The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 81-82
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 81


The days shadows grew long on Charles Bryant’s island paradise. The day was done. A captured Superman awoke from his long, late afternoon nap. He felt very refreshed and stretched his mighty body like some great cat as he lay there on the black satin sheets. Bryant had told him he would need his rest and he was right. He had slept soundly. His thoughts returned to the mornings events. Bryant had grown angry at him for speaking out of turn. He had made an example of him at breakfast. Dragging him into the garden and forcing him to his knees to blow him. Lois Lane there to see his shame. Not just see it but to revel in it. He knew Lois was aroused by the fact that Charles Bryant had tamed him. Not just tamed him but had turned her husband into his personal bitch and suck-slave. Superman was ambivilent about her and no longer could generate strong emotions. Lois was his wife and he her husband but both were rapped up in serving their new masters sexually.

The Man of Steel got up and walked naked to the open window. Far out in the ocean he could make out the tiny speck which he knew was Bryant’s yacht and crew. What must they wonder what Bryant was doing on this island? Could they even dream that the worlds mightiest man and the feared crime-fighter, Batman, had been seduced, raped, sodomized and enslaved here by their boss? Superman fantasized briefly about being with Batman. Both in full costume, frantically pulling each others costumes loose. Exposing hard flesh and smooth skin. Tongues on flesh, seeking, licking, tasting. And finally the thrill of Batman’s hard manhood pressing into the wetness of his mouth. Did the mighty Dark Knight cry out for more when Bryant fucked him? Did his hips and body betray Batman as mine did? Did Batman press his ass back against the cock that was fucking him as I did, crying out for more? What of Robin, The Boy Wonder. Did Charles have him too, did he break him in? I bet he’s a hot young piece of ass that one! Superman shook his head to banish those erotic thoughts and dreams. His more immediate concern was the “Club L” Bryant had spoken of. What was it?! He knew he was being taken there this very evening but had no idea what it was or where or who. The superhero heard voices in the hall and a moment later the door to the bedroom opened and Charles, Mona and Lois came in. Superman turned to them making no effort to conceal his nakedness. Why bother. He had a great body and now enjoyed showing it off. He also liked the glint of desire he saw in Charles Bryant’s eyes when he behaved brazenly. The superhero thought to himself, “I may be your slut but you want me too. I can see in your eyes. You desire my cock and I intend to take advantage of that Charles. Even the master, the conquorer can find himself on his knees.” “So ladies,” Bryant said quietly, “here he is and we only have a few hours. Let’s get Superman ready for his debut tonight. Bathe him, shave his body, dress him in the most exquisite lingerie. Perfume him. I want his eyes made up to be sultry and sexy. C’mon girls, you know what will make him desirable to aroused men. Men that intend to be satisfied.” Hearing those words, The Man of Steel trembled for what lay in store for him this evening.



Chapter 81


Under Charles Bryant’s watchful eyes Lois and Mona set about the transformation of The Man of Steel into the helpless woman that Bryant had created. Created by the force of his will, his cunning mind and the inherent weaknesses of Superman himself. Bryant, knowing the transformation would take some time, opened a cold Stella Artois and made himself comfortable in a chair near the bed. He was already enjoying the show. Superman, for his part, was expressionless. Perhaps stunned by what he knew was about to happen to him. He knew for sure that he would be totally feminized in dress and that sometime this very evening he was to be with at least one other man besides Charles and perhaps two men. In a place called Club L. He followed Lois and Mona into the huge bathroom and stood spread wide with his arms raised in the air. The two beautiful women lathered his body from face to toes with shave cream. Then they methodically shaved every square inch of his torso and face. Everything save the thick black hair on his head. It took a while but finally they were done and the fallen hero stepped into the tub and submerged his mighty body in the perfumed waters. The warmth felt wonderful and he closed his eyes and dreamed about what lay in store for him. “Another man or even two. Oh dear heaven, what will they want? Am I to suck them off or will they fuck me? Suppose I just refuse? What then?” As he lay in the scented waters wondering what was to be his fate he was shocked to realize that his cock had grown hard. Superman swallowed hard and admitted to himself that he was excited about the prospect of servicing another man. Another cock in his mouth aching to cum. “mmmmmm,” he thought to himself, “Now I know just what to do. Charles has made me very proficient at sucking a man off.” His dreamy thoughts were interupted by Mona’s command. “Let’s go. Time to dress you. It’s almost dark and we’re running late.” Superman left the tub and stood like the statue of a God while both women dried his powerful body with large, soft towels. Then they led him to an alcove where numerous feminine articles had been layed out. They sat him at a dressing table and mirror. Dior cosmetics had been arrayed and the two women began the process of applying makeup to the defeated hero. First came a soft base which softened his complection. Then his eyelashes and eyebrows were done up and eye shadow applied. Finally a high gloss crimson lipstick was applied to his lips. The facial transformation was done and Lois said to him, “Turn around so I can get your nylons on.” Superman did so and watched as Lois slid the hose up his calves. It was fishnet, side-tie black nylons. Then Lois had him stand and step into a black silk thong that barely encased his large cock. Next came a black fishnet garter belt. Lois knelt and attached the garter belt to the nylons. Mona looked on approvingly. Over Supermans head Mona slipped a very sexy, very filmy black lace chemise with a bit of red lace trim. Mona could’nt resist taunting the fallen superhero. “C’mon you pussy. Step into your new high-heels. A pussy like you does’nt deserve a wife like Lois Lane.” Ignoring Mona’s taunts Superman did as told and slipped into a pair of red 5″ high-heels. He was entranced by the reflection in the mirror and for the first time began to feel very aroused by his predicament. His cock ached beneath the silken thong with anticipation. About his powerful neck was placed a diamond and gold heart padlock chocker. Diamond crystal drop earrings in his ears and diamond hand jewelry went from wrist down to and about his index finger. Around his waist the women attached a gold chain with a matching arm band. The transition was done. Superman was now a woman. Both in appearance, desire and need. Finally, Lois and Mona’s task done, Charles Bryant walked over to inspect his captured superhero. No one would dream that this tall, big-boned woman was the worlds mightiest man. “Very nice, Ladies. Nice Job. Now it’s time to go to the Club. Let’s do it.”


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