Superman And The New School Thug Part 5
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Superman And The New School Thug 

Part 5

Author: tynfyr


“Fired!! What do you mean, ‘I”m fired’!, exclaims Superman, “Improper conduct, this is preposterous, I have been the perfect spokesperson for the SFRMS and a stellar role model and example for the youth!” Superman’s strong solid chin quivered and his normally booming voice trembled. His powerful fists were balled up so tight the veins were popping out. Bennett McElroy, president of the SFRMS, calmly reached over a pressed a button on his computer. As a video screen slid down from the ceiling, the good looking older man places his well manicured hands on the table and waited for the video to commence. “Is this the behavior of a”perfect spokesperson” that you boast of? If so, we have very different opinions on what constitutes a “stellar role mode and example”, sir.”, stated the handsome grey-haired gentleman with more than a slight hint of sarcasm. As the video played, Superman was visibly shaken to his core. He stared silently at the screen in disbelief. Clip after clip showed the Man of Steel wearing his jeans in the same manner he so adamantly preached against. There it was, that Super ass, in all its glory, on display in his until now, unseen tighty-whiteys. As the clips continued, one could see the sag get deeper and deeper, until his entire ass was out. The underwear was so tight, you could clearly see the dimples in the hard boulders of Superman’s butt. “No response?”, Bennett inquired. Superman just stood there dumbfounded. “These videos were compiled over a period of three weeks, videos taken by our people and some by the public. Videos that were actually posted on YouTube!”, continued the SFRMS president. “As bad as this is, we haven’t reached the worst of it, you’re lucky we don’t sue your immoral ass!” All the color in Superman’s face left, as he watched in horror, as the next few clips came into view. “This can’t be real! How could this be possible!?!”, Superman thought out loud. The last videos showed that not only was Superman sagging extremely low, he had ditched his trademark t-shirt to go shirtless, with nothing but a huge platinum Superman symbol medallion encrusted with diamonds, and matching Superman symbol diamond and platinum earrings. The necklace hung down between the two large slabs of solid pecs. The light dusting of coal-black hair on the huge chest served only to accentuate the necklace. To make matters, the newest clip, obviously recorded with a smartphone, zoomed in on one of his dollar sized nipples , apparently pierced with a small charm that said, plainly, “Fuck The SFRMS”. “Great Krypton, this cannot be!”, cries Superman in despair. “Oh, but, it is, my depraved young alien, ” remarked Bennett, his voice dripping with venom, “still, I saved the best for last. This is footage of you, just hours before your fight with Brainiac, which led to you wearing the Superman armor/suit. Thank God, for who knows what depravity you had in store for the world!” “I don’t, I didn’t, I couldn’t have…”, stammered Superman, as the last clip started. Nothing that had come before could have prepared him for what came across the screen. Shot in Hd, it showed Superman standing in his familiar pose, high atop the Daily Planet, head held high, chin up, chest out, hands on each hip, legs spread, proud and strong. At first, nothing seemed amiss. Then, the angle changed, the view seemed to be from what may have been a helicopter as it panned down from above. It started at the top of his curly black locks, which were blowing softly in the wind. His gorgeous blue eyes seemed to shine as he looked down at the city. The earrings glistened brightly in the sun’s rays. His dazzlingly white teeth sparkled amidst two full pink lips. His strong neck is framed by his platinum necklace. His broad shoulders led to huge powerful biceps and forearms. His chiseled rounded slabs of muscular pectorals with two large nipples that stuck out prominently as if aroused. The “fuck the sfrms” charm sparkled and swayed back and forth. The ten pack abdominals seemed to be carved out of stone which led to a thick bush of pubic hair… Wait, what… Yes, that’s right, for not only was Superman sagging impossibly low, but he was going commando as well. That’s right, no tighty-whiteys, no underwear at all, you could see the beginnings of his thighs, strong and sturdy, but before you could actually focus on the breathtaking sight, the camera moves. The camera pans immediately to the worn work boots encasing the size 15 feet. Panning upwards to the muscular calves and well-defined quads, the jeans fit tightly on his legs, yet still managed to sag extremely low. It was then, Superman saw it, as the camera zoomed in ever so closely to the waistband of the jeans. The top two buttons were undone and you could see a least an inch and a half of Superman’s fat dick. The video was so clear you could see the vein that went down the middle. A droplet of moisture traveled down the top of the tube steak in what seemed like slow motion. Just then, Superman begins to take off into the air and the camera pans out to capture the godlike body as he turns to fly away. Just as the world’s most powerful ass begins to come into view, Bennett stops the video in freeze frame. Superman’s mouth hangs open sexily, as if waiting on someone to place their dick inside of it. “Absolutely disgusting, now please get your filthy carcass out of my office! NOW!!” Hours later, Superman cried helplessly on the shoulder of his newest best friend, one Adonis Jacobs, a young man that had become an invaluable asset as a valet and assistant to Suoerman. “This is better than I could have hoped for. Damn, Big Jer was sooo right. We have the asshole right where we want him. Now for the coup de grace!”, Adonis thought to himself. “Hey, Superman, please stop crying, man! You’re stronger than this! It’s going to be okay. Don’t worry, there has to be some explanation for what has been happening. Listen, you’ve got to pull yourself together. Calm down, dude. You will figure thus all out!”, Adonis reassured his”friend” as he held the muscle-god closely. Superman said nothing, but did seem to slow down his crying. “Hey, I know what will help you relax. A nice massage is just what you need. It will help you take your mind off what you’ve seen today. I’ve been with you all this time and I’ve never seen you do any of these things.”, urged ‘Don, as Superman liked to call him. As if in a daze, Superman nodded his head abd willed his armor to reveal the upper half of his body. Adonis couldn’t help but let out a low whistle. ” I’m sorry, Mister Superman, I can’t help it. You are built so nicely, I wish I had half the muscles that you do. If I were built like you, I would never cover it up with your armor/suit !” Adonis wasn’t laying it on thick, he was telling the truth. He had never seen anyone with so nice of a body, not even Jeremy. Superman managed a smile and a weak ‘thank you’, as he lay down on the bed, thunking that this was certainly not what he needed. In fact, he wasn’t sure why he was agreeing to this. Finally, he just chalked it up to being out of sorts from the meeting with President McElroy. “How could I have done these things and not remember any of it!?!”, he said out loud, more to himself than to Adonis. “Maybe something is blocking the memories, maybe you’re suppressing some of your base desires and your moral center refuses to allow you to ‘see’ it, literally.”, offered Adonis as he massaged the tense shoulders of the superhero. He dug deep into shoulders and triceps until he felt the older man start to relax somewhat. Adonis actually started to feel something himself, he had never felt before, arousal with another man, not even with Jeremy, who had hinted on several occasions to that effect. He quickly dismissed it as the reaction of seeing and touching so perfect as physique as Superman’s. In truth, no man or woman could deny his attractiveness or his sex appeal. “I can’t believe how big his back is!”, thought Adonis as he started rubbing those hard muscles, working his way down the back. Adonis caressed and kneaded Supes trapezoids and his sides for almost a half hour, until he felt the big man relax and start to breathe heavy. As he moved to the small of his back, the young black valet marveled at how small the waist was. ” “Is that a hint of hair at the small of his back?”, wondered Adonis to himself, as he continued to move his hands in a circular motion. Slowly,, but surely, Adonis used his telekinetic abilities to knead the muscles with a strength beyond human limitations. Superman found himself slipping away into a relaxing fog as ‘Don’s fingers run up and down his back. “This feels so good and guess I really did need this. Maybe ‘Don is right and I am suppressing some urges.”, contemplated Superman. Just then, Superman thought he heard a faraway voice say, “Your suit is still in the way, can you lower it some, sir?” For a moment, Superman hesitated, but the newly increased pressure on the small of his back felt so good, he willed half of the suit covering his ass to disappear. “Holy fuck” , whispered Adonis as the top half of two perfectly formed globes came into view. A slight tangle of hair in the deep crack of Superman’s ass was in stark contrast to the snow white mounds that looked like two basketballs. A heady aroma of musk wafted to Adonis nostrils making him slightly dizzy. “Even his sweat smells good!”, marvels Adonis to himself, as he nervously moves to touch the booty of the world’s greatest hero. As he grabs the beautiful butt with with both hands, without even realizing it, he pulls the suit down with his tk, to expose the rest of Suoerman’s ass. For a brief second, Superman seemed to notice what has happened, but the hands on his ass feel so good, he just goes with it. He feels his cheeks being spread and the soft breeze on his tight virgin asshole and hears himself moan softly. “What the fuck, bro! Did Superman just moan when I spread his asscheeks! Fuck that, just look at this dude’s asshole! I swear it just winked at me!”, thinks Adonis. Laying in between the cheeks was the most perfect pucker Adonis had ever seen, and it was on a man, no doubt! It was a dark pink starburst nestled amidst some coal black curls, with a impossibly tight hole. “Hey, Mister Superman, I think I know someone that can help you with your memory lapses.”, says Adonis softly. “Uuunnh, yea…”, groans Superman as Adonis moves back up his back applying even more pressure, “ooh, deeper, Don! Yea, thats it, mmmmm, who …?” “My good friend…,” says Adonis with a sly smile as he moves to straddle Superman’s upper thighs. Noticing Adonis’ new position and even more than that, Adonis’ impressive package at the bottom of his butt, Superman stiffens slightly. “…his name is Jeremy Ward.”, continues Adonis as he grips Superman’s glutes and opens them wide. “Wait, I know a boy with that name! Wasn’t that the name of Markus Ward’s teenage son that used to help our family on the farm back in Smallville!”, remarks Superman out loud, as he started to lift up. As if on cue, the door opens and Jeremy walks in with a shit-eating grin, “Hello, Clark, long time no see!”, says Big Jer as he reaches out with his telepathy. 

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