The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 55-56
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 55


Superman sat in the darkness, having watched as his wife displayed a totally unknow part of her nature. That of an over-sexed, wanton slut. Her behavior had shocked him to the core. Never would he have dreamed that such unbridled passion smoldered so close to her surface. Their sex, he always believed, was great. But now, watching Charles Bryant casually fucking Lois like some alley-cat in heat, he saw things in a completely different light. For the first time he saw her clearly. Lois Lane was a woman of many facets and desires. Superman liked the new Lois. Evidenced by the fact that, as he watched her brazen behavior, his cock had stiffned until it was hard and desperatly needing release. It aroused him unbelievably when she began to beg for Bryant’s cock. Even he thoughts of her beautiful face buried between Mona’s sleek thighs was keeping him hard. It had been so long since he had cum that he thought he would collapse without some release. This was all so sudden and unexpected. As he kept watching, Charles got Lois up on wobbly legs. He told her gently that Superman was coming and she should rush back to her room so he did’nt see her here. The small fib worked. Lois grabbed her thin dress and shoes from where they lay on the tiles and, naked, she hurried up the walk back to her room. Bryant stood unclothed, the soft moonlight illuminating his toned, muscular body. His hard cock visible in the moonlight as it twitched and begged for release. He turned and looked into the darkness where Superman sat and said softly, “Come here concubine. Come to your master.” 



Chapter 56


“Come here concubine. Come to your master.” In the darkness of the garden Superman rose and walked to the patio. The only illumination came from the full tropical moon overhead. Bryant could see that his captive superhero was naked, having thrown away the humiliating red “S” panties. He could also see that The Man of Steel was fully erect. His cock appeared harder than Bryant had ever seen it. Superman held his long, thick cock in his hand to keep it from bouncing as he walked up to Bryant. Superman walked directly up to Bryant and the two handsome men stood facing each other in the soft light. Both naked, muscular demi-gods in the prime of their lives. Bryant was himself, still partially erect, having just thoroughly fucked Lois Lane and dismissed her like a school-girl. He could see the passion and excitment in his captives expression and especially in his hard throbbing cock. “I can see you enjoyed seeing your wife fucked. I thought you might be angry with your master.” Superman replied in a voice that was barely a whisper, “Oh no, no. I could see she was hungry for your cock. And the way you handled her….fucked her….it was terribly exciting. I never thought this could possibly happen to us. I never dreamed she would react like that.” Bryant moved closer and put his hand around Superman’s  waist and drew him tight against his body. Their cocks ground together as Bryant rotated his hips, tormenting the Man of Steel. Superman moaned aloud and collapsed into Bryant’s powerful, muscular arms. Bryant guided him to sit on the chaise lounge where he had just fucked Lois Lane. “Here, sit here. See what your wife has done. My cock and balls are dripping with her pussy-juices. Lick me clean.” He pulled Superman’s face to him but no further encouragement was needed. The captured superhero eagerly began licking Lois’ cum from Bryant’s body in almost mindless excitement. Finally Bryant had to stop him. His own need to cum was building. He pulled Superman’s face back from his loins and could see the Man of Steel’s eyes were glazed with passion. He took Superman by the hand and led him out on the moonlit lawn. Turning to face him, Bryant drew him into a full body embrace, kissing him deeply on the mouth. Superman returned the kiss, slowly at first, then with increasing passion. Bryant gently broke off the kiss and said softly and seductivly, “You have’nt cum for days. I know how much you need it. Your wife begged for my cock. I want you to do the same. Beg me. Beg to suck the cum from my cock.” Mindless with need and passion, Superman, The Man of Steel, surrendered totally and begged. Finally falling to his knees before his captor in total capitulation, he pleaded for Bryant to take him. To use him. Bryant had looked into the eyes of too many men not to know that this surrender was genuine. He sank down on the grass with Superman and moved him into the “69” position. For the next hour the two men made love in the moonlight until finally collapsing, spent, in each others arms. Bryant whispered softly, “I’m going to fuck you later. You know that, don’t you?” “Yes, I know,” came the quiet reply.


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