Got Milked?
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Got Milked? A story by Shabeted

Prologue Jimmy Olsen had just started showering when he heard the doorbell ring. Wondering who it could be, he stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and went to answer the door. To his utmost surprise, the person at the door was none other than Lex Luthor the criminal mastermind. Jimmy’s moment of surprise was all Lex needed to slap a chloroform-soaked cloth on Jimmy’s nose and mouth. Jimmy snapped back to his senses but not before breathing in the noxious fumes. He turned and tried to run into his apartment or so his mind told him to. But his body, which had already started to become affected by the chloroform, only managed a slow stumble into his room. Lex made a grab for the staggering Jimmy and managed to snag his towel. The towel came off and Lex was treated to the sight of Jimmy’s naked ass. Lex calmly closed the door and follow stumbling Jimmy Olsen into the room to finish the task. He grabbed Jimmy from behind with left hand while his right hand once again clamped the cloth to Jimmy’s nose. Dizzy, Jimmy couldn’t put up a fight and slowly breathed in the chloroform. While Jimmy was slowly being put under, Lex marveled at feel of Jimmy’s naked body. He hadn’t realize that Jimmy had a nice, lean, well-toned body. Most probably he hadn’t noticed because he was always focused on the Man of Steel’s body rather than his little sidekick. But upon seeing his conquest’s hot body, he opted to change his plans to include Jimmy. He started to stroke Jimmy’s 4 foot limp cock not just to increase Jimmy’s rate of breathing but also to satisfy his primal urges. So engrossed was Luthor with his task that only when Jimmy was fully erect and probably close to cumming did he realize that Jimmy had already passed out from the chloroform. Lex dragged the unconscious boy to his bed and brought out ropes from his pocket. He tied Jimmy’s limbs to the four post of the bed, leaving him spread eagled. He then tied a piece of cloth around Jimmy’s mouth. After all this, he brought out some smelling salts. He placed the smelling salts under Jimmy’s nose to rouse him. Once Jimmy was conscious, Lex proceeded with his new plan. Outside, Jimmy’s room, nothing could be heard as the gag kept Jimmy from screaming under Lex’s ministrations. Chapter 1 The Capture

Superman was doing his nightly rounds and everything seemed to be in order. Suddenly, he heard the ultrasonic signal from Jimmy’s watch. Knowing that Jimmy needed him at once, he sped to the source of the signal which came from Jimmy’s apartment. Spotting an open window, Superman landed inside and spotted Jimmy waiting for him.

“Jimmy, what’s wrong? Why did you signal me?” “Superman! Am I glad you came at once. It’s Luthor! He attacked me and tried to have his way with me!” “What?!?” “Luckily, I was able to overpower him knock him unconscious. I locked him up inside my bedroom” “Good work, Jimmy. Lead me to him!” Jimmy then led Superman to his bedroom. Superman entered the room and spotted Luthor laying still on Jimmy’s bed. He approached Luthor but to his surprise, Luthor suddenly turned and faced him, his eyes wide open. “Superman! I knew you’d speed to your sidekick’s rescue. But he isn’t the one who need the rescuing, it’s you.” Superman can’t believe he was surprised by Luthor like that. Something was wrong. His senses should have at least detected that Luthor was faking it. Luthor laughed, “From the look on your face, you are wondering what’s happening. Well, this room is currently being bathed in low level kryptonite radiation. It’s strong enough to strip you completely of your powers but weak enough that you would not notice its effect until you tried to use your powers. Now, Jimmy, restrain him.” Jimmy grabbed Superman from behind, pinning the Man of Steel’s arms to his side. Superman tried to break free but in his current state, Jimmy was now stronger than him. “Jimmy! Why are you doing this?” Luthor laughed again and louder this time.

“Sorry, Superman. Your little friend has been hypnotized and is now my willing slave, as you will also soon be. But first, I need to transfer you to my secret hideout.” Luthor brought out a bottle of liquid and a piece of cloth. He poured some of the liquid on the cloth and approached the struggling Superman. “This is chloroform, Superman. Normally, you wouldn’t be affected by it but in your weakened state, it will knock you out fast” Luthor clamped the cloth on the Man of Steel’s nose and mouth. Without his powers, Superman couldn’t hold his breath and started to breath in the cloying vapors. It was a new feeling for him. His head felt light and his struggles started to slow down. He started sag against Jimmy, his legs barely able to support him. He was about to pass out when the cloth was removed from his face and he was able to breath in normal air but he still felt light-headed and woozy though. “Superman, I decided that since you will be asleep during transport, you should be dressed, or undressed, properly. Jimmy put him on your bed” Jimmy dragged the helpless Man of Steel to his bed and laid him on his back. Drugged, Superman couldn’t command his body to move and could only watch the unfolding scene before him as if he was having an out of body experience. “Now, let’s see what lies beneath your costume, shall we? Jimmy, will you do the honors?”Jimmy moved to Superman’s legs and tugged at his boots. First one then the other red boot came off. Jimmy then moved to Superman’s head and yanked off his cape. Jimmy then placed Superman’s limp arms above his head and started to pull off Superman’s shirt. Slowly Superman’s six pack abs then his muscular pecs and his quarter sized nipples were revealed. Jimmy completely removed Superman’s shirt and surveyed his half-naked friend. Luthor stepped close and ran his hands over Superman’s hairless torso. “Nice. You don’t disappoint, Superman. It is all I imagined it. But let’s see if what lies underneath your pants are as impressive. Continue, Jimmy.” Jimmy then unbuckled Superman’s yellow belt and started to pull down Superman’s red and blue tights. Jimmy completely removed Superman’s pants and revealed Superman’s tight grey briefs, his penis clearly outlined through the fabric. Luthor moved nearer and cupped Superman’s 6 inch limp cock and balls through his briefs. “Now this is what I have fantasized about for a very long time.” Never had Superman felt so helpless. Here he was, wearing only his briefs and his arch nemesis manhandling him and there was nothing he can do anything about it. Seeing the look of defeat in Superman’s face, Luthor laughed. “Don’t worry, Superman. I will put you out of your misery so that we can proceed to the next phase of my plan” With that, Luthor placed the chloroform-soaked cloth on Superman’s nose and mouth. He also started to gently squeeze Superman’s package through his briefs. Even though he was straight, Luthor’s ministration caused Superman to get hard and which, in turn, made him breath in the chloroform faster. Within a minute, Superman completely lost consciousness. Once again, Luthor was so engrossed with Superman’s growing package, that he failed to notice that his victim was already out cold. Only just in time was he able to stop himself before he caused Superman to ejaculate. It was not yet time for that. “Jimmy, let’s carry your friend here to my helicopter waiting on your roof.” Jimmy complied and, between the two of them, carried the scantily clad Man of Steel out the room and to the roof” Soon they were flying towards Luthor’s secret lair. Chapter 2 Cum Control and Milking Groggily, Superman started to recover from his chloroform-induces slumber. Suddenly remembering what had transpired before, he snapped awake. He found that he was still wearing only his grey briefs and that his both of hands were tied to 2 posts of a 4-post king size bed. He tried to struggle against his bonds but to no avail.

“Glad to see you awake, Superman. There is no use struggling as this room is also bathed in low-level kryptonite radiation. Now let’s proceed with the next phase of your subjugation. Jimmy, you know what to do.” “You’re a perverted maniac, Luthor. Jimmy, snap out of it. Don’t let Luthor control you like this!” “It’s no use, Superman. Your sidekick is completely under my control” Jimmy approached Superman, grabbed the waistband of the Man of Steel’s gray briefs and started pulling it off. Superman struggled but with the effects of the kryptonite, he couldn’t stop Jimmy. Superman’s penis and balls were revealed to Jimmy and Luthor for the first time. Jimmy’s and Luthor’s audible intake of breath was a sign of how impressive Superman’s cock was. Once, Superman’s briefs were completely removed, Jimmy took each of Superman’s feet and tied it to the remaining 2 post, leaving the naked Man of Steel spread eagled. Jimmy then straddled his friend, took Superman’s dick in his left hand and started stroking him. “Jimmy, don’t! Stop it! Please!”, Superman cried while trying buckling against his bonds. Ignoring, Superman’s pleas, Jimmy leaned forward and started licking and sucking Superman’s right nipple while his right hand gently rubbed and tweaked Superman’s left nipple. Superman pleaded louder for Jimmy to stop but Jimmy continued with his task. After a few minutes under Jimmy’s ministration, Superman unwillingly grew fully erect and was now sporting a 10 inch cock. With his heart racing and his eye fluttering, Superman knew he was very close to cumming. Suddenly, Luthor commanded Jimmy to stop. Superman can only breathe a sigh of relief and actually thanked Luthor. “Don’t thank me yet, Superman. We are just beginning. What we are doing here is called cum control.” Seeing Superman’s blank expression, Luthor continued his explanation.

“Well, it’s expected that a boy scout like you wouldn’t know that term. What happens during cum control is the subject is continuously aroused to the point that his is close to cumming but he is never allowed to cum. Every cycle starts and ends when the subject’s cock goes limp but eventually, the subject is so aroused that his penis won’t go limp anymore. Once this stage has been reached, the subject will actually beg for release.” Noticing that Superman’s penis has gone limp, Luthor commanded Jimmy to start once again. On and on the cycle went. With each cycle, Superman’s protest became louder and it took longer for Superman’s cock to become limp between cycles. “Please”, moaned Superman. “Please what, Superman? Say, “Please master Luthor, by your will, let me release my cum.” “Never!”, shouted Superman. “Ok. It’s your call. Continue, Jimmy!” Finally, after the 6th cycle, it became clear that Superman’s penis will not go limp anymore and Superman broke down.

Defeated, Superman said with gritted teeth “Please master Luthor, by your will, let me release my cum.” “Who’s the perverted maniac now, Superman? But very well, since you asked so nicely, Jimmy, make him cum!” Jimmy removed his mouth from the nipple he was servicing and moved south and started licking Superman’s shaft. Superman started to actually moan in pleasure as his penis started throbbing. Recognizing the signs that Superman was close to ejaculation, Luthor order Jimmy to give Superman a blowjob. Jimmy complied and engulfed Superman cock and moved his mouth up and down the Man of Steel’s shaft. Wads and wads of cum suddenly exploded from Superman cock which Jimmy hungrily swallowed. On and on the cum came until finally, Superman’s stopped ejaculating and his cock fell limp. Exhausted, Superman managed to say “Thank you”. “Don’t thank me yet, Superman. On to the next phase, Jimmy.” Luthor laughed evilly at Superman, “Jimmy, on to phase 3.” Jimmy grabbed Superman’s penis and stroked it once more while licking and tweaking the Man of Steel nipples with his mouth and hands.Still sensitive from his recent orgasm, Superman struggled even more and shouted, “Luthor! Jimmy! What are you doing?” Luthor explained, “We all know that a man can’t be hypnotized against his will. Either the subject must be willing to be hypnotized or the subject must be so drained of all his willpower that he won’t be able to resist. Well, this next phase of the plan is called milking. In this phase, just like a cow, the subject is continuously forced to ejaculate. On and on, the subject cums until he is completely drained of his semen. Once this happens, the subject is also drained of all his willpower and the pain caused him to lose consciousness. Told you not to thank me yet, Superman.” Superman could only shout “No!”, as Jimmy’s ministration caused him to ejaculate a 2nd time in just a few minutes. After waiting for the Man of Steel’s cock to become limp once more, Jimmy started the next cycle. Cycle after cycle, Superman was forced to cum and with each cycle, the time needed for Superman to reach climax was longer, amount of semen released was fewer and the volume of Superman’s protests became weaker due to exhaustion. A pool of cum was now forming on Superman’s washboard abs. On the 6th cycle, only a drop or two of semen leaked out of penis which was both a sign of Superman’s virility that he actually reached the 6th cycle of milking and a sign that the 7th cycle would be his last. On the 7th cycle, it actually took 5 minutes for Jimmy to get Superman fully erect and another 5 minutes for the Man of Steel to climax. Upon climax, like dry heaving, Superman’s penis throbbed but not a drop of semen leaked out. The pain of it all caused Superman to actually scream out loud and then, completely drained of his cum, he promptly passed out. Epilogue Luthor approached the unconscious Man of Steel. Using smelling salts, Luthor roused Superman. Superman opened his glazed eyes and stared at the swinging pendant held in front of him by Luthor. Drained of his willpower, Superman couldn’t resist and started to fall under the trance. “Now Superman, repeat after me, “I, Superman, will forever use all of my powers and abilities to follow the commands of my Master,” Eyes glazed, Superman repeated “I, Superman, will forever use all of my powers and abilities to follow the commands of my Master,” Luthor then said, “My Master, Jimmy Olsen!” Superman followed, “My Master, Jimmy Olsen!” Jimmy then started laughing. He can’t believe it. He has done it. Just this morning things couldn’t be worst as he was attacked and raped by Luthor. But he was able to trick Luthor by acting the willing sexual partner and then overpowering and hypnotizing Luthor. With all of Luthor’s genius and money at his command, he was finally able to proceed with his plan and fulfill his deepest fantasy, the capture and enslavement of his best friend, Superman. It was pure genius to pretend that it was Luthor who was in control and he was the slave. Now he had the very hot and sexy Man of Steel as his willing slave, to do with as he willed. And if ever Superman were able to brake free of his control, he could just pretend that Luthor was to blame for everything. Life was great and was about to get even better! The End

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