The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 61-62
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 61

In the opulent bedroom of Charles Bryant, Lois Lane sat on the edge of his huge bed watching as a scene unfolded that she could never imagine she would see. Her husband, Superman, lay naked and helpless, clinging to Charles Bryant as he had his way with him. His legs locked around the waist of Bryant, his hands clasped behind his neck, The Man of Steel, his eyes closed in ecstacy, continuous moans coming from his throat, embraced the man who had conquored him. There was no pretense left in the superhero. He needed and wanted to be fucked by this man. This man who used his wife for his own pleasures. The man who had stripped him of everything. The man who made a whore of Lois Lane and gave her away to a lesbian. Just thinking about all those things made him even hotter than he was as Bryant slowly and methodically fucked him. Savoring his triumph over this magnificent stud. Each thrust of his thick cock slamming into Superman, drove groans and gasps of passion from the defeated hero. Lois Lane, watching the erotic conquest, became more and more aroused until she could take no more. She began to caress and lick Bryants muscular ass while urging him on. She moved up on the bed and began kissing and licking Bryant’s back while caressing his balls. “Do him Charles,” she panted, “fuck him good. He wants it. Listen to him moaning. Give him what he wants. Fuck his ass. Cum in him. Cum in his ass.” Her words served to inflame Bryant even more and he began slamming his thick cock even harder into Superman’s  ass. The increased intensity of the fucking by Bryant only increased Supreman’s need to be dominated by this splendid, muscular demi-god who was using him like a cheap, paid whore. After several more minutes of ravashing Superman’s  helpless ass Bryant could feel he was ready to cum. He felt his cock growing even harder within his captives trembling body. Superman, in every way, had succumed to his female side. He lay under Bryant clinging to him as the ruthless, methodical fucking continued. He was sucking on and licking Bryant’s chest, licking his throat, licking the perspiration from Bryant’s powerful arms and shoulders. In utter and total submission, Superman had become a woman. Charles Bryant, on the very verge of cumming, slowed down and finally brought his powerful thrusts to a halt. He slowly pulled his still hard, dripping cock from Superman’s  ass. Superman groaned with passion at the loss of the thick cock that was giving him such thrilling pleasure. He lay on his back, legs thrown apart, totally open to Lois and Charles’ knowing gaze. His hard cock laying against his muscular stomach, throbbing and twitching. Cum dripping from it. Totally conquored, The Man of Steel awaited instructions from his master. He looked up submissivly at Charles Bryant who knelt over him in the bed. Bryant had one arm about Lois’ waist, the red slip yanked down exposing both breasts. “Look at his asshole Lois,” Bryant said proudly, “It’s forever stretched.” Lois clung to him, kissing him and licking his neck and ear. “What are you going to do with him Charles?” “Right now, I’m gonna finish fucking this bitch. From behind.” Bryant moved over Superman, exerting his total dominance. “Roll over slave. Show me your ass.” The defeated superhero slowly rolled over on the bed and got to his hands and knees. He assumed a position of submission, his face and shoulders on the matress. His ass lewdly exposed in the air. Presenting his body to his master who could do with it as he wished. “Lois,” Bryant whispered huskily, “drizzle more lube on my cock.”



Chapter 62


In the soft flickering light of the master bedroom, Charles Bryant, once again, moved forward, pressing his lubed cock against his captives ass as he prepared to fuck him one more time. Before him on the bed, lying face down with his ass lewdly presented for his conquorers pleasure, lay Superman, mightily muscled symbol of strength. Once the invincible Man of Steel, the man, about whom, both women and men fantasized. That man was now reduced to total submission to Charles Bryant’s every whim and desire. The fallen superhero had reached the end of all resistance and the only thoughts he had now were how to pleasure the man who had conquored him. Bryant, kneeling behind his captive, grabbed him tightly by the hips and pushed forward encountering no rersistance from the superheros ass. Several hard thrusts buried his hard-on in Superman’s ass. He cried out at the sudden intrusion of Bryant’s throbbing manhood. Groveling on his knees under Charles Bryant, Superman adjusted his kneeling position to best accomodate Bryant’s 9 inch cock. This time, this fuck, was not to be like the first penetration. Now Bryant was being swept up in the desire to utterly master his captive. To break his spirit so that Superman would always know who was master and who was slave. He pounded his thick, hard cock into Superman. Each stroke becoming harder, deeper, more intense. Hard, stinging slaps began landing on his naked ass cheeks. Cheeks branded “SLAVE” by Bryant. Superman was being battered by the overwhelming strength of each powerful thrust by his master. He cried out for mercy over and over but there was no escape for a defeated superhero. Lois Lane, a witness to the thorough, brutal fucking of her husband, implored Bryant, “Charles, please you’r killing him. You’r hurting him. We’ll do whatever you want, just don’t ruin him. Bryant, feverish lust having overtaken him, panted to Lois, “Listen darling, listen to his cries. It’s not only pain, it’s passion too. This bitch is loving his degradation. He wants and needs to be fucked. Just whisper in his ear Lois, ask him.” Lois had to listen but a minute to realize the truth in Bryant’s words. Superman was crying out in passion as well as pain. In an instant she realized that, in the bedroom, Superman now belonged to Charles Bryant. As much as she belonged to Mona. Both of these alluring, sexually attractive people had conquored them. There was nothing left to do but to watch and enjoy the continuing destruction of her husband in the bed of Charles Bryant.

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