The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 57-58
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 57


Finally the two naked men stirred in the moonlight. It was nearly midnight and they had exhausted each other sexually. On his part, Superman lay there on the grass disbelieving the thoughts present in his mind. “In all my life I’ve never experienced climaxes anywhere near as intense and satisfying as the ones I’ve had, this night, with Charles Bryant.” Bryant got up and stood over Superman, his face partially hidden by shadows. His damp, muscular body illuminated by the pale moonlight. Superman, laying there, looked up at him, seeing the now-soft, thick cock framed by lean hips and sleek, powerful thighs. He almost felt giddy with strange new feelings washing over him. He still had the taste of his conquorers cum on his lips and tongue. “C’mon Superman, I want a nice bath and massage. Then I’m going to finally fuck your virgin ass.” Reluctantly, the Man of Steel got to his feet and submissivly followed Bryant back to the master bedroom……..Once back in Bryant’s huge bedroom, Superman began preparing Bryant’s bath as ordered. The fallen superhero had spent his sexual energy and now, away from the romantic atmosphere of the moonlit patio, began to have grave misgivings about submitting to anal sex. In fact, he wanted no part of that kind of love-making. Bryant entered the bathroom and slipped into the scented water and, unlike previous baths, told Superman to climb in. The defeated superhero did as ordered, immersing himself in the relaxing waters. He sat between bryants legs facing in the same direction. The waters were almost to the chins of both men. Bryant wasted no time taking advantage of his position. His arms surrounded Superman, and under the sudsy water his hands found Superman’s manhood. Massaging it, toying with it. Caressing his broad chest, squeezing and kneading Superman’s powerful thighs. His muscular, flat stomach. Soon the captive was moaning continually as his cock, once again, grew rock hard under the scented waters. He moaned aloud, “Ooooh Charles. You’r driving me nuts. I can’t believe I’m hard again so quick.” Bryant abruptly stood up revealing that he too, was fully hard. “Dry me Superman. Let’s not waste time. I need it and I want it now.” Superman climbed out of the tub and while water dripped off his perfect body, he slavishly dryed Bryant. “Dry yourself,” Bryant ordered, “and then come to the bed.” Superman did as ordered amid growing apprehension as to what was about to happen.



Chapter 58


The Man of Steel finished drying his powerful body and walked into the bedroom to join Charles Bryant. Several candles provided the only light in the huge master bedroom. Bryant, naked and waiting in the bed, was propped up by several pillows against the headboard. The dim candle light flickering across his broad chest and flat stomach gave him a soft, sexy appearance. Superman could see that he was already partially hard and he had to admire Bryant’s stamina. Already this night he had fucked Lois Lane into submission and had worn-out his captured superhero while lying on the lawn, locked in mutual oral sex. Cumming in Superman’s mouth several times in doing so. Superman’s own climax was so intense he feared he might faint. And now, once again Superman found Bryant aroused and ready. Approaching the bed he could feel his own cock begin to tingle at the sight of so powerful and handsome a man about to use him for his own pleasure. As he reached the side of the bed Bryant grabbed his wrist and pulled him down onto the sheet. Superman saw a tube of sexual lubricant on the small table next to the bed. Superman lay next to Bryant who began to suck his nipples. Going back and forth as his hand caressed and massaged his muscular stomach. Bryant dropped lower, kissing and licking that flat stomach while he caressed the Man of Steel’s thighs. Gently pushing them wide apart, spreading those smooth legs and making his prisoner ready to be fucked. Superman was growing fearful of this submission and whispered to Bryant, “No Charles, let’s not do this. Let me suck you instead. I’ll make it good for you” His voice was pleading and pathetic. Superman would do anything at this point not to have his ass taken but Charles Bryant was too much the master not to see this conquest through to completion. He was also, very, very aroused. “No chance,” he whispered. “I’ve waited too long to fuck your virgin ass. I’m not letting this moment sllp away.” He moved over Superman, kneeling between his outstretched legs and reached for the tube of lubricant. He drizzled some on his hard cock and spread it around the shaft. Moving down, he lifted his captives legs and moved his cock toward the Man of Steel’s ass. Superman rebelled. He stiff-armed Bryant, pushing him away from his imminent conquest. “No…please. Not this. I’ll do anything you want but not anal sex. Have’nt I pleased you enough?” Superman was frantic to avoid this rape. Bryant exploded in fury slamming his fist into the side of Superman’s head, knocking him groggy. Bryant stood up and glared down at the defeated hero and snarled at him, “You fucking bitch. You whore. It did’nt have to be this way. I was’nt going to hurt you, but now, you slut, now you’r gonna pay.” He went to the dresser and removed several plastic ties. Returning to the bed where Superman lay moaning dazedly, he turned him over and pulled his hands behind his back. Very quickly Superman was trussed up and helpless. His hands tied securely behing his back, he lay naked and bound in his conquorers bed. Bryant walked to the intercom on the wall and thumbed a button. A moment later he spoke softly and directed Mona to send Lois Lane to his bedroom. Bryant returned to the bed, dragging Superman up to lay on the pillows against the headboards. Bryant spoke coldly to his captive, “Earlier tonight I showed you what a easy whore your wife was. Now I’m going to show her that her husband is nothing but an easy fuck and a good blow-job. Remember Superman, you asked for this.”


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