Superman Vanquished Part 11
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Superman Vanquished

Part 11 Helpless

Author: Lcross


Fifteen minutes later the large the well is filled with the sound of de-compressing air as the lead doors to escape shaft divide and Eden enters the pit carrying a pair of black leather ankle restraints. Eden approaches Superman and stares down at the vanquished hero for several minutes in fascination mesmerized by the sight of the helpless caped hero. He drops the leather restraints down close to Superman’s red leather boots and then circles him several times observing the motionless figure with curiosity. Amazing! He’s still breathing! Superman is not dead! I amplified the kryptonite 1,000 fold – the max! And left him under it for over an hour! Apparently these tiny particles of kryptonite are insufficient to kill Superman! Damn it! If he was dead my problems would be over. I could just put Superman in the box and not have to worry about babysitting him until I can cash him in. Since he’s alive he should best be left down here until I make the trade; but Superman is sure to be missed. When the story that Superman is missing hits the global news the professor will return from China immediately. I can’t risk leaving Superman here in the well to be set free by the professor. I’ll box him up and stick him in the back of my aunt’s barn; she never goes out there anymore. As long as he’s kept in the dark muscle boy is completely powerless – just another dead battery. The lab is windowless and I have a heavy dark canvas tarp for the steel box. I’ll move Superman at night and park my truck in my aunt’s old barn – with the doors shut it stays nice and dark in that old barn. 


Eden returns his attention to Superman. I’ll need pictures. Eden takes his camera phone from his belt clip and takes several shots of Superman sprawled on the well floor. He is a pathetic sight. Superman’s magnificent costume is thoroughly soaked with sweat and he lies face down on the reflective floor. Superman’s head is craned with his left cheek pressed against the floor and his mouth is open with drool trickling out. His eyes are open but he has a vacant and distant stare. Superman’s wavy black hair is wet, disheveled and matted down. His red cape is soaked and conforms tightly to his large muscular frame; his arms with their large biceps contained tightly in the blue elastic fabric of the bodysuit are outstretched in front of him. Eden roughly nudges Superman in the ribs hard several times with his shoe to rouse him but the Man of Steel remains motionless. Good – Out cold! Probably will be for days! The kryptonite did not kill him but it sure did kick the crab out of Superman! Eden then places the toe of his shoe on the side of Superman’s face and grinds it rubbing Superman’s face into the steel floor for several seconds as he grins wickedly. I bet nobody has ever ground Superman’s face into the floor before! Superman does not look so high and mighty sprawled out on the floor!  Eden is satisfied the hero has been kayoed and he removes his shoe from Superman’s face; he then places it squarely on the wet cape between the man’s broad shoulder blades. He steps forward and applies his weight on the red cape as he flexes his biceps exaggeratedly beside his head. “This will make a great picture for my scrap book. Caption to read: Superman Vanquished by Eden,” laughs Eden as he poses for the surveillance cameras in the pit.


Eden finishes his humiliating antics picks up the leather ankle restraints connected together with a short length of thick heavy black leather. Eden kicks Superman’s legs together and tightly buckles each restraint around Superman’s red leather boots. He moves to the keypad and codes in several commands and the shaft is filled with the loud sound of air compressing and the large lead doors on the lab floor above slowly retract inwards on heavy struts. As the doors complete the retraction inwards the sound of the hoist engaging high above can heard. Several minutes pass and the steel cables and hook from hoist high above descends slowly into the shaft and thuds as it meets the steel floor of the pit. Excess cable piles up on the floor for a few seconds and stops. Eden picks up the steel hook and drags the cables over to Superman’s restrained ankles and fastens the hook to the black leather strap connecting the ankle restraints on Superman’s boots. More commands into the keypad and the lead connection box on the wall next to the passageway of the shaft clicks and move ajar slightly producing a faint green glow from within. Eden moves to the lead junction box on the wall and opens the box wider. He reaches in and turns several switches off within the box and then removes two flash drives with neck ropes around them. He removes them from the box and places the flash drives around his neck. He carefully removes a thin piece of glass fused with tiny particles of kryptonite from the glass cylinder atop the DLP. He places the piece of glass into a small envelope made of lead foil and pockets it into his shirt pocket. Too bad! A little more kryptonite and I could have killed Superman! Oh well. I must get this back to its proper place so the absented minded professor does not get suspicious. Eden closes the lead junction box and then smiles down at the famous caped figure sprawled on the floor. More codes into the keypad and the cables with the hook slowly retract upwards to the lab high above. As the hook continues to retract upwards Superman is dragged facedown, arms extended, across the floor towards the end of the radiation well by his restrained ankles. When Superman reaches the end of the well his legs begin to rise upwards arching his back as his chest continues to drag across the floor until Superman is pulled off the floor slowly upwards to the lab by his ankles. Eden smiles and cranes his neck upward following Superman’s rise upwards with his wet cape dripping and muscular arms dangling beneath him. “This is the only kind of flying you’ll be doing from here on in Superman,” taunts Eden. As soon as Superman clears the lab floor Eden exits the radiation well and quickly disappears up the ladder.



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