The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 31-32
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 31


Charles Bryant loosened the many straps which bound Superman to the padded table. The Man of Steel lay face down, immovable and moaning softly. Bryant pulled off the ripped panties and silk pants and dropped them to the floor. “Come Superman, try to stand so we can get back to the room.” He helped Superman from the table but the defeated man was unable to stand on his own. His knees screamed painfully and he sagged against Bryant. He would have fallen but Bryant grabbed him about the waist and supported him. Supermans face, throat, chest and shoulders were streaked with drying blood. Bryant slowly walked him back to the master bedroom holding him as they walked. “How could you let her beat and bloody me like that? Have you no decency?,” Superman asked weakly. Bryant simply said, “What makes you think I’m in charge of Mona?” Once in the bedroom Bryant helped him lie on the bed face down. Bryant said, “Let me give you something that will ease the pain and take away this terrible anguish you’r feeling.” Moments later Bryant returned with a a glass of water and several tablets. “Here, take these. They’ll help.” Superman accepted the kindness and swallowed the medications down. “Turn over Superman, I’ve got to clean you up. You’r a terrible mess.” Slowly he turned the naked superhero onto his back being cautious with his branded buttock. He got a basin of warm water and some face-cloths and for 20 minutes he gently cleansed his mighty body of the blood and sweat. Cleaning the stains away from the face and throat. Gently soothing Superman. The medications were kicking in and The Man of Steel felt the pain easing. He sank into a kind of totally relaxed state. Bryants hands were everywhere on Superman, soothing, caressing and kneading aching flesh. Now he began massaging scented oils into the flesh of his captive. When he gently spread Superman’s legs apart, no attempt was made to close them. The worlds mighties man lay naked and totally available to Charles Bryant. Eyes closed, he felt nothing but gratitude to his captor for these kindnesses. Bryant’s powerful hands massaged Superman’s calf muscles and then kneaded the powerful thighs. “You have beautiful legs Superman. Do you know that?” The man of Steel lay passive in his dream-like lethargy. Utterly unable to resist what he knew was about to happen. Bryants hand finally found Supermans manhood and claimed it as his own. His oil scented hands found Supermans cock and closed about it’s thick base. The only response from the defeated hero was a soft moan as he surrendered further to what he now knew was inevitable. It felt so very good and against his will he felt his cock growing, hardening, surrendering to the masterful hand that had claimed it. Bryant turned the heros face toward him and kissed him on the mouth. Long and lingering, his tongue probing the now willing captives mouth. Bryant whispered to him, “You need rest. Sleep now, we’ll finish this tonight.” Then he was gone.


Chapter 32


The Man of Steel slept for several hours after Charles Bryant left him in his bed. Superman woke and saw by the lengthening shadows in the bedroom that it was late afternoon. His body had sustained a terrible beating at the hands of Mona. She had used her martial arts skills to completely humiliate him and, as he lay defeated before her, with her arm around Lois’ waist, she openly boasted that Lois Lane now belonged to her. Even worse, it appeared that Lois was completely under this womans control and did not seem upset by that. It was a blow to his male ego and stung him more than he realized. The hours he had slept had refreshed his powerful frame and he felt better and stronger. Although his buttock ached from where the dark haired bitch had branded the word, “slave” into his ass cheek. He knew he was marked forever, not just on his smooth powerful body but in his mind. Everything it seemed conspired to weaken him. He knew what was happening and knew he was under a psychological attack to weaken his resistance and he feared it was working. He lay quietly thinking about Charles Bryant helping him back to this room. Soothing and comforting him, his powerful hands knowingly moving over his aching flesh. The scented oils. The drugs he gave him to ease the pain, relaxing him, the tension slipping away. Bryant so near him in his weakest moment, whispering vague obscenities, soothers and adjusters until finally all resistance slipped away. Superman knew that at that moment he was utterly vulnerable to Charles Bryant. Unable to muster the least amount of resistance. In fact, he admitted to himself, he longed to surrender himself to whatever Bryant wished. He remembered the feel of Bryants lips claiming his mouth. His legs being gently spread apart making him even more available. Those powerful hands had felt so good on his cock, massaging it, caressing his thighs, owning him. Superman shook himself from the erotic recollections. He must never let this happen again. He would fight harder. He was not about to surrender to a gay man let alone one who held him prisoner. He vowed to regain the high ground. He would defeat Charles Bryant at this game.


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