Superman vs. Don Knotts

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. Part 5 A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN   Superman awoke to an empty bed. He groaned and slowly stirred. The room was a shambles. The bed had sprung every spring. The mattress stuffing was piled about like wool at a sheep shearing. The sheets were torn to shreds and stained everywhere. The pillow looked half bitten through. Superman wearily sat up and looked around for his clothes. As he was dressing the memory of what had occurred last night came flooding back to him. He sobbed uncontrollably, his big naked body shaken with grief and humiliation. He tried to rise but felt dizzy and collapsed onto the bed once again. Only then did a now familiar pain arouse him to the continued presence of the Kryptonite. He struggled towards the dressing table, crawling on his hands and knees. He reached for the Kryptonite. It was like grabbing a burning torch, but he fought the urge to fling it away. He looked frantically around the disarray… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 5

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 3 and 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. Part 3 THESE HANDS ARE REGISTERED AS LETHAL WEAPONS   Knotts lunged after him, shouting to “Please, give them back!” Superman had completely forgotten he still held the photos in his hands. Don grabbed them and a brief tug of war ensued. Superman was surprised at Knotts’ wiry strength, fueled by his desperation. Surprised still more that the comedian was actually beginning to win the battle, wresting the photos from Superman’s normally vise-like grip. Don eventually tore them away from Superman and ran around in front of the Man of Steel, slamming the open door shut and locking it. “You’re not going anywhere, Superman. Not until you promise not to say anything about these,” he shouted, tossing the photos aside. “And what is supposed to stop me, that flimsy door, or you?” Superman laughed, pushing Don aside and kicking the door. To his surprise instead of exploding into splinters the thin wooden portal held fast. “That all you got, Superman? Hell, I can kick harder… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 3 and 4

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 1 and 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. 1. THE MONEY SHOT   Clark Kent endeavored to cover the 200th taping of the Andy Griffith Show called a “Money Shot”— (in the business it means syndication is now bankable in reruns). But he can’t seem to get past the stage door security, as even well-known reporters for show business tabloids like Variety and TV Guide aren’t welcomed backstage in the Green Room for the cast party after taping. Buying a studio ticket, he watches the show from the audience and laughs along with everyone else at Don Knott’s antics… such as his trademark bantam rooster swaggering braggadocio and his howler of an ad-libbed line at the end: “Well, I guess there’s “a New Sheriff in Town,” now!” when Andy temporarily puts him in charge as he prepares to go on his honeymoon after marrying his long-time girlfriend. Leaving the theater he notices a ticket seller hawking tickets to the “Adventures of Superman” show, taping across the street at another studio. He gets… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 1 and 2