The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 73-74
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 73


The heat of the moment slowly subsided. Lois backed away and lay with her cheek on Bryant’s smooth thigh. The taste of cum was in her mouth. She watched Superman as he lay with his face on Bryant’s hard stomach. The thick cock slowly deflating in his mouth. A look of pleasure on the face of the fallen superhero as the last of the cum dripped from his masters cock. Charles Bryant spoke to Lois softly in the dim light of the bedroom. “Look at him Lois. Just a sissy aching to suck on a mans cock. He’s been a pussy all of his life. You just never knew it. Without his vaunted powers he’s just a cunt eager to be tamed. He did’nt know it either until I put a hard cock in front of him and rubbed it on his lips. Only then did he know what he was born to do.” Superman made no response to those burning words other than a low moan of acceptance issueing from his throat. “Now watch Lois. Watch a real man go down to defeat before me. This is your husbands hero. The champion who will come here to save him. The mighty Batman. Watch.” Brant picked a remote off the bedside table and aimed it toward the far wall. With a low hum a large screen descended from the ceiling. Lois and Superman sat upright. Even Mona leaned forward as the screen came to life. The scene was here in this very bedroom. Charles Bryant sat nearly naked at the foot of the huge bed. Looking steadily at the entrance to the bedroom which had claimed the innocence of Superman and Lois Lane. A moment passed and then the door opened and in walked the imposing figure of the mighty Batman. The camera seemed to be handheld and both Superman and Lois quickly determined that Mona was the operator of the camera. The Dark Knight walked slowly to the center of the room. He looked at Charles Bryant and asked quietly, “What is it my master commands of me.”


Chapter 74


The video continued. Charles Bryant stood and slowly walked to where Batman stood. Bryant was clad only in a simple white silk sash about  his waist. Barely concealing his semi-hard manhood. His splendid back muscles rippled in the dim light of the bedroom. His rock-hard buttocks enticing beneath the silk. Both men were of the same height and same splendid build. But the bat-costume seemed to make the wearer much bigger and far more imposing. Superman carefully studied the scene unfolding before his eyes. “No,” he thought, “Not Batman. This is some actor faking it.” He knew that Bryant had the wealth and resources to stage anything. Once again there was no audio but Bryant appeared to have issued a command to the Batman look-alike. Slowly, sensually, he began to strip before Bryant’s approving gaze. The utility belt, boots, tights, socks all formed a pile at Bryants feet. Followed by the chest plate, upper body spandex. Finally the flowing black bat-cape was placed before Bryant. Now the Batman figure stood nearly naked before Charles Bryant. Clad only in his cowl and black silk briefs. Those briefs barely concealed the fact that this powerfully muscled man was very aroused. The hard, thick cock was straining against the silken prison that confined it. Another command and the bat-figure hooked his thumbs in the black silk briefs and slowly lowered them before the approving gaze of his conquorer. The hard male flesh, freed of its silk prison sprung to full erection. Another command issued and the bat-figure slowly sank to his knees before Charles Bryant. Bryant stepped forward, closing the distance to the kneeling man. His barely concealed cock just inches from the face of the bat-figure. The kneeling man reached up with shaking, trembling hands and unfastened the sash about Charles Bryant’s waist. The silk fell away and all 9 inches of Bryant’s hard cock hung a scant inch from those waiting lips. Bryant caressed the cowled head and moved forward slightly. The lips parted and Bryants cock slipped into the wet, waiting mouth of the bat-figure. Methodically he began to move his cock back and forth in the helpless mouth before him. Slowly the kneeling man picked up the pace of his mouth-fucking. His hands rose, caressed and grasped Bryant’s firm ass, squeezing and kneading the firm male flesh. More and more the kneeling man seemed to get aroused by the fucking of his mouth. Finally Bryant pulled his cock from those eager lips and said something to the bat-figure. Slowly the bat-figure slipped the cowl up and off of his face revealing the man beneath. “Great Scott. God’s in Heaven, NO!”, Superman wailed inwardly, “Not Bruce Wayne, Not Bruce too.”


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