Testing Superman Chapter 11
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 This is the last chapter I have from this series, hope you like it.


Testing Superman


By Superman Fannn 

Chapter 11


Jimmy was feeling quite strange.  His clothing was feeling tight from his muscle growth and his admiration of Superman was quickly turning to that of disdain and dislike.  The power of Superman’s one drop of semen was making him feel powerful and in a way it was changing his feeling of needing Superman to protect him into one of feeling like a competitor.  Superman’s new found confidence wasn’t helping matters.  Jimmy, however, did not want to let on to his new found strength until he first knew the limits and until he knew if he needed more of the sweet nectar that made him this way.

“I’m going to test my visual powers first,” Superman said as he walked to the vault area with a swagger.  He focused his eyes on the vault where valuables were kept and attempted to engage his x-ray vision. It was obvious that he was struggling a little bit as his beefy hands rubbed his eyes and massaged his forehead.  “What’s the matter, Superman?  Have you lost your ability to see through,” Jimmy asked?  Superman didn’t answer but continued staring with a very intense look in his eyes.  Eventually he was able to see in.  “No, Jimmy.  I just needed to readjust to coordinate with my new powers,” Superman responded with a confidence that was growing more and more evident.  “There are weapons and prisoner belongings in the vault.  Almost as if for show, Superman flexed his pecs and leaned in as he looked into the vault with fierce determination.  Jimmy was not impressed and was becoming less and less enamored with his former infatuation.  “There is a lead box sitting on one of the tables.  With my new found power, I wonder if I can see through,” said the Man of Steel.  He tensed every muscle in his body and stared.  It was the most masculine powerful sight Jimmy had ever seen in his life.  His body tensed as his cock stood at attention. It was dripping of pre-cum and Superman’s body trembled slightly at the great effort he was putting into seeing through… Finally there was success as Superman, with immense effort began seeing through the lead.  Something he could never do no matter how hard he tried.  “It’s workingggg,” he uttered.  Jimmy watched, anticipating yet another uncontrollable orgasm as the pre cum was now oozing out of Superman engorged member.  He was hoping to get more semen to swallow to continue his transformation.  He was planning on secretly swallowing more when Superman wasn’t looking.  However, Superman’s eyes changed from a look of determination to a look of fear. “No…can’t be… Kryptonite!,” he uttered. 

Almost immediately, Superman became flaccid and looked quite a bit less confident and even a little bit scared.  Kryptonite, the only substance in the world that could harm him was just a room away.  His mind raced…”Why would the prison have kept the kryptonite and not turned it over to the proper authorities for disposal.  His fear turned to anger as he pounded his fist on the door to the vault which under the stress of his newly enhanced powers fell in with a thud.

There, in front of him, with nothing in between except a thin covering of lead, was the one substance that could kill the hulking, powerful nude being.  Jimmy smiled….


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