Book 1: Demise of True Blue Chapters 7-11
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Book 1: Demise of True Blue

Author: Nox (

This story was written by Nox ( he has an awesome site where he publish this and other stories. You can also follow him in Twitter @Shattered_Honor.

Chapter 7

With no strength left to defend himself, the hunk was lifted into the air by four tentacle-like appendages, stretching his colossal arms and legs in a spread-eagle position. Barely conscious, True Blue struggled to lock a defiant gaze at the supervillain who rose from the ground before him.

“You took away the most important person in my life and now I will take something important from you too. I’ll let you in on a little secret. When discovering my powers, I realized that I could not only absorb properties of any materials, I could also absorb powers from super-powered humans like yourself.”

“You will never get away with this.” True Blue struggled weakly against his bonds. “I will never give you what you want!”

Instincture approached the hero, with their faces inches away. “When I am done with you, your hero days are over” he whispered as he slipped his green-pink slime hand below the belt of the hero leader. True Blue’s face flinched in shock and quickly turned dark in anger.

“Get your hands away from me, you pervert!” the egoistic hero growled as he thrashed about mid-air. “What are you doing to me?”

Instincture smiled slyly, “I found out the best way to drain a superhero of their powers is through their semen. The very essence of your life holds the many secrets of your powers. And I intend to make sure I get every last drop of yours.”

“Get away from me!” yelled the hero. The sudden realization of his dire situation renewed his energy as he struggled violently to escape Instincture’s bonds.

“You are making this hard,” Instincture snapped his fingers and the binding appendages snapped tight, pulling the hero’s limbs apart, immobilizing him further.

Countless tentacles emerged from the ground, groping the hero’s body, wrapping themselves around his muscular arms, majestic chest down to his tapered waist, and around his thick thighs as the hero struggled weakly in his tight bonds. His hero suit began to dissolve into the slime, revealing the well-defined taut body beneath. Rapidly, his muscular torso was in full view, with his massive chest exposed and free for the villain’s vile exploration. His hero tights rapidly dissolved to reveal a tight muscled bubble butt held together by a white jockstrap. Never would he have thought that today he would be in such a situation with a villain. Dressed in only his last shred of dignity, the jockstrap barely contained the impressive package, almost leaving nothing for imagination.

“I’m impressed, True Blue. I always know you are well-endowed from how the media always captured a good view of your bulge, but this is truly impressive.” Instincture reached out to the hero’s jockstrap.  

“No! Stop this at once!” True Blue’s eyes widened as this was his first time being so exposed to another person, a supervillain to boot. The mighty leader is a straight man and never had any thoughts with another man. 

Instincture cupped the hero’s groin as the remaining piece of clothing dissolved in the slime. The hero’s massive but flaccid phallus settled within Instincture’s grasp. Tormenting the hero, Instincture squeezed the large member gently, sensing a slight twitch. The weakened hero shot the villain an angry determined glance. “YOU FIEND!”



Chapter 8

The leader of Cindra Alliance laid suspended in mid-air, held up by a mass of faint pink slime. Stripped down to his skin, the muscular hero struggled against his bonds relentless as they held him spreadeagled.

Between his thick legs, his flaccid phallus bounced slightly each time he thrashed about to get free. Savoring the sight of the magnificently sculpted body in front of him, Instincture gently cupped the tennis-size balls and stroked the hero’s rod. Being a virgin, the slightest touch sent waves of sensations that the hero was unfamiliar with.

“GET AWAY FROM ME!” bellowed the furious superhero as he lurched forward with all his might. Without his super strength, he was just a regular muscle stud, helpless within the grasp of the supervillain Instincture. His only hope left was that his team members could make it in time. He had to endure.

Slowly but surely, with every masterful stroke from the villain’s hand, a pleasurable sensation stirred within True Blue’s groin. With zero inhibitors to sexual exploration, the hero’s thick 11″ rod rose to full mast within minutes and continued to grow even more. Conflicted with mixed feelings of hatred to the villain and intense pleasure building up in his groin, the hero tried to maintain a defiant glare but hints of fear shone in his eyes. 

“Despite your protests, your body seems to enjoy this.” Instincture laughed.

True Blue bit down hard, throwing back again another heroic defiant look to the villain with his piercing blue eyes. “You can do what you want but you will never get what you want from me.”

“Then I’ll just have to take it myself.”

The villain raised his hand. Raising from the ground, a thin appendage with the thickness of a straw formed. The single appendage slid between True Blues legs, passed his erected member, twisted around the muscled torso, and emerged from the back over the hero’s right shoulder. The appendage split into two and proceeded to wrap around the massive pecs, jutting out the slabs of rock-hard muscle even more prominently with the erected copper-colored nipples vulnerably exposed. “Argh” grunted the hero as the tightness on his chest sent waves of erotic pleasure across his body.

I cannot give in to this. Just a while more before my team will be here. Endure!

Suddenly, the ends of the appendage formed into little cups and latched onto the hero’s large nipples. “Ahh…” jotted the surprised hunk, holding back his moans as the thousands of tiny feelers formed and teased his muscled tits. The waves of euphoria hit him like a tidal wave.

Shit… What is this feeling? No! I can’t give in. I’m True Blue, the heroic symbol for the world. Must… Must resist!

A third appendage spouted from between those delivering the nipple torture and headed down towards the hunk’s ever-hard member. Pulling back the thin foreskin, a large mushroom head peered out. Streams of pre-cum dripped down from the hero’s piss slit. Still occupied with the erotic torment from the nipple tease, True Blue let out a soft moan when the third appendage brushed itself gently against the sensitive spot just below the hunk’s piss slit.

Ahh shit! This is… this pleasure is too much.

The hero switched his attention to whatever the third appendage is doing to his member. His eyes widened as the straw-like appendage formed rims along its end and approached the entrance of his orifice. “No no no!! GET AWAY!” yelled the hero as the realization of what is coming up next hit him.

“ARGHHH” grunted the hunk in pain, as the sounding appendage penetrated his piss slit. Beads of sweat broke out across the handsome face as the violation continued down his urethra. “Hmm… Delicious! I can’t imagine when the main course is here.” Instincture licked his lips figuratively as his extension absorbed the hero’s salty pre-cum.


Chapter 9

“Stop this, James! You will never… ARGH!” The hunk’s eyes widened even more as electrifying pleasure shot through his mind, rendering it blank for a moment. Mind-boggling pleasure rocked the hero’s body. The villain’s sounding appendage had found the hunk’s g-spot and latched tightly onto the gland, sending pulsing vibrations along the urethra and hitting the prostate. Never had the virgin hunk felt such strong sensations before. “OHHH! Fuckk!” cursed the hunk. His first profanity slipped as he threw his head back in resistance. 

Outside, the sounding appendage started to reform and engulfed our hunk’s massive phallus, forming into what seemed like a milking pump. The internal walls tightened around the penis and started stroking the massive member.

As True Blue struggled to adapt to these newfound sensations, Instincture raised his hand again to summon a thicker slime appendage. Slowly reforming it, the end of the tentacle spouted a mushroom head, with thick vein-like rims. The tip was slowly shaped to the size of a small ping-pong ball and extended downward to be as thick as a soda can. Barely able to keep up with the intense feelings within himself, True Blue stared as the monstrous tentacle dick formed.

“As I said, this is going to be… fun!” smiled Instincture, already feeling incredibly horny as he was about to deflower one of the mightiest heroes in the world. The dildo appendage moved ever so slowly to the muscled stud’s rear end as if to keep the suspense before the point of no return.

“Oh, no, no, no! James! This is enough. Let me go now!” yelled the struggling hero. The binds holding his colossal legs spread even further, revealing the hero’s most private area. A small pink pucker was slowly exposed between the muscular globes as the appendage lined just at the entrance of the virgin cherry. Cold air tickled across his pucker, sending erotic shivers across True Blue’s broad muscled back. 

Shutting his eyes as tight as his clenched pucker, True Blue could only pray this was a nightmare. The mightiest hero in the world at the mercy of a perverted supervillain weakened and helpless to defend himself from the vile torture. The least he could do is to endure and continue to resist.

“Mhmm, resisting as always. That’s what makes this so much more fun.” laughed Instincture as he tried to worm the appendage past the hero’s tightened hole. “I wonder how long can you resist.”

After minutes of useless probing at the muscled rim, the slime villain was starting to lose his patience. 

“I have endured your perverted ways. This is my last shred of dignity and I will not give this to you,” smirked True Blue weakly but heroically as he maintained his focus on clenching his rectum as tightly despite enduring the waves of pleasure from his nipple and sounding torture.

That pissed the supervillain even more. “Know your place! You are in my grasp now. You are in no position to defy me!”

Knowing that the dildo appendage won’t continue to do any good further, Instincture slyly reformed the tip of his appendage to as thin as a sewing needle. The hair-like tentacle easily slipped through the minuscular space between the clenched rim, breaching the hero’s entry and unknown to the hero himself. Worming its way deeper into the hero, the appendage searched for its target. Within seconds, the needle-like appendage struck the hero’s g-spot.

“Argh!” the surprised hero lurched forward by the internal assault on his most private area. “What have you…” 

Instincture just smiled silently at the confused hero as he slowly expanded the lodged appendage within the hero. Feeling his hole widen from within, the confused hero yelled, “Wait… No.. No.. This is not fair! Shit! You fiend!”.

“What is not fair is that you mighty heroes stole my love from me. I’m merely executing the price you needed to pay.” laughed Instincture as he took away the hero’s last shred of dignity.

“Argh!!” moaned True Blue in pain as he refused to give in. The dildo appendage grew slowly within him, filling up his canals and stretching the tight pucker. Sweat poured profusely from the hero’s forehead once the appendage reached its original thickness of a soda can. Pain shot through his entire body as the hunk felt like he was being split into two by the massive appendage. Wincing in pain, the hero refused to let out the bellowing screams within him. Exhausted, True Blue continued to lay spreadeagled, resigned to his impending fate.

The lodged appendage started pulling back out.

Is this over?

True Blue heaved as he felt a small sense of relief in his canals. The appendage retracted until the tip was just right at the exit before plunging back in. Splitting pain shot through the hero’s body. With his virginity lost, the hero’s heroic inhibitors fall apart as he let out a roaring bellow. Ignoring his howls, the appendage began thrusting into the hero at an increasing pace. The pain slowly turned to pleasure as the hero’s prostate was subjected the constant pounding.


Chapter 10

Instincture savoring the sight of his handiwork as the mighty hero leader rocked back and forth in his binds. His muscled rump rippled as the tentacle continued to fuck him senselessly, jotting electricity of ecstasy through the muscle-bound hero. Thousands of feelers rubbed his erected nipples to send waves of pleasure directly to his brain. The sounding tube sent a constant vibration to keep the hero’s throbbing member erected.

No, no, noo… This is… just too much. Can’t think anymore. Can’t… resist!

With ongoing nipple torture, dildo fucking, pulsing sounding rod, and the masterful stroking on the hero’s sheath, our hero’s mind was basically fried with an unprecedented tsunami of sensations. His already tenting member grew harder every second, his chest heaved heavily with immense pleasure. The pleasure continued to build up within his groin to uncontrollable levels.

Fuck! No! I can’t hold back anymore! FUCK!!

Truckloads of pleasure raced from his member to his brain as the floodgate was breached. The hero let out an earthshaking roar that resonate around the dimmed vault as he finally ejaculated.

Massive streams of cum erupted into the sounding rod and were consumed by Instincture before it even left the hero’s body. A steady stream of thick white cum formed and flowed through the pink appendage into Instincture’s body, continuously without an end in sight.

“Ohh, yes!” the villain moaned in bliss as he felt the mighty powers of True Blue spread through his slime body. The superhero’s dick continued to ejaculate, releasing up all the pent-up tension he had been holding back when resisting the evil torments of the villain. “Yes… This power is truly magnificent!”

Like a broken fire hydrant, his member continued to spew out an unimaginable volume of pure white semen into the villain’s body, powering up the villain, turning him all the more crimson than before. What was previously pink, the villain’s body now glowed in deep ruby red.

“More! I need more!!” screamed Instincture as overwhelming power took over his mind. “So satisfying!”

Instincture circled behind the muscle-bound hero whose face was contorted by a mix of pain and pleasure. Wrapping his red slime arms around the hero’s tapered waist, he merged with the rest of the appendages, forming a massive blob to engulf the hunk into his slime body. He merged his own impressive member with the dildo appendage in True Blue’s ass and started fucking the weakened hero himself.

As volumes of cum continued to pour out of the hero’s member, the pure bliss of orgasm sent the exhausted hero slipping into unconsciousness slowly. 

No… I can’t hold out anymore. 

With his last thoughts, his eyes rolled up. His mind turned blank.

The steamy sight of hot salty semen erupting from the hero’s piss slit sent the villain over the edge. “Ohh yes… yes!” Instincture moaned in bliss as he ejaculated his load deep into the hero’s canal, marking his triumph over the once-mighty hero leader. The villain was overwhelmed with ecstasy. He had finally conquered his hero nemesis and degraded him in more ways than he imagined. After all, revenge is best served with utter humiliation.


Instincture’s body glowed impossibly redder than before.



“No! No! NO!!!”


Chapter 11

“We found him like this. Alone in the vault after we put out the fire and waited for the fumes to dissipate,” said Commissioner Bridgeman as he lowered his head in anguish.

Staring at the aftermath in the dark vault, the toned lean-fit superhero grimaced at the sight in front of him. The second-in-command swallowed back his regrets that they were late to his rescue. Before them laid a huge crystallized mass. Reflecting off the police officers’ flashlights, the smooth surface of the red giant crystal shimmered solemnly.

Held deeply within the gigantic crystal was the mighty leader of the Cindra Alliance, his handsome face twisted in a mix of pain and pleasure. His towering muscular figure laid spreadeagled, stripped of his heroic uniform and symbol, and frozen in the midst of an orgasm. Jets of his essence were still suspended within the crystal. A status of a god, preserved in the most humiliating manner.

“It seems as though he was frozen in time,” said Commissioner Bridgeman. “When we found him like this, we decided to keep this information within our squad.”

Speechless at the horrid fate of his leader and best friend, Velocity placed his hand on the surface of the red rock. A faint pulse of life could be felt radiating from the rock.

“Thank you for the privacy, Commissioner. I’m sure True Blue will appreciate it. We will take this back to our lab in the hero headquarters for analysis.” 

Countless thoughts raced through the hero’s mind.

How did the almighty True Blue get into this state? What exactly happened in this dark vault? Most frighteningly, who is capable enough to do this to the world’s top hero?

“Whatever happened here, we will find out and get you out of this.” muttered the determined speedster. 

— End of Book 1: Demise of True Blue —

Writer’s Notes:

Hey guys, I hope you liked my flagship story… With the Cindra Alliance, the appearance of Velocity, and sneak peeks of what is to come, I’m planning to build a universe around this.

 Do check out my site and twitter for more of the Shattered Honor universe.

Please leave me some feedback on how I can improve or even some ideas. Hope you had a steaming time reading it as much as I had while writing this. Jizz off 😉

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