Superman Vanquished Part 8
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Superman Vanquished

Part 8 Eden’s Demonstration

Author: Lcross


The numeric keypads flashes and chirps three times and stops followed by three short but loud successive whops from a siren. A loud audio warning then blares out in a cold mechanical voice: “Elemental Exposure Sequence Initiated.” Superman swallows hard and tenses tight as the room go dark again and all the glass panels’ strobe three times flashing off the polished floor of the well and then darkens. As he watches from the corner he hears a low electrical hum as the glass disks high above the floor slowly ramp up in brightness. The green hue from the panels reflects readily off the polished steel floor bathing Superman in an eerie green glow. The same wave of dizziness washes over Superman and he slumps down slightly in the corner and closes his eyes to clear his head. “Exposure Level Minimal,” states the cold voice from the speaker. The panels begin to slowly glow brighter in the pit and the electric hum steadily increases in volume proportionate to the intensity of the green glow. Superman raises both hands to his temples and has a pained look as an eerie green glow washing over intensifies. The narrow room is completely illuminated in a green aurora that baths Superman in kryptonite radiation. Superman stiffens his knees and draws back tightly in the corner with his arms locked stiffly at his sides with his fists clenched. The glow continues to intensify and Superman raises his hands to the sides of his head and presses harder into the corner gritting his teeth as his face contorts in pain. “Exposure Level Moderate” informs the mechanical voice echoing down from above. Superman knees buckle slightly and he shakes his head apparently swept by more pain and dizziness and then suddenly leans forward with his fists clenched. Still gritting his teeth he shakes his head from side to side. His knees buckle hard causing him to stager forward out of the corner and stumble and stagger clumsily to the center of the well looking both fearful and desperate at the same time. Superman twists, turns and staggers blindly in circles around the narrow room trying to elude the radiation but the polished floor reflects the lethal kryptonite rays. Superman closes his eyes and screams dropping his hands from his head as the panels come to full illumination and the entire room is brightly lit in a blinding green light. The entire length and width of the polished floor is emitting a blinding bright green glow.  “Exposure Level Maximum” states the voice coldly. The electrical hum is now deafening within the pit and Superman covers his ears with his hands and closes his eyes tight. He twists and turns wildly staggering around the narrow room blindly running into the lead walls helpless to elude Eden’s merciless kryptonite bombardment. His famous red and blue costume is wringing wet with sweat. Superman stops and begins clutching his throat with both hands as begins to turn around in circles confused and choking to catch his breath. Superman suddenly straightens up dropping his hands from his throat and clenches his stomach tightly with both hands; he then begins to rock back and forth in place. His legs suddenly buckle and he falls to both knees and slowly doubles over onto his thighs still choking for air with his red face racked in pain. Superman continues to clutch his stomach tightly doubled over on his folded legs in pain as tears stream down his face. The deafening hum and intense bombardment of radiation continue to relentlessly pummel a now thoroughly exhausted Superman who can only cower in fear on the blindingly bright green glowing floor. The mighty champion is utterly defeated and remains tightly compressed on the green glowing floor of the well draped by his sweat soaked cape. Suddenly he releases his grasp on his stomach and covers his head with his hands and begins to whimper in pain. Superman endures several more minutes of Eden’s punishing kryptonite bombardment until there is a sudden loud mechanical thud that echoes through the well. The sound level and blinding green brightness begins to slowly ramp down until the panels and floor are extinguished and the radiation well is pitch dark and dead silent. “Exposure Sequence Terminated,” informs the cold voice. The lights of the well illuminate revealing a thoroughly trounced Superman; his magnificent royal blue bodysuit is soaked with sweat and his wet cape is draped over his tightly compressed body. His hair is matted down on his head and his body is tightly compressed on the floor with his hands over his head groaning in agony. Eden here again Superman! That was the first demonstration of my power over you Superman. I’ll give you time to collect yourself before the second demonstration begins, informs the voice from above. “NO MORE! Please Eden,” pleads Superman as he drops his hands from his head and cranes his head upwards squinting through sweat soaked eyes with a pleading expression towards the voice from high in the well. “You had your chance to beg Superman,” replies the Eden coldly.

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