The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 59-60
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 59


Moments later there was a soft knock on the door and Lois Lane came into Bryant’s master bedroom. She wore only a red slip and her hair was a bit disheveled. Her lush breasts swayed slightly beneath the silk. She had been involved in a torrid session with Mona when the summons came. Lois gasped when she saw her husband in the candle-lit bedroom. Superman lay face down in Bryant’s bed, his hands bound behind his back. Naked and helpless. A clearly angry Charles Bryant stood over him. He was nude and made no effort to conceal his thick, partially hard cock from Lois. “This bitch of a husband of yours has defied me. For the very last time.” Bryant opened a drawer and removed a black ball-gag along with a head harness. He also produced the broad leather paddle that Lois had first used to whip Superman’s  unbranded ass cheeks. Superman’s  eyes widened in fear when he saw the implements. “Don’t do it Lois,” he cried to her, “He can’t make you. Don’t cooperate. I love you Lois” That was all the Man of Steel was able to get out before Bryant roughly clouted the side of his head and forced the ball-gag deep into his mouth. Moments later the head harness was in place and the worlds mightiest mortal was trussed and helpless. His pleas muffled and pathetic. Bryant roughly dragged him up on the pillows against the headboard, affording him a clear view of the bed. He lay totally exposed, legs apart. His soft cock lay against his thigh, his mighty body totally subdued by his captor. Ball-gag and head harness securely in place, he had never experienced such total control over his body. Bryant pulled Lois in front of him and they both stood looking down at the defeated superhero. Bryant slid his hands around Lois from behind, gently cupping and massaging her boobs under the red silk as Superman looked up at them. Bryant spoke to Lois in a clear, soft voice as her captured husband listened. “It’s time Lois to stop all the pretense. I know Mona told you about earlier tonight. That when I got it on with you in the garden, Superman was sitting in the dark watching your every move.” Bryant kissed her ear and slid his tongue into it drawing a gasp of pleasure from the beautiful brunette. He began massaging her boobs in a more provocative manner while pushing his cock into her ass. Lois moaned softly and sagged back a bit against Bryant’s broad chest. “Lois, don’t feel guilty. Just watch your bitch husbands cock growing as I play with you.” It was true. Despite desperate attempts not to react to Bryant’s manipulation of his wife, he grew hard. Lois could see Superman’s cock was thickening and growing erect. Bryant’s hand dropped to her pussy and began toying with her through the red silk. Lois saw Superman was now fully erect and moaned passionatly, “Oh God Charles, this is getting me so hot.” She reached behind her and found his cock and was jerking it back and forth. Lois Lane was on fire. Bryant thrust the leather strap into her hand and yanked Superman foward to lay face down on the satin sheet. “Give it to him Lois. Give him what he deserves. What he needs.” Lois, consumed with passion, stepped forward. The broad leather strap fell on Superman’s  unprotected ass over and over as he cried into the ball-gag.



Chapter 60


7-8-9-10 times the broad leather strap rose and fell on Superman’s  vulnerable ass. His hard, muscular ass-cheeks turned crimson from the whipping he was receiving at the hands of Lois Lane. The tatooed word, “SLAVE” stood out in stark contrast. His screams were muffled by the tight gag in his mouth. Lois, her teeth showing, lips drawn back almost in a snarl of passion, showed no signs of stopping. Charles Bryant stepped in and took the strap from the hand of the panting, aroused brunette. He wondered to himself how far this beauty would go. There seemed to be no end to her capacity for passion or depravity. Clearly, neither he nor Superman realized what a smoldering tigress lurked beneath that educated, refined exterior. Time to test her limits. “I think your husband is ready to be fucked now Lois. Want to help me?” “Yes,” she gasped, great passion in her voice. “Yes, tell me what you want. I want to see it happen.” Bryant rolled the bound superhero over so he lay on his back. The Man of Steel lay naked and utterly at the disposal of Charles Bryant and Lois, both of whom stood over him. His expression was one of defeat and resignation to his fate. He could see the look of passion in Lois’ eyes. All pretense was gone. The look of passion and anticipation in the eyes of Charles Bryant, he who was about to claim the ultimate prize. The subjugation, submission and conquest of the worlds mightiest man. Bryant placed lubricant and wire-cutters on the table next to the bed. He moved up on the bed pushing Superman’s legs wide apart and kneeling between them. Bryant lifted Superman’s legs up against his shoulders completely exposing the superheros ass. He spoke quietly to Lois, “Now Lois, take that lube and drizzle it all over his asshole and on my cock too.” She moved quicky to comply and after finishing her task, she sat on the edge of the bed to watch. Bryant moved forward placing his rock-hard cock against the entrance to Superman’s ass. The Man of Steel tried desperatly to prevent the ultimate violation of his body but Bryant was too powerful, too determined. Superman clenched his butt tightly but finally Bryant broke through. The handsome billionaire buried his cock several inches deep in the defeated hero. Superman wailed into the gag at his total helplessness, unable to prevent this rape of his ass. He expected to be brutally raped now but Bryant suprised him. Inch by inch Bryant submerged his hard, thick cock in Superman’s ass. Gently, ever so slowly, reassuringly he had his way with The Man of Steel until all 9 inches of his cock was submerged in the fallen superheros ass. Then, slowly, he withdrew half-way. Then, once again, thrust forward. Slowly, gently, ever so slowly he began to move his hardness in and out of his captive. The slow fuck of Superman continued, Bryant setting an exquisite pace. Enjoying the prize he had claimed. Enjoying seeing the defeated superhero trying not to look up into his conquorers eyes. Superman tried desperatly not to respond but finally he failed and his hips began to shame him. Pushing up against Bryant each time Bryant’s cock moved forward. Beginning to meet each thrust of Bryant’s manhood with his own response. Bryant knew the defeat was now total. Superman was owned. He was now his property. He rolled the superhero slightly on his side and directed Lois to quickly snip the plastic tie restraining his hands. Then he had her remove the ball-gag and head harness. Never stopping the slow, steady fucking of his captive. Defeated totally, Superman reached up and clasped his hands together across Bryant’s powerful shoulders. Lifting his legs he crossed them tight on the sculpted back of his master. Totally feminized, he clung to the powerful body of the man who had made a woman of him, as the erotic fucking continued.

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