
Superman, The Downward Spiral Chapter 6
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It was a bit more than an hour later, Superman came to. He ached all through himself, the effects of the Kryptonite laced air he had been unwittingly breathing, and Cat’s injection that had knocked him out (along with the horrible heel of her spite)… severely compromising his invulnerability to pain and harm, and inhibiting the use of his impossible strength, otherworldly powers. He checked his watch, knowing he had to get going.

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 16-18
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DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable

Luthor continued speaking: “My scientists have discovered a fascinating thing about our cock sucking hero here.   He hasn’t aged since his early twenties.  He has been kept young by the very substance that we now extract from him. .

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 13-15
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 DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

Though surprised by the unexpected arrival, Mark and his buddies greeted Luthor with sincere and well deserved respect.   As Luthor entered, he was followed by a number of scientists and technicians….equipment was carried in and added to the already elaborate set-up present in the warehouse.  It was clear that Luthor had a definite plan for the helpless superhero.

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 10-12
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DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

After both Austin and Frank had each taken their turn at Jimmy Olsen’s ass, each mercilessly raping the tender hole of the young man—the exhausted captive lay drenched in a combination of sweat, smeared pale green cum and ass juice. 

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 7-9
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DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

The comatose hero was summarily bent over a table…his ass cheeks spread, the butt plug unstrapped and removed. A thick green lubricant was then worked into his anal cavity. Lifting the mighty Man of Steel by both arms and legs, he was slowly lowered onto the dildo embedded in the steel chair. The kryptonite implant entered, fully penetrating the hero’s ass.

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 4-6
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DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

The next morning was filled with a variety of criminal mischief perpetrated by Dark Trinity in and around the city of Metropolis. After allowing enough time for Clark Kent to get that “all important” third shower, the sinister trio went about creating havoc -sabotaging railroad switches, setting off false fire alarms in some of Metropolis’ highest buildings and staging two terrorist alerts.

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 1-3
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DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

Lex Luthor, who attended and participated in the execution, contacted the mercenary trio and subsequently contracted their services to assist in the termination of the most powerful human being on the face of the planet, Superman..

Testing Superman (Revised + Illustrated version) Chapters 5-8
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Jimmy hurried back to Superman with the keys. He helped Superman struggle back to his feet, and Jimmy was able to unlock the handcuffs. Superman winced as he rubbed his once invulnerable wrists. Even the simple task of pulling up his tights took effort for the one-time strongest man in the world. Jimmy turned to once again crawl through the hole in the bars that were broken by the quick frozen Kryptonian cum. Superman tried following, but soon discovered that the hole created was not big enough for him to get his huge muscular frame through. He instinctively grabbed hold of the bars and his biceps bulged as he attempted to bend them further apart. His massive pecs heaved but still nothing. The bars wouldn’t budge. He instinctively attempted heat vision. A mistake. “Agghhhhhhhhh,” he howled as he covered his eyes with his hands. Not only was there no heat vision left, but his attempt to use it shot jabbing pain through his head. When the pain subsided, he removed his hands to discover his vision was blurred.

Testing Superman (Revised + Illustrated version) Chapters 3-4
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Darkness turned to light as the once undefeatable Man of Steel came to. He shook his head to clear the haze after being choked out by the massive soldier. Sagged to his knees, he hung by his wrists from the restraints he was unable to break. His arm joints felt near to being torn, having taken the heft of his weight.  Somehow, he got back onto his feet and looked around. In addition to the restraints on his wrists, he and Jimmy were also inside a portable jail cell. Jimmy was curled into a protective huddle, relatively motionless on the floor a few feet away. Shivering, but awake.

Testing Superman (Revised + Illustrated version) Chapters 1-2
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Superman landed gracefully next to the newly built dome at the US Army testing facility. He had been invited here to test out the army’s latest state of the art weaponry. He had previously been asked to do similar tasks on many other occasions, and felt it was part of his duty as an American citizen to comply. After all, he was “invulnerable,” and the results of these tests would be invaluable to the army. He approached the front door of the dome and it automatically opened. Upon entering, he was greeted by the two-star General, Matt Barnes. “Welcome, Superman,” who extended his hand to the 6’ 4”, 260 lbs. of skin-tight, blue-clad muscle… who with dark hair, and bright eyes, was unnervingly handsome.

Tarzan – Deposed Jungle Lord Book III Part 4-6
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“I heard enough of your sick, twisted, perverted fantasies, Martin! Have it your way, “replies Superman as he angrily steps away from Martin and faces Bomba’s cell; he grabs the black iron bars and prepares to rip the barred door off its iron frame.

“Wait, Superman… please, no more damage. It’s hard to get a repairman out here, and it’ll take ages to get the brig’s entrance replaced,” begs the old fat man with feigned sincerity.

Tarzan – Deposed Jungle Lord Book III Part 1-3
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“He is a mighty and very powerful warrior called Superman,” explains Bill to the old witch doctor. “He has the ability to fly and has tremendous strength and other powers; he is invulnerable to every known weapon. And Superman is coming here to turn me over to the authorities. Supermen will destroy my home, turning it to ashes. He can burn objects with a mere look from his eyes!”

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 5   Peter watched as The Mask smashed a strange looking machine. Could that be what took away his powers? he thought wildly. He tried to stop the muscle man from destroying the only chance he had to regain his former life, but he was tossed aside easily. “No!” Peter screamed as the machine was smashed to little bits. Sirens could be heard in the background as the villain accomplished what many had dreamed, The Mask had destroyed Spider-Man. The sirens grew louder and louder as the villain slammed Peter to the ground causing the former hero to cry out in pain. “You never should have messed with me boy!” The newly powered villain hissed as he leaped into the shadows. Peter cried for his tormentor to return as The Mask was his only hope to ever regaining his powers. Standing alone in the wrestling ring, the former hero tried to figure out what he was going to do. His thoughts were interrupted as the doors slammed open as the police flooded the room with… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 5

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 4   Yesterday, Peter Parker was on top of the world. He was the mighty hero, Spider-Man, and fought crime against the criminal element of New York City. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he would be powerless sucking on the cock of a washed up wrestler. His ass felt like it was on fire as the cool air seemed to make the stinging even worse. His own cock was out of control and hard so if someone was watching, they would think he was turned on by serving the bigger man. His jaw felt like it would break at any moment trying to take in the monster cock of the huge wrestler. As a straight man, Peter never touched another man’s cock and the thought of sucking it like he was a woman was repulsive to him. He would have refused to service the man who stole his powers, but the recent memory of the spanking he had to endure was too much for him to handle. There was no amusement… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 4