The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 49-50
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 49


“Wake up.” Charles Bryant nudged Superman with his foot. The Man of Steel had fallen asleep on the thin mat at the foot of Bryant’s bed. His sleep had been deep and dreamless and he felt wonderfully refreshed. Bryant unlocked the chain fastening Superman’s slave collar to a ring set in the floor. “Go do your business and then let’s eat. Superman arose and stretched his muscular arms and powerful body to its full extent. Superman could see Bryant had brought two platters of food back to the bedroom. “Great”, he said, “I’m hungry” and with that he walked off to the bathroom. “What are you hungry for,” Bryant called good naturedly after him, “Me or the food.” Superman ignored the comment and stood at the bowl, pulling his thick cock out of the red silk panties. He watched the steam of piss splash in the water and could feel the occasional tiny droplet reach his naked legs. He remembered being forced onto his knees at this same toilet watching Charles piss. Then being forced to lick and suck the remaining drops from his dick. How mortified and humiliated he was at that moment and yet, strangely, remembering it now, it did’nt seem that bad. He stood over the bowl, finished pissing, but day-dreaming about the incident and some other things Bryant had forced on him. Only when he realized his cock was growning hard was he shocked back to reality. He grabbed his white silk robe off the back of the bathroom door and joined Bryant at a small table near the window. Bryant was dressed similarly. Together the two handsome men ate the assortment of gourmet delicacies on the platters. Sushi, cheeses, several kinds of rolls and black bread all washed down with a fine white wine. Both captor and captive ate in silence, enjoying the fine foods on the platter. When finally finished, Bryant pushed back his chair and spoke. “So Superman, are you ready for the testing of Lois Lane? Will our heroine survive this ghastly temptation and be true to her devoted husband?” Bryant spoke in a tone of mock-seriousness, “Or will the gifted Miss Lane, prize winning reporter, the idol of women across the country, reveal herself to be a cock and pussy hungry slut concerned with nothing more than her own belly-button?” Superman took a sip of his wine and replied, taunting him, “My wife will be true. If she’s loyal and true, what then is offered after all of your big-mouth boasting. Will you free us? I doubt you’r that sure. Just another windbag if you ask me.” Superman unwittingly had just given Charles Bryant a winning position in the game being played out. He had the videotape, secretly made, on the first night of Lois Lane’s arrival. The wife of Superman, on her knees on the hard patio tiles, hungrily licking and sucking Bryant’s cock. Taking his cum and swallowing it down. The ravishing brunette going back to his large, slowly deflating cock and working it with her hands. Milking from it the final drops of cum which she eagerly licked from his splendid manhood….. Bryant replied, “You’r on Superman. You have my word. If I can’t show her to be a whore and slut tonight, then you have my word, you both go free. Your powers restored. Although I must extract your promise of no reprisals once I free you. Are we agreed?” Superman was elated at the prospect of freedom and readily agreed to Bryant’s proposal. “Superman, you have’nt asked what it is that I get should I prove to be the winner of this little morality play. “Yes, I’m listening”, Superman said cautiously. Bryant spoke, “This is it. If I am correct, you become my VERY willing slave. You go after me, without being told, like a bride on her honeymoon. No longer do you balk at any request. In short, you become my bitch for as long as i wish. Do YOU agree”? “Yes”, Superman replied, “absolutely.” Superman readily shook the hand of his captor, cementing the bet. Assuring his ultimate defeat and submission to the whims and demands of this ruthless, utterly handsome and charismatic multi-billionaire. Bryant smiled inwardly. contemplating the magnificent body of the nearly nude superhero sitting across from him. He thought to himself, Alas Man of Steel, to the winner belong the spoils.”



Chapter 50


After finishing the two platters of food Bryant said, “C’mon, let’s shower and get ready. You have a date with destiny…er..rather, I have a date with your wife.” Bryant led Superman into the bathroom where, at Bryant’s instruction, they both showered together. Close proximity to Bryant’s muscular, naked body once again made the Man of Steel nervous. Trying but failing, he could not help but glance down several times at Bryant’s thick cock. Seeing the warm water running off it and soaking the pubic hair which framed his manhood. Superman glanced down at his own cock. Every trace of hair gone. In truth, he thought to himself, he almost liked the look of his shaved cock and balls. The intimate closeness to his conquorer was making him feel weak. Abruptly the fallen superhero realized he was daydreaming and he shook his head to clear away any erotic thoughts. After showering and drying their toned, handsome bodies, Bryant dressed while Superman was ordered to sit on the bed till he was finished. Bryant selected a pale blue, long sleeve linen shirt, light tan slacks, and tan loafers that matched the belt he wore. A gold Movado watch with a black dial and leather band, a gold ring with a large ruby and a simple gold chain on his neck completed his outfit. Bryant turned to Superman and posed for him. “What do you think, is this better than mortal woman deserves?” The defeated hero looked Bryant over, noticing that the outline of his thick cock was clearly visible through the fabric of the thin slacks. Superman replied grudgingly, “You are a handsome bastard, I’ll concede that.” Inwardly he worried that Lois might not be able to resist this charismatic billionaire. He cursed this kryptonite induced weakness that left him but a powerless spectator to his own wife’s possible seduction. “Time for you to dress Superman. Here.” Bryant handed him a pair of red, lace trimmed silk panties emblazoned with his crest over the front. “It’s warm so these will do nicely.” Superman’s face reddened with the humiliation but he stepped into the panties and pulled them up over his lean hips. Bryant stepped back to observe his defeated captive. “Mmmmm,” he murmured aloud as he enjoyed the view of the worlds mightiest man standing practically naked before him, the very image of male perfection. Wearing but a slave collar, bracelets of steel about his wrists and ankles and the daintiest of panties covering the huge bulge of his cock and balls. Bryant stepped close to his captive and attached the leash onto the slave collar. He gently pulled Superman forward until their noses almost touched. His eyes boring into the eyes of his captive. He spoke quietly to the defeated hero, “You’r utterly in my power. I’ve taken everything you have from you, even your wife. I made a sex-toy of you for my own enjoyment. I had you beaten and branded a slave. You will obey my every command. Are all these things true Superman?” Superman, unable to pull away from those hypnotic eyes, whispered weakly, “Yes, it’s true.” “Now slave, do as your master commands. Kiss me on the mouth like you mean it.” Superman leaned forward and slowly began kissing Charles Bryant on the mouth. Softly at first then the kiss deepened as he slowly slipped his tongue past Bryant’s lips and probed inside his mouth. Then, ever so slowly he ended the lingering kiss. He saw the look on Bryant’s face, saw that the kiss had gotten him hot. Bryant pulled him savagely close to him, grinding his rapidly hardening cock against the red silk panties. He breathed heavily, “Superman, you really are a hot bitch. I only ordered you to kiss me. I never told you to tongue kiss me. That was your idea. You’r a teasing bitch and later on your gonna have a real session with me. Now let’s get going. Lois and I have a date.”


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