The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 53-54
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 53


Lois Lane stood naked in the moonlight. Brazenly and provocativly posing. Displaying her lush female body to the appreciative eyes of Charles Bryant, the billionaire who had made her his prisoner. “Come here Lois,” he said softly, “kneel on this chaise lounge.” She hastened to comply, kneeling on the chaise supported by her elbows. Bryant moved close behing her. He gently pushed her face and shoulders down into the cushions while telling her, “Get that ass of yours up in the air.” She was perfectly positioned to be taken from the rear, either anally or in her pussy. “Hurry Charles”, she panted, “I’m soaking wet.” Bryant moved forward pressing his cock against the lips of her cunt. “Guide my cock Lois,” he whispered passionatly. She reached back between her legs, grabbing his thick cock and brought it right to the perfect place to enter her. “Right there”, she hissed, “do it now.” Bryant pushed his hips forward slightly, pushing his hard cock two inches into her wet cunt, driving a gasp of pleasure from her lips. “Now Lois, if your want all of it, you have to beg for my cock.” He grabbed the base of his cock and began rubbing it in circles at the entrance to her womanhood. She moaned aloud, “Charles. Don’t tease me. Make love to me now.” Bryant would not yield. “No Lois, this is’nt making love, this is fucking. I’m not your husband, now beg to be fucked.” He continued to torment the entrance to her pussy with his stiff cock. Superman’s wife tried to hold out against the humiliation of begging for cock but after 30 seconds of torment, she broke. “Yes, you bastard. Fuck me. Fuck my pussy. Please fuck me. I need it. I am soaking wet. Give me your cock.” The ravishing brunette was reduced to babbling almost incoherently as she pleaded to be fucked. “Cum in my pussy. Cum on my tits or my face if you want. Use me.” Totally unaware that just a few feet away her husband, Superman, watched in shock at this totally unknown facet of his beautiful wife.



Chapter 54


Charles Bryant grabed Lois Lane by the hips and moved sharply forward, burying the entire length of his cock into the depths of her pussy. His hips slamming up against her ass. The sudden thrust of his manhood into her body drove a scream of pure pleasure into the night air. Bryant withdrew until his cock almost fell out of her and then slammed it back into her pussy. He was rewarded with another cry of pleasure. Again and again, over and over he pounded her cunt with his thick cock. Her hair grew wet and matted with sweat. Her back and shoulders glistened in the moonlight with perspiration, as he had his way with her. It was clear she was experiencing multiple orgasms. Bryant exulted in her wanton response to the hard fucking she was getting. It furthered the plans he and Mona had for this couple. He whispered down to her as she writhed and bucked under him, “Did Superman ever fuck you this good Lois? Did he ever bury his cock this deep in you?” She moaned in a weak voice, “Oh no Charles. I’ve never been fucked like this. Oooh, I am so soaking wet.” Bryant began slapping her ass as he rode her. “C’mon Lois, cum for me one more time.” Her long cry of anguish signalled that she had orgasmed another time. Bryant pulled his hard, wet cock from her pussy and she collapsed face forward on the chaise loung. Utterly spent. Defeated and now conquored.


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