Author (CA172)

Clark Kent’s Secret Admirer
4.3 (7)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 7 Average: 4.3]M/M sexual content, for mature audiences only; Superman fan fiction, rights owned by D.C. Comics.   CLARK KENT’S SECRET ADMIRER Revised/enhanced/embellished and expanded by Rick Henry (, 04-2021.  Original story by CA172.   Chapter 1: For God’s Sake, Sneeze Or Cough!   Clark Kent had a secret admirer, his landlord Stewart Martin. Stewart was in his mid 30’s, very attractive with blonde curly hair, blue eyes and a good physique, which he kept in shape by working out in his home gym that he had in his basement, 4 to 5 days a week. He often got looked at lustily by both men and women, but it went right over his sun-bleached head. He wasn’t vain in the least, he was what he was, and never gave it much thought. Well, truth be told, he never gave anything much thought. It wasn’t that he was dumb, he just didn’t care. Though well-endowed, good looking, and built… he often moved through life like an automaton. He had failed out of medical school, entered a because-she-was-pregnant marriage, and thus rumbled through life with not much steam. Though… Read More »Clark Kent’s Secret Admirer