May 2021

Superman And The New School Thug Part 6
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman And The New School Thug  Part 6 Author: tynfyr    Superman clenched his gorgeous buns shut, as soon as he heard Jeremy call him by his name. Squirming quickly out from under Adonis, Superman’s eyes darted frantically back and forth between the two black men. Obviously irritated at having lost his grip on Superman’s incredible body, Adonis looked visibly confused and said, “Who the fuck is Clark, bro!?” “I think the better question is, ‘who is Superman?’”, Jeremy said slyly. Superman moved back across the room, willing his armor/suit to completely cover his body. “I don’t what is going on, fellas, but I don’t like it!”, he said attempting to sound stern. “Now, now, Clark, no need to get your little red panties in a bunch. Our friend, Adonis, has asked me too help you with your problem.”, states Big Jer calmly. Superman’s skin crawls every time he calls him, “Clark”, and the hair on the back of his neck stands up when he uses the term, “friend”. Adonis asks Jeremy again about the whole “Clark” thing, as he looks over at Superman.… Read More »Superman And The New School Thug Part 6

Superman And The New School Thug Part 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Superman And The New School Thug  Part 5 Author: tynfyr   “Fired!! What do you mean, ‘I”m fired’!, exclaims Superman, “Improper conduct, this is preposterous, I have been the perfect spokesperson for the SFRMS and a stellar role model and example for the youth!” Superman’s strong solid chin quivered and his normally booming voice trembled. His powerful fists were balled up so tight the veins were popping out. Bennett McElroy, president of the SFRMS, calmly reached over a pressed a button on his computer. As a video screen slid down from the ceiling, the good looking older man places his well manicured hands on the table and waited for the video to commence. “Is this the behavior of a”perfect spokesperson” that you boast of? If so, we have very different opinions on what constitutes a “stellar role mode and example”, sir.”, stated the handsome grey-haired gentleman with more than a slight hint of sarcasm. As the video played, Superman was visibly shaken to his core. He stared silently at the screen in disbelief. Clip after clip showed the Man of Steel wearing his jeans… Read More »Superman And The New School Thug Part 5

Superman And The New School Thug Part 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Superman And The New School Thug  Part 4 Author: tynfyr “It is a disgrace the way these young people are dressing. It is very unbecoming and most unseemly. After all, it’s called underwear for a reason!”, said Superman in an exceedingly smug manner. “I, for one, do not want to see your boxers! It is a classless way to dress. I would wager to say that it reflects a lack of home training!”, his deep blue eyes sparkled as he continued, ” I feel sorry for any parent that has to deal with this embarrassment!” Superman puffs out his chest with that last statement. His large pectorals spread outward, causing many of the women in the audience to swoon. The tight blue t-shirt barely covered the bulging muscles of the superhero. In fact, you could even see his dollar-sized nipples poking seductively through the thin material. His impossibly large biceps threatened to burst the seams. Even his ten-pack abdominals were clearly defined, made more pronounced by the small waist. Superman continued his tirade against “sagging”, but honestly, the majority of the people in the stadium… Read More »Superman And The New School Thug Part 4

Superman And The New School Thug Part 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Superman And The New School Thug  Part 3 Author: tynfyr   Jeremy has always been able to get his way, or talk anyone into anything, no matter how absurd.  When he would get caught red-handed committing some offense or another, he could persuade people to look the other way or even into believing that this didn’t see what they clearly saw.  Jeremy never knew why he was able to do it, but he definitely took advantage of it when he could.  As a matter of fact, it is that talent that lead to him being best friends with Adonis, his partner in crime.  He thinks back to when he first met Adonis, three years ago, at the Smallville county fair.  Jeremy was making his way down the row of games, ignoring the guys trying to get him to play the different ones, when he came across a commotion.  It looked to be a group of teenagers about to beat up some girl.   “Man, what kind of ho ass shit is this,” Jeremy said to himself, as he walked over.  He had to stop dead in his tracks when… Read More »Superman And The New School Thug Part 3

Superman And The New School Thug Part 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Superman And The New School Thug  Part 2 Author: tynfyr   “Bro, what do you think these rings are worth?”, Jeremy says lazily with that thick country boy accent. Jeremy is a tall, dark skinned brother with deep-set hazel-brown eyes and full lips. His six foot seven frame is densely packed with muscles, weighing a good two-hundred and eighty-five pounds without an ounce of fat. His skin is as black as night and smooth as marble. He doesn’t believe in earrings or gold teeth like most of his clique, nor does he have any tattoos or scars to detract from his godlike physique. Jeremy loves to show off his build, refusing to wear a shirt, sometimes leaving the straps of his overalls undone, so that they will ride low on his waist, showing off his dollar-sized nipples, chiseled eight-pack abdominals, all covered with a coat of thick, curly, black hair and a treasure trail hinting of wonders below. Yes, he could have easily won some bodybuilding competitions , as many people in town often suggested. Unlike many of his friends, however, who got their… Read More »Superman And The New School Thug Part 2

Superman And The New School Thug Part 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Superman And The New School Thug  Part 1 Author: tynfyr   Two young black guys discuss the day’s events… “Yo, man, this shit is crazy!” “I know right, I thought i was tripping off them mollies, but this shit is for real!” “Yea, let’s try it again, I still can’t believe it!” “Alright, let’s see if I can lift that bottle of ketchup off the table and move it to the counter!” “Oh, fuck, bro, it’s moving and it looks like it was even easier this time!” “Damn, it’s almost like it’s teleporting or some shit!” “Yea, bro, I’m glad you decided to rob that creepy old motherfucker!” “That’s real shit, man, even though your bitch ass was scared as fuck!” “What the fuck ever, bro, I was just cautious, that’s all!” “Yea, right, old pussy ass, you still my bro though, turn on the tv and see what’s going on!” “Fuck, look at that shit, it’s the ‘Superman’ dude, that fool is so lame!” “Hell, yea, bro, see what that cornball motherfucker is talking about!” “What the fuck, yo, how is he going… Read More »Superman And The New School Thug Part 1

Superman Vanquished II Part 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished II Part 4 Midnight Visitor Author: Lcross   It is nearly midnight and Superman nears the beginning of his fifth day of captivity. It has been over two hours since his nasty fall from the bed of Eden’s pick-up truck and Superman is slowly regaining consciousness. He shakes his head gingerly and tries to clear his head that pounds with pain from the large bump on his forehead sustained from the fall. Superman’s vision slowly clears and he tries to take stock of the dire situation in which he finds himself. He is restrained in a brightly illuminated cage with his arms extended high over his head and held together in place with handcuffs – the connecting chain threaded behind one of cage’s black steal vertical bars. Superman groans through the ball gag still stuffed in his mouth and as he applies his weight to his feet and rises from his slump relieving the pressure on his wrists held in the cuffs. He manages to stand weakly erect backed tightly against one side of the large steel cage. He strains as he… Read More »Superman Vanquished II Part 4

Superman Vanquished II Part 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished II Part 3 Superman Powerless Author: Lcross   Eden lifts the tarp off the steel gang box and unlocks the padlock with a small key. He quickly unlatches the cover and opens the heavy hinged steel cover as Felix looks on standing beside him holding a leather collar and leash. Within the container is the familiar red and blue clad Superman doubled over folded on his knees in the steel box with his wrists handcuffed tightly together behind his back. Superman does not react as the cover to the steel box opens to its full extension. “Whew!” exclaims Eden. “Someone needs a shower,” remarks Eden as he waves his hands in front of his nose. “Indeed! Is Superman still alive?” asks Felix. “He’s breathing…see,” observes Eden. Eden looks at Felix and says, “I guess there is not much fight left in Superman. I knocked him down pretty hard with kryptonite four days ago and he’s been stuffed in this steel box ever since then.” “My, how the mighty have fallen,” laughs Felix as he reaches down and grabs a fist full of… Read More »Superman Vanquished II Part 3

Superman Vanquished II Part 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Superman Vanquished II Part 2 Felix Author: Lcross   Exactly an hour, later Eden meets Felix as planned at the Riverside Mall’s west parking lot with his cargo safely tucked in bed of his pick-up truck. Surprisingly Flex does not look like a typical thug that would associate with a criminal band. Rather he is a professional looking man about 39 ears old; he is neither exceptionally tall nor well built. Felix has brown eyes and brown hair that is clipped short and has a light application of mousse.  He is wearing a dark suit and tie and is surprisingly pleasant considering the likely line of work he is in. As the man draws nearer to Eden’s parked truck he gets out and walks to back to the tailgate. “Eden?” asks the man confidently. “I’m Eden sir,” replies Eden nervously. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Eden.” The man then comes directly to the point, “Is Mr. Frost’s recent acquisition is in the bed of that pick-up truck?” “He’s in the box,” quips Eden. “Good, would be so kind as to follow me?” asks… Read More »Superman Vanquished II Part 2

Superman Vanquished II Part 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Superman Vanquished II Part 1 Prologue Author: Lcross   It is Thursday evening at 9PM. It has been four days since Eden lured an unsuspecting Superman down into Professor Larsen’s Radiation Well and tried to kill him by amplifying radiation emitted from a few tiny partials of kryptonite! To Eden’s dismay, he was not able to kill Superman with the tiny amount of kryptonite at his disposal. The massive and sustained amplified exposure to kryptonite in the energy well surprisingly only stunned Superman. But the exposure left Superman helpless and completely drained him of his mighty superpowers thereby allowing Eden to easily capture Superman and imprison him in a steel box that deprives him of the energy giving sunlight that will restore his powers. Eden is now impatiently waiting to complete the collection phase of his scheme to claim the crime boss’ super-bounty on Superman. Thus we reopen our story with Eden sitting on the edge of the bed of his black Dodge Ram parked in his aunt’s barn on a farm 30 minutes south of Metropolis. The barn is old and has not… Read More »Superman Vanquished II Part 1

Superman Vanquished Part 13
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]  Superman Vanquished Part 13 The Teflon Boss Author: Lcross   It is Wednesday morning; three days after Eden lured Superman into Professor Larsen’s Radiation Well and subdued him by amplifying radiation emitted from a few tiny partials of kryptonite! Eden sits nervously at the bar of the upscale strip club nursing his club soda as a janitor mops the floor; it’s 11AM and the show will not start until late in the afternoon therefore Eden is presently the only patron at popular club. The giant bartender/bouncer returns and gestures towards a door at the back of the club. Eden gets off his bar stool, picks up an 8” x 10” manila envelop and throws a five on the bar. He slowly makes his way past the empty dance stage towards the door indicated. Eden stops before the door, hesitates for a few seconds, and then opens the door. He quickly climbs the stairs to a landing above and faces a closed solitary door. Eden knocks lightly on the door and waits. “Come in,” yells a voice from within. Eden nervously opens the door and… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 13

Superman Vanquished Part 12
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 12 Prisioner Author: Lcross   Minutes later Eden steps from the escape shaft and onto the lab floor and smiles as an unconscious Superman daggles upside down inches above the opening to the well. Superman’s wet cape and arms daggle high above the radiation well’s floor. Eden grabs the hoist control and the crane that Superman hangs from upside down begins to move along the twin rails towards the overhead door the opens to the compound’s parking lot. Eden retracts the cranes cables so that Superman clears the wells safety railing. He stops the crane about 20 feet from the overhead door just in front of the cargo bed of his Dodge Ram that has been backed into lab. The Ram is parked in front of the closed overhead door and has an orange steel gang box sitting in its bed, the kind used on construction sites to secure tools in. The cover to the steel box is open as if to receive something.   Eden lowers Superman until his fingers are inches above lab floor with his red cape spread… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 12

Superman Vanquished Part 11
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]  Superman Vanquished Part 11 Helpless Author: Lcross   Fifteen minutes later the large the well is filled with the sound of de-compressing air as the lead doors to escape shaft divide and Eden enters the pit carrying a pair of black leather ankle restraints. Eden approaches Superman and stares down at the vanquished hero for several minutes in fascination mesmerized by the sight of the helpless caped hero. He drops the leather restraints down close to Superman’s red leather boots and then circles him several times observing the motionless figure with curiosity. Amazing! He’s still breathing! Superman is not dead! I amplified the kryptonite 1,000 fold – the max! And left him under it for over an hour! Apparently these tiny particles of kryptonite are insufficient to kill Superman! Damn it! If he was dead my problems would be over. I could just put Superman in the box and not have to worry about babysitting him until I can cash him in. Since he’s alive he should best be left down here until I make the trade; but Superman is sure to be missed.… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 11

Superman Vanquished Part 10
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Superman Vanquished Part 10 No Mercy Author: Lcross   Superman obediently obeys Eden and remains on all fours with his head lowered on the radiation well’s floor for what seems like hours. Suddenly the numeric keypad flashes and chirps three times and stops followed by the now feared three short but loud successive whops from a siren and the loud audio warning state from the mechanical voice: “Elemental Exposure Sequence Initiated.” A look of fear and betrayal crosses his face as Superman swallows hard and sits back on his knees. “Eden! I did what you asked,” screams a terrified Superman. “Master Eden I begged you!” There is no reply. He gulps hard and quickly doubles over tightly and covers his head with his hands as the disks’ strobe three times in quick succession. He cowers on the mirrored floor as all the panels slowly ramp up again in brightness bathing the caped figure in an eerie green glow reflecting off the steel alloy floor. Superman whimpers as the familiar wave of dizziness washes over him and as tears begin to stream down his cheeks… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 10

Superman Vanquished Part 9
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 9 Submission Author: Lcross   Nearly one hour passes down in the well before Superman feels he has the strength to try and rise up off the radiation well’s reflective steel alloy floor. The agonizing effects of the bombardment have passed but he is very weak. Sullenly Superman staggers to his feet stumbles and recovers as he raises one of his hands to his temple. Superman’s soaked cape clings to his upper body and legs defining his muscular legs. Completely soaked with sweat he slowly staggers carefully to one of the lead walls. Superman holds his palm against the lead wall to support his weight and cranes his head upwards squinting at the blazing spotlights shining down into the well wondering how to get out of this trap he so foolishly blundered into. The realization that he is trapped and utterly at Eden’s mercy became obvious during the time he had remained cringing in fear on his knees. After several minutes Superman wipes the sweat from face and slowly walks over to lead lined panels that block access to the ladder… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 9

Superman Vanquished Part 8
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 8 Eden’s Demonstration Author: Lcross   The numeric keypads flashes and chirps three times and stops followed by three short but loud successive whops from a siren. A loud audio warning then blares out in a cold mechanical voice: “Elemental Exposure Sequence Initiated.” Superman swallows hard and tenses tight as the room go dark again and all the glass panels’ strobe three times flashing off the polished floor of the well and then darkens. As he watches from the corner he hears a low electrical hum as the glass disks high above the floor slowly ramp up in brightness. The green hue from the panels reflects readily off the polished steel floor bathing Superman in an eerie green glow. The same wave of dizziness washes over Superman and he slumps down slightly in the corner and closes his eyes to clear his head. “Exposure Level Minimal,” states the cold voice from the speaker. The panels begin to slowly glow brighter in the pit and the electric hum steadily increases in volume proportionate to the intensity of the green glow. Superman raises… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 8

Superman Vanquished Part 7
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 7 Kryptonite Author: Lcross   Pressing tightly back in the corner of the radiation well Superman continues to try and make sense of what has happened to his superpowers when suddenly he hears Eden’s taunting voice echo down loudly from speakers high above in the narrow room.   “Eden here Superman! This tour is little different than the last one. You most likely wonder how I managed to trap you in the professor’s well. I know all about Kal-El and Clark Kent; the professor and you have been careless lately and I discovered his detailed research concerning your origins, life on Earth and a strange element called kryptonite.”   “Eden, why are you doing this?” asks Superman as he cranes his neck towards the voice coming from above. “Open the well doors and we can forget about this whole thing,”   “No can do Clark. I’ve crossed the Rubicon. That crushing wave of pain and dizziness you experience signaled the loss of your superpowers. I know kryptonite is your Achilles’ Heal Clark; your only weakness! I placed the small particles of… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 7

Superman Vanquished Part 6
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 6 Trapped in the Radiation Well Author: Lcross   Above in the lab’s control room Eden watches intently on the large HD panel as Superman unwittingly steps onto the floor of the radiation well.  He continues to watch as Superman inspects the well looking for a problem that does not exist.  Eden sips on a Red Bull as he watches Superman make his way to the middle of the well. A green light flashes on his console flashes in quick succession indicating the all systems are ready and the radiation well is ready to be brought online.   Eden grins wickedly as he hits the return key on his keyboard that executes a series of predetermined computer commands and smiles as his console chirps then ceases and a side computer monitor screen flashes in large green letters: “Upper Shaft Door Secure,” followed by “Radiation Well Secure.” “OKAY, says Eden as he claps his hands together. Superman is sealed in the professor’s well!”   He quickly types a series of commands into his computer keyboard as he listens on the speaker as… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 6

Superman Vanquished Part 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished Part 5 Betrayed Author: Lcross It is Sunday morning and Clark Kent is sitting in his apartment idly skimming through the channels when he receives an encrypted text message from Eden, Professor Larson assistant. The message reads: Superman, sorry to bother you but the silent alarm has tripped at the professor’s lab. Could you help me check it out? Don’t want to involve the civilian authorities and have them snooping around due to the nature of the professor’s work. Thanks – Eden” Superman replies, “On my way; wait for me to arrive,” Clark undresses quickly revealing the familiar red and blue costume of the Man of Steel and steps out onto the terrace of his apartment. The red and blue caped figure blurs and rockets skyward. Seconds later there is a slight sonic boom as Superman fly out of the boundaries of greater Metropolis and streaks north toward the professor’s secluded compound several miles outside Metropolis. The sky is bright blue on a beautiful clear spring morning as Superman quickly closes the distance to the small compound. Superman reaches his destination in… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 5

Superman Vanquished Part 4
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]  Superman Vanquished Part 4 Achilles’ Heal Author: Lcross   Minutes after Superman leaves the professor Larson reenters the control room. Eden turns from his work and cheerfully says, “It was great to see Superman again; it’s been months since he’s paid you a visit.”   “Superman is busy these days – terrorists – all kinds of maniacs – Evan Frost. It’s a wonder he even had time for the brief visit today,” explains the professor. “Do you still keep Superman’s visits confidential Eden?    “Of course professor Larson; no one would believe me anyway,” jokes Eden. “No seriously professor; I am loyal to you; I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everything you have done for me.”   “I know Eden; it’s just all this business with Evan Frost and the 20 million dollar bounty on Superman,” explains the professor.   “Superman is indestructible; you would have to be a fool to challenge him; whoever tries to collect that 20 million will be sorry,” consoles Eden.   “I only wish…,” replies the professor, but stops short.   “What did you say professor?”… Read More »Superman Vanquished Part 4