets earthquake and explosion.    By shear luck his home, which is embedded into a large chunk of the planet is intact.   It is quickly though loosing its atmosphere and being bombarded by severe radioactivity of various types.   His only chance to survive is to put himself in a stasis tube again in hopes that his home lands on a future habital planet so he can resume his revenge on the interlopers that invaded and destroyed his world.  Fully naked, sweaty, and with still some cum on its hard cock the ancient being enters the stasis pod and sets the timer for 10 years in hopes that would be plenty of time to plan his revenge and figure out how to survive.   Unfortunately what the ancient being is unaware of is that his pod has cracks which exposes him to all the ambient radiation that his chunk of planet is being exposed to as it travels through space.   All this radiation is changing him in some minor ways like coloring, mass, and hormone physiology.    What will he be when it awakes it will not know but it doesn’t care.   All the thoughts it has are about revenge on the invaders. 


2 years before arrival near earth:  

For a period of 23 years the ancient kryptonian floated around various parts of the Andromeda Galaxy without waking and unaware of the changes that was happening to his body.   The color of his skin went from very pale tan to a rich dark green as well as the iris of his eyes turning to a green color.   All of the muscles including its cock had become even more massive due to the radiation exposure that was sustained.  The alarms on his stasis pod started sounding alerting the being to a change to his environment.  The stasis pod that he was in was no free floating in space no longer attached to the chunk of planet that it was launched with.    It was being pulled by a alien craft into its cargo hold which is why the alarms were going off and trying to awaken the being.   The alien craft bringing in his stasis pod belonged to a race called the Seeders.  They are scavengers of the Andromeda Galaxy who pick up debris, artifacts, and various junk and sell it to other aliens throughout the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxies.  The Seeders themselves were a bipedal alien species with four legs, four arms, standing about five and half to six feet tall.   Average body weight of about 200lbs  and well formed muscle structures.   Even the women of the species looked like developed men due to the nature of their work.   Their breasts looked more like male pectorals and they even had hair in some of their areas that normal women did not have.    They were a homo-erotic species with each gender having their own roles to play which was done for recreation for both as well as reproduction.   The seeders actually thought they were bringing in a piece of debris to examine to look for things to sell.   They are about to get the suprise of their lifetime once the stasis pod is aboard their craft.

The stasis pod settles on their floor and immediately it opens up and the being inside steps out into their cargo bay.    The radiant green being that they see emerge from the pod is actually pouring out energy radiation from all over its now almost 9 foot frame on two legs that are large enough to seem like great oak tree trunks.   His body is rigid and mounding with muscles at almost 650 lbs smooth all over with no sign of hair anywhere on his body.  Its muscles fill out the mammoth frame of the being with perfect symetry that it looks like a god that other beings dream of.   When it opens it eyes green sparks flash out of the corners of its eyes.   The cock between the beings thighs is the envy of all the seeders because they have never seen a uncut cock so massive.   It is easily 10 inches with a nice hood in a flacid state.   I just radiates energy from it as it swings between the beings thighs.   

Once they are able to speak they all start talking at once but the being is unable to make out a single word they say.    The seeders finally realize that and reach to a computer screen and flip a switch for a universal translator in hopes that they can communicate with the being.   The seeder who seems like the head of the crew starts saying simple words in his native language but the being still does not understand anything.  Finally the being pipes up in his native languauge “Where am I?”.    The translator seems to recognize it and relay a simple hello to the seeders.    Communication has begun.   The ancient kryptonian realizes that this is place for him to begin his new life and makes his plans for the extinction of the invader people that destroyed his home.   He just will have to keep that to himself though for the time being.  

For the first week on the seeders ship the being basically was like a student learning the native language and about the seeders purposes in life embracing their culture.   The leader of the seeders who was the commander of this space ship gave the being a empty quarters that they had on the ship for him to be able to rest and gather his thoughts.    The being decided that he was going to identify himself more as a male now even though he still had interst in having sex with both types of sexes and it seemed that his reproductive organs were all intact.    To test that out he actually took a full day in the privacy of his quarters and worked over his entire body.   His Pectorals and nipples were now highly sensitive to touch and even some harder pinching and tweaking as he worked over them.   He then worked over the rest of his tight abdominal area with a firm but smooth massage which only made him more excited over the sensations he was feeling.   His cock actually enlarged to a size of easily 14.5 inches and still just as thick as it ever was.   Precum flowed out of his cock like a river providing lots of natural lubrication for him to jack off with.   His balls looked like they were the size of grapefruits apiece and hanged in a large sack that swung like a pendulum when he walked.   He started off rubbing and squeezing his nuts which only made him shudder even more in sexual exctasy.   Finally just to verify his lower genitals were still working he started to rub around the entrance to his pucker hole with his fingers.  Slowly moistening the area with lubrication his pucker made so he could insert his finger.    This drew him to a handsfree climax of cum that erupted out of his cock.   The cum continued to shoot in spurts for almost 5 minutes while he was fingering himself.    What the ancient kryptonian could not see was that his aura of radiation was fading his skin tone while still green was fading.   The leader of the seeders was watching all this activity and noticed though and ran into the beings quarters just as it collapsed from all its activity.   He did not want to see this prize potential slave die on him.  He wanted the biggest pay day he could get for this being.   Seeing the being passed out he called for a couple more seeders to help him pick the being up and set him on the bed.  They gave him a run over with a medical unit and noticed that his heart beat was minimal and that his energy and radiation readings had dropped to minimal.  The brought in a solar lamp to see if that would help revive the being.   Within seconds they noticed the beings color and radiation levels returned to level.    It seemed that when ever the being exerted himself he was expelling radiation which was required to keep him alive.   The lamp they used replenished the being so fast because it was powered by a fragment of a yellow sun.  They would later learn that more exposure to this radiation would yeild even greater results as well as intensify the green radiation that the being expelled.   Unfortunately though the green radiation expelled from the being at a faster rate then the lamp would ever recharge it.  Especially when it was sexually active or stimulated.  

After that first week the leader of the seeders welcomed this being to be a part of their scavenger crew while he was on their ship.   The being agreed to these terms and became one of their kind.  He decided to give himself a name of Jax.  During the days jax would work hard for the seeders and help them out as scavengers to retrieve debris and valuable products to sell.   When not at work Jax would take every opportunity he could get to learn and study about the other races in the two galaxies.    When he was horny he would only be alone because the seeders seem intimidated by him sexually and would not approach him, but the captain loved watching the shows that jax put on when he thought he was alone.   The captain actually did inform jax though about his radiation  and that he required the lamp to replenish his energy depending on how much exertion he put out.    The captain just advised that when in his quarters he keep the lamp on low level which Jax did. 


1 week before Jax’s arrival near earth:

Over the next 2 years Jax endeared himself to the seeders and fully learned their language as well as most other known languages.   He actually even learned of a planet called earth and all the humanoid type creatures there including one named superman that seemed to have superhuman powers.    This was something that Jax felt he would just have to investigate once he entered the Milky Way galaxy in hopes that this hero may be one of the intruders that destroyed his planet.  The captain of the seeders just kept seeing more and more money potential for a big cash pay day with Jax on the ship.    He has formulated a plan to capture and restrain Jax with his own sexual pleasuring and release which would leave Jax in such a weakened state that without the radiation lamp he would be easily restrained and able to be sold as a slave at this alien trading post in the Milky Way Galaxy.  He was so confident in himself and his plan after watching Jax’s sessions each and every time he pleasured himself in his quarters.  

The day finally arrived when the seeders and Jax arrived in the Milky Way galaxy.   The leader informed Jax that they would arrive at the post in a couple of hours and invited Jax to join him in his quarters.    Jax welcomed the invitation with the captain and followed him to his quarters.   Upon entering the quarters the captain had Jax sit down in a chair and walked up behind him.    The captain started asking Jax about how he felt to be with them all this time and if he wanted to remain with them, knowing full well he wanted to sell Jax as a slave.   Jax was in his usual attire, which mainly was only a pair of shorts and when alone he never even really wore those.   The captain asked if it was ok if he got more comfortable himself and Jax had no objections.   The captain slowly stripped out of his button down shirt with two of his arms while shucking his pants to just his underwear with his other pair or arms.    Jax’s eyes took in the captains 6’1″ 200 lb frame which seemed so frail compared to his mammoth frame.    The captain could tell that Jax was not really impressed by this and decided he would need to use a different approach to get Jax stimulated.   He walked behind Jax and started to rub Jax’s big shoulders all the while praising Jax for the wonderful work that he was doing.   Then slowly and subtly the captain took his other arms and wrapped them around to cup each of Jax’s pectorals.    Jax let out a low sigh which made the captain smile.   The captain new this was eliciting the sexual stimulation that he was hoping for.   He twisted, pinched and rubbed Jax’s nipples continously for about 5 minutes gettting Jax all the more worked up.   The Captain then walked around in front of jax and started to suck on one of Jax’s nipples sending shudders throughout Jax’s body.   Jax’s cock went ridgid immediately from this attention and reached out to grab his throbbing 14.5 inch cock but the captain caught jax’s hand and moved it to his own 9 inch erection  while he continued to work on Jax’s nipples.    The captain then took his second arms and started to cup and roll Jax’s nut around in his hand which caused Jax to shudder even more with excitement while jacking off the captain.  The captain did this for almost 10 minutes holding from cumming himself as best he could while working Jax over.   He started working down licking Jax’s smooth firm chest down to throbbing cock.    The captain started licking at the piss slit of Jax’s cock which was oozing precum at a tremendous rate.    He pulled back the hood of the uncut cock and started  lapping at the head of the cock.    He even tried to open himself up enough to such on the head of cock which took him some time to do.    Once he was able to get down the shaft of the cock about a third of the way he decided to start fingering Jax’s lower regions.   This made the room illuminate brightly due to the radiation pouring out of Jax at this moment.   Jax was in sexual bliss.   The captain started paying attention to Jax’s member even more now and watching his skin tone looking for the signs that jax was weakening.   He started to see the brillant tone of Jax’s skin start to fade and thought it was time to make Jax climax so he could restrain him.     Sucking more rapidly and fucking jax with 3 fingers set off a torrent climax from both the captain and Jax spraying cum all over Jax’s chest and all over the face of the captain.   Jax immediately collapsed and passsed out.  The illumination in the room faded and the captain quickly composed himself and tried to bind Jax with some chains he had hidden in the room.    He then called the rest of the seeders into the room to help him restrain Jax.   Unfortunately for them with Jax in the Milky Way and near a yellow sun he was able to recover before they could fully restrain him.    In a instant he turned the situation around and had the seeders in restraints.   Upon arrival at the trading post Jax instead sold them into slavery in returns for information about this solar system which contained earth and this hero named Superman.   He learned from the post that Supermans claimed to be the last kryptonian and named Kal-El.  This infuriated Jax even though he knew the rest of the galaxy had no idea who or what he was.  It seemed that Superman had endeared himself to many of the races in the Milky Way Galaxy that just simply killing him would not be enough.   Jax must devise a plan to humiliate, destroy his image, and get this Superman to surrender and beg for jax to kill him.    After getting this information Jax determined that it was time for him to go observe this interloper and formulate a plan for Kal-Els total destruction.    He got into the former seeders ship and flew off to the solar system containing earth.   Upon arriving he took up a orbit around saturn which allowed the ships long range sensors to track all the activity on earth.   Soon the time would come that there would only be one true kryptonian alive and Jax was sure that would be him. 

Next:   Chapter One of the Last Kryptonian adventure.

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