Superman Vanquished Part 10
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Superman Vanquished

Part 10 No Mercy

Author: Lcross


Superman obediently obeys Eden and remains on all fours with his head lowered on the radiation well’s floor for what seems like hours. Suddenly the numeric keypad flashes and chirps three times and stops followed by the now feared three short but loud successive whops from a siren and the loud audio warning state from the mechanical voice: “Elemental Exposure Sequence Initiated.” A look of fear and betrayal crosses his face as Superman swallows hard and sits back on his knees. “Eden! I did what you asked,” screams a terrified Superman. “Master Eden I begged you!” There is no reply. He gulps hard and quickly doubles over tightly and covers his head with his hands as the disks’ strobe three times in quick succession. He cowers on the mirrored floor as all the panels slowly ramp up again in brightness bathing the caped figure in an eerie green glow reflecting off the steel alloy floor. Superman whimpers as the familiar wave of dizziness washes over him and as tears begin to stream down his cheeks as he hears: “Exposure Level Minimal,” echoing from the speaker. The panels begin to slowly glow brighter and the room is filled with the same loud electric hum that steadily increases in volume proportionate to the intensity of the green glow. Superman tightens his hands around his head as his face contorts in pain bathed in green light. “Exposure Level Moderate” informs the voice echoing down from above. Superman chokes and coughs as the pain intensifies and his head spins wildly. Superman closes his eyes and screams hysterically as the panels come to full illumination and the well is brightly lit again in a green hue. “Exposure Level Maximum” states the voice. The reflective floor is again blinding green and the electrical hum is deafening within the well; Superman’s torso twists wildly as he remains compressed hard on his knees. This time there will be no respite for Superman. He screams babbles and begs incoherently for mercy squirming and rocking wildly compressed tightly on the brightly glowing green floor as the merciless bombardment continues without relent. Superman begins to pound his fists wildly on the mirrored floor shaking his head violently spraying sweat from his soaked hair.  The Man of Steel can no longer think coherently as his head pounds with pain and spins with dizziness. The ruthless punishment continues unabated and Superman begins to fade in and out of consciousness. Wracked in pain and unable to think coherently he instinctively struggles upright to his knees and puts both hands to the sides of his sweat soaked head gritting his teeth and manages to remain upright on his knees for nearly ten seconds. Suddenly his face goes blank and his blue eyes roll back in his head as he drops forward with a thud as his face and chest hits the steel floor with his arms extended over his head. He lays face down, head craned to one side with drool trickling from his open mouth. Superman remains motionless on the green floor bathed in the intense deadly green glow emanating from the glass panels and reflected off the floor. An hour passes before there is a loud mechanical thud. The sound level and green hue begins to slowly ramp down until the panels and floor extinguish and the well is again dark and silent. “Exposure Sequence Terminated,” informs the cold voice. The lights of the well illuminate revealing an unconscious Superman prostrate on the floor face down, his drenched cape draping his body tightly.


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2 thoughts on “Superman Vanquished Part 10
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  1. Um, oka-a-a-a-y….so the hot Vanquish story so far has a scene of MOS writhing in a prolonged green glow, then a scene of MOS writhing in a prolonged green glow, now another scene of MOS writhing in …. suspense here 'bout to snap.

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