February 2022

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 13-15
5 (1)

 DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

Though surprised by the unexpected arrival, Mark and his buddies greeted Luthor with sincere and well deserved respect.   As Luthor entered, he was followed by a number of scientists and technicians….equipment was carried in and added to the already elaborate set-up present in the warehouse.  It was clear that Luthor had a definite plan for the helpless superhero.

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 10-12
5 (2)

DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

After both Austin and Frank had each taken their turn at Jimmy Olsen’s ass, each mercilessly raping the tender hole of the young man—the exhausted captive lay drenched in a combination of sweat, smeared pale green cum and ass juice. 

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 7-9
4.5 (2)

DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

The comatose hero was summarily bent over a table…his ass cheeks spread, the butt plug unstrapped and removed. A thick green lubricant was then worked into his anal cavity. Lifting the mighty Man of Steel by both arms and legs, he was slowly lowered onto the dildo embedded in the steel chair. The kryptonite implant entered, fully penetrating the hero’s ass.

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 4-6
5 (1)

DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

The next morning was filled with a variety of criminal mischief perpetrated by Dark Trinity in and around the city of Metropolis. After allowing enough time for Clark Kent to get that “all important” third shower, the sinister trio went about creating havoc -sabotaging railroad switches, setting off false fire alarms in some of Metropolis’ highest buildings and staging two terrorist alerts.

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 1-3
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DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

Lex Luthor, who attended and participated in the execution, contacted the mercenary trio and subsequently contracted their services to assist in the termination of the most powerful human being on the face of the planet, Superman..

Dark Trinity vs. The Dynamic Duo: The Fall of Batman and Robin Chapters 19-20
5 (1)

Warning: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.
Mark Shepherd sat sipping brandy watching the video of Robin’s emasculation for perhaps the 30th time. As he stroked his cock and glanced at the specially lighted jars on his ornate mantle, he smiled with a sense of complete satisfaction. Four jars gleamed in the specially focused spotlights.

Dark Trinity vs. The Dynamic Duo: The Fall of Batman and Robin Chapters 16-18
5 (1)

Warning: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.
When Dark Trinity trapped and terminated Tarzan, they emasculated him before his execution. The Crime Lords of Gotham, in a last minute request dictated that Batman’s cock and balls must be part of his “after death” photos.

Dark Trinity vs. The Dynamic Duo: The Fall of Batman and Robin Chapters 13-15
5 (1)

Warning: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

It was time for “hero transport”. After some brief discussion, the three members of Dark Trinity agreed to a slight alteration in plans. The two heroes would not be prepared separately for delivery to the Gotham Crime Syndicate: since the dynamic duo was a “secret couple”, they would be packaged as one unit and prepared in such a way that would humiliate and demoralize.

Dark Trinity vs. The Dynamic Duo: The Fall of Batman and Robin Chapters 10-12
5 (1)

WARNING: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

When Mark and his eunuch entered a second room, they were greeted with a “heart-warming” sight … —Robin, the Boy Wonder, hanging from a ceiling rafter by his ankles with his head and mouth conveniently positioned at crotch level. The video of the Commissioner’s daughter being serviced by Bruce Wayne was still playing directly in front of the young stud. The sounds of sexual exclamation were loudly playing on video in the background.

Dark Trinity vs. The Dynamic Duo: The Fall of Batman and Robin Chapters 4-6
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WARNING: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

Austin and Frank enjoyed assisting in the clean-up of the handsome eunuch. They joined him in the shower, cleaning him on both the inside and outside.

Dark Trinity vs. The Dynamic Duo: The Fall of Batman and Robin Chapters 1-3
5 (1)

WARNING: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

Mark Shepherd and his partners were three highly paid mercenaries who, hired by the notorious Ivory Poachers’ Syndicate, successfully trapped Tarzan, the King of the Jungle, his wife, Jane and young son.