The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 29-30
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 29


Superman sat at a table by the window in Charles Bryant’s bedroom. He had showered and been given a fresh pair of red Superman “S” panties, these were trimmed in lace. He slipped them on without comment. Bryant sat across from him dressed in white linen slacks and a blue flowered silk shirt. He snacked on some fruit from the table as he contemplated the appearance of his captive. “Have some fruit Superman. You’r going to need you’r strength for what Mona has planned for you.” The Man of Steel selected a pear which he began to eat. “What are you talking about Bryant? What plans?” “You must fight Mona today. One on one in the rec-room. And in just a few minutes.” Superman scoffed, “I may be weakened but I’m not that weak and besides I don’t fight women.” “I think you’ll fight this woman,” Bryant said, “Mona says the winner of this fight gets Lois Lane. Lois HAS spent a lot of time with her, I would be cautious about your woman. Mona is a predator lesbian. Cautious and careful..Mona is also expert in the martial arts.”…..The seeds of doubt had been planted in the superheros mind. Could his beloved Lois be falling under the sway of this ruthless bitch. Such was Superman’s state of mind 20 minutes later when Charles Bryant led him, leashed, into the rec-room. Superman wore the red panties under a pair of blousy white silk pajamas tied with a red sash. Otherwise he was naked. He could see that an area had been cleared for their battle. Mona stood with arms folded awaiting him. Splendidly provocative in the skin-tight, black cat-suit. Lois was one step behind her looking ever-so-much like a page from Victoria’s Secret. Superman stepped into the cleared area and Mona stepped forward. “If you want her Superman, You’r gonna have to fight me for her. You’r little sweetie is just ready for the taking and I aim to have her.” Superman glared at her, “You keep your filthy hands off her. I don’t want to fight you or hurt you, but I will if you push this.” Mona crouched down and began to circle her larger foe. Warily they moved closer and closer. When Mona struck it was with the speed of a viper. Her foot lashed out striking the side of Superman’s knee in a crippling blow. The strike staggered him and he nearly fell. As he recovered his lost balance, Mona struck again. A murderous kick of her booted foot buried itself in Superman’s unprotected stomach. He doubled up from the unexpected pain in his gut and a second later the side of Mona’s fist hammered him in the temple. He reeled but Mona chose not to follow up on the devastating attack. Backing away to savor her foes pain, she mocked him. “C’mon pretty boy. You think you’re tough just because you’ve a dick swinging between your legs. You’re nothing. A pathetic pussy.” Mona closed again with the injured hero,  this time moving within the clutches of Superman;s arms. He grabbed for her but it was what Mona had planned. Her hand shot up to Supermans face. The heel of her palm impacted the nose and instantly his face was bloodied. A second vicious blow to the throat left the defeated hero gasping from damage to his windpipe. Another violent blow to the temple and the worlds mightiest man reeled and collapsed on his knees, gasping in front of the cat-suited villianess. Mona tasted victory. She casually grabbed a handful of Superman’s thick black hair and drove her fist several times into his unprotected face. Superman was too stunned to offer any resistance and his arms hung uselessly to his sides. His lip split and more blood stained his mighty torso. One more thunderous blow to his temple and Superman pitched forward and lay face down on the carpeted floor of the rec-room. The fight may have been over but not Mona’s desire to humiliate the fallen superhero. She folded his legs at the knees, back, one over the other, and then fell with her entire weight on Supermans bent legs. This produced a howl of pain as muscles and ligaments were tortured beyond endurance. Mona jumped to her feet and delivered two sharp kicks to Supermans side. He groaned and attempted to get up but fell. Mona kicked him over so he lay on his back. She dropped to the floor at his feet and grabbed his left leg. She then jammed her booted foot against his right leg and began pushing Supermans legs further and further apart. Splitting the superheros legs wider and wider till tendons, muscles and ligaments began screaming with the impossible position. Finally Superman howled in pain. “Oh God…..stop….no more….no don’t. Please.” He could not escape the pain nor escape from the hold she had him in. More and more she split apart the legs of her foe until finally he was pounding on the floor and tearing at his hair in agony. She increased the pain level, if possible, by twisting and pinching the skin of his inner thighs in her strong hands. Raising angry welts as she did so. Superman was beaten, sobbing and moaning brokenly. Mona was panting as she demanded his admission of defeat. It came slowly but it did come. “Yes,” he sobbed, “You… you’ve beaten… me…I … I submit …to you.” Mona released Superman, rose and stood over her defeated foe. Hands on hips, legs spread apart. She looked down at the broken hero and said, “Who does Lois Lane belong to now?” “She… she…’s yours,” he muttered shamefully, “All yours….” Bryant had crossed to where Lois stood. He put his arm about her waist and whispered in her ear. “You belong to her now. You watched history made today Lois. The submission of Superman.”   Mona was not finished with the defeated and humiliated superhero. “Get up and get over to the table. Lay on it, face down. Move it,” she ordered. This is’nt over for you.”



Chapter 30


The cat-suited, raven-haired beauty stood over the fallen hero. He lay before her, face down in defeat. Hands on hips, legs spread apart, her breasts heaving with excitement, she looked every bit like the warrior woman she was. A broken, sobbing Superman who lay at her booted feet, attested to that fact. Mona again ordered the Man of Steel to go and lie on the nearby padded table. Superman struggled to get up but so great was the pain, he was unable to stand. He crouched before her on hands and knees. From out of nowhere the leather paddle appeared in Mona’s hand. The heavy leather strap fell again and again across Superman’s buttocks. Each loud slap of the leather against the defenseless ass was punctuated by Mona’s order. “I….said….get….on…..the……table.” Pleading for her to stop, Superman crawled to the table and pulled himself onto it. Laying face down as ordered. Mona threw the leather paddle to the floor and looked over at Lois Lane. She stood watching and almost appeared to be in a state of shock from the incredible scene she was witnessing. Charles Bryant stepped forward to assist Mona. Together they bound the fallen superhero to the table. Strap after strap fastened Superman to the table until he was totally unable to move. Mona moved to the side of the table and using all her strength she violently ripped apart the silk pajamas and tore apart the panties. Now Superman lay face down, unable to move more than an inch in any direction. His naked ass-cheeks vulnerable to whatever Mona had planned. Charles moved Lois Lane back a few feet to watch as Mona wheeled forward a gurney with a strange device on it. Lois could see it was electrical in that a long thick cord ran from it to an outlet in the wall. The device was about the size of a very large microwave oven. Mona wheeled it close to the fallen, bound hero and spoke directly to him. “I told you I was going to finish your vanity and pride off once and for all and I intend to. You’r not so tough now, are you? Let me introduce you to my device. It’s called cold-branding. Not your basic red-hot iron but instead, one immersed in liquid nitrogen. Brrrr..that 300 degrees below zero can really get your attention. And when applied to one of those tight, sexy ass-cheeks of yours, well, let’s say, it’s going to leave a lasting impression. Of course the problem was in imparting the color to the skin. I’m pleased to tell you that Charles had his engineers resolve the problem. Let’s see now, you liked red. So red it will be.” Mona busied herself with the final preparations. Superman, realilzing the horror of what she planned began to violently throw himself against his bonds. Useless, he was held tight. He screamed to Bryant, “No, no, don’t let her do this. Please stop this. Ooh God….no….anything but not this…..Don’t mark me.” His words fell on deaf ears and moments later Mona approached her victim with the cold-brand iron in hand. Wasting no time she jammed it against her prisoners ass-cheek. Superman’s loud screams echoed through the mansion and across the lush grounds of the estate. But there was none to help him. Lois and Charles Bryant moved forward to see Mona’s handiwork. In bright red, branded on Superman’s ass cheek, the word, “SLAVE” appeared. Superman lay enduring the pain while babling, “You fucking bitch, you fucking bitch, fucking bitch, fucking bitch.” Mona took Lois by the wrist and led her commandingly out of the rec-room, leaving little doubt what she had in mind. Charles Bryant was left to free the broken superhero and help him back to his bedroom.


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