The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 79-80
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 79

Lois Lane was sitting alone at the poolside table when Charles Bryant arrived for breakfast, Superman tagging behind him. She knew right away that there was a problem. Her husband’s eyes were downcast and it seemed by his demeanor that he was upset. Lois had cut flowers from the garden and they were on the breakfast table. Along with freshly cut assorted fruits, tomato juice and an onion omelet with some feta cheese sprinkled on top. It was being kept warm in a chaffing dish. Against her will, her heart fluttered at the sight of Charles Bryant. So commanding. So male and virile. She wished he did’nt have such a powerful impact on her. Hated the fact that he was vitually irresistable. Bryant spoke pleasantly to her, “Good Morning Lois. Where is Mona this morning?” Lois replied, not missing the opportunity to torment The Man of Steel even further, “Mona is doing some extra training this morning in the gym. She says we’ve been spending so much time in bed together that she’s getting soft.” Lois smiled sweetly as Superman continued to avert his eyes. “Lois, be a dear,” Bryant said, “run back to your room and bring me the leather strap. Your Husband has been very, very impertinent.” Lois looked at her powerfully built husband standing there, eyes averted, wearing only a tiny pair of red panties with the “S” logo on them. “Good,” she thought. “now he can pay for having Mona lay the strap across my ass. I hope Charles lets me wield it.” With that Lois hurried to her room and was back quickly. Bryant was gazing out toward his yacht at anchor several miles away. Superman continued to stand obediently off to the side. When he saw Lois arrive back with the heavy leather strap his insides turned to mush. “Oh God please,” Superman wailed inwardly, “not this again. Anything but this.” Charles took the heavy strap from Lois and grabbed the defeated hero roughly by his slave collar. He dragged Superman into a shaded area of the garden. Grabbing his captive by the neck he forced him to bend way over, presenting his ass to his conquorer. “Now drop those panties,” Bryant ordered sternly. With shaking hands the fallen superhero obeyed, lowering the red silk to mid thigh, presenting his firm hard ass to his lord and master. The leather rose and fell sharply on the defenseless ass of Superman. So hard was the blow it almost sounded like a gunshot. Superman let out a loud cry despite his resolve not to. The pain across his buttocks was intense, overwhelming. But the expected second blow did not fall. Instead Bryant ordered the fallen hero to his knees. Grateful for the reprieve, Superman sank to his knees in the soft, shaded soil of the garden. He looked up into Charles Bryant’s eyes, trembling at the thought of what might be next. The red silk panties still half-way down his thighs. Lois watched in utter fascination, wondering what Charles was going to do to her husband next. Bryant glared down at his captive superhero, “So… you pathetic pussy,… answer the question. Which do you want, 9 more kisses of the leather across that hard ass of yours, or a load of my cum splashed across your face?” Superman whimpered in defeat. He knew this was one more humiliation and perhaps the worst. He tried to summon the courage to resist but failed. “Aything but that horrid leather strap,” he thought to himsef brokenly. “The cum.” he said almost inaudibly. “Not good enough,” Bryant snarled. “Say it now. For your wife, for Lois to hear you.” Beyond shame, in defeat, Superman whispered the shameful words. “I want your cum on my face. Not the strap on my ass.” Bryant spoke in triumph, “Lois, come here. Free my cock and feed it to this pussy. This pathetic cunt that you married. Superhero!! What a joke.” Lois quickly complied although her hands were shaking. She undid Bryant’s belt and loosened the zipper on the snug linen slacks. Opening them she watched Charles Bryant’s 9 inch cock fell free, rapidly hardening as the kneeling superhero watched. Gazed at the hard flesh that was intended for his mouth. Lois caressed the erect manhood, teasing it, running her fingers up and down the lenght of the male flesh. Superman watched through half-closed eyes. Awaiting the inevitable. Finally Lois determined Bryant’s cock could get no harder and doing so she grasped it about the thick base. She grabbed a handuful of Superman’s thick black hair and watched as she slowly guided the trembling cock into the wet, waiting mouth. Lois watched the pulsing cock slowly pushing past Superman’s lips and disappearing into his mouth. It triggered in her an incredible orgasm. Bryant grabbed the Man of Steel roughly by the hair. Pumping his cock ruthlessly into and out of the helpless mouth. Lois was riveted, enthralled by the spectacle of her husbands mouth-fucking. It lasted for several minutes till Bryant moaned loudly and pulled his cock from Superman’s mouth. He came across the handsome face of Superman. His cum splashed on those cheeks and in the hair of his utterly defeated captive. Not content, Bryant grabbed his still spurting cock and squeezed the remaining cum on the other facial areas still dry. Till the fallen hero was slick with his conquorers cum. Only then did Bryant zip up and put his cock away. “Now,” he said to his conquest, “serve me breakfast. And do’nt clean your face or hair. You’ll let it dry where it is or you’ll get more of the strap.”


Chapter 80


Properly chastised and totally subdued, Superman, clad only in the hated red “S” panties, served Charles, Lois and Mona breakfast at poolside.  Mona had joined them shortly after Charles had forced Superman to blow him in the garden.  No one took notice of the fallen Superhero as he served their breakfasts.  The cum on his fac, cheeks and throat slowly drying in the soft, warm tropical breezes.  He sat alone and miserable off to the side having his own breakfast.  A mythic figure, broken and defeated.  His wife smiling warmly, enjoying the company of the man and woman that so commanded her love and lust.  Lois Lane was hooked.  In love with the mysterious dominatrix, Mona, she still could not get enough of Charles Bryant’s hard cock.  He made her crazy with desire.  “I deserve to lose her,” thought the broken super hero, “he’s gotten her hotter and more passionate than I ever did.  He took her from me fair and square.  She loved and reveled in her shame and I did too.”  In his mind Superman consigned her tits, ass and pussy to Mona and Charles for their pleasure.  “But how in heavens name did he defeat and tame Batman?”  It was one of the few thoughts that allowed him to retain a shred of self-esteem. The fact that Batman had fallen too.  Fallen to the sexual magnetism of this ruthless mega-billionaire.  He remembered the image of the mighty and undefeated crime-fighter kneeling between the powerful thighs of Charles Bryant.  The cowled head slowly moving up and down as the Batman moaned and drooled over Bryant’s throbbing, dripping cock.    After breakfast Charles ordered Lois and Superman into the pool for some relaxing swimming.  More to permit the Man of Steel to cleanse his cum-stained body.  Mona, watching the two prisoners relaxing in the turquoise waters spoke softly to Charles, “I gotta give you credit my sweet, when you break a man, he stays broken.  Who would ever believe Superman, nothing more than a cum-slave.”  Bryant replied, “They’re still husband and wife and I don’t wish to break that bond.  These are the most delicate of times for them.  When they are freed they still must want and need each other.  And want and need what we offer.”  With that Bryant stood up and walked to the edge of the pool.  Lois and Superman, standing in the warm waters,  looked up at him, the fallen hero trying not to let his eyes wander to the distinct bulge of cock beneath the soft linen slacks.  He failed and Bryant saw that he failed.  “Superman”, he said quietly, “come to our bedroom when you are done.  You’ll need a long nap today.  Tonight we go to Club L. You’r going to need strength and stamina for what I’ve planned for you.”  Superman just looked up into Bryant’s eyes and said meekly, “Yes, Charles.”  Bryant looked directly into Lois Lane’s eyes and said, “At sundown come to my bedroom.  You’r going to prepare this pussy husband of yours for the Club.  Reshave his entire body, dress and perfume him.  Make him look like the woman he really is.”  With that Charles Bryant strode off leaving the fallen couple trembling in fear and desire for what was coming. 

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