The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 23-24
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 23


Charles Bryant reattached the dog leash to the collar on the neck of the defeated superhero and led him back to the master bedroom. He took a forlorn look at Lois as he was led from the room. She and Mona stood near the table where they had shaved off all his body hair. He walked behind Bryant down the long hallway to the master bedroom. Bryant wore slacks and a beautiful long sleeve silk shirt. Expensive Italian loafers completed his outfit. The man of steel watched Bryant’s broad muscular back as they walked. He was thinking desperatly of a way to overpower him. He accepted the reality that he could’nt. He was as weak as a child thanks to the damn kryptonite embedded in his slave collar. Bryant removed the leash from the collar of his prisoners neck and tossed it casually aside. “Now undress me.” By the time Superman managed to open the buttons on the silk shirt, his hands were trembling noticibly. He slipped the shirt off of the powerful shoulders of his captor, baring his broad, smooth chest and hard flat stomach. “On your knees and take my slacks off.” Superman knelt before Bryant and removed the loafers. Bryant wore no socks. When he opened Bryant’s belt he could not stop his hands from shaking. He cursed his loss of control and found he was unable to undo the clasp holding the slacks together. Finally Bryant unsnapped the clasp and once free Superman lowered the zipper. As he did the slacks loosened and fell about Bryant’s ankles. He wore no underwear. Unlike earlier in the bathtub, Bryant did not remain soft. His cock was rapidly hardening and in moments it was fully erect. Bryant stroked his large, thick cock lovingly. Superman was unable to tear his eyes away from the scene before him. He was helpless, naked and on his knees before this ruthless mega-billionaire. Bryant stepped ever closer so now his hard cock was only inches from Supermans lips. Bryant whispered softly to the defeated superhero as he caressed Supermans cheek, “Go ahead. You know you want it. All your life you’ve longed for this moment. Longed for a man who would finally tame you. Admit it, you know you need this.” In his weakest voice a shaken Man of Steel pleaded softly, “Please don’t. Don’t make me do this.” At that moment Charles Bryant knew he had won. All he had to do was move forward an inch and his cock would be in Supermans virgin mouth. Superman would be his conquest. But it was too soon for that. The superhero must be truly broken. Must grovel and beg for it. He also wanted Superman’s first blowjob to be in front of Lois Lane. He wanted her to see his shame and defeat. So Charles Bryant backed away. He went to the closet and got a mat, a thin blanket and a pillow. He spread them out at the foot of the bed and had Superman lay on the mat. He then chained the muscular neck to a iron circle set in the floor. Superman would sleep on the floor at the foot of his masters bed. “Superman, I said you were sharing my bedroom, not my bed. You must earn that privledge and I think you will.”



Chapter 24


The early morning sunlight illuminated Charles Bryant’s bedroom. Superman had awakened from a deep and dreamless sleep. Although he slept on a thin mat at the foot of Bryant’s bed, so great was his emotional exhaustion that he fell asleep instantly. He lay on the floor quietly until he picked up the sound of Bryant breathing softly in the bed above him. He slept but Superman wished he would awaken soon. He had to go to the bathroom and badly. While he lay there his mind was clearing. He knew he must formulate a plan of escape for him and Lois. He reviled himself for the weakness he had shown yesterday. He now knew he was undergoing a diabolically clever psychological attack. An attack on his very manhood. He remembered his weakness as he knelt naked before Charles Bryant. The billionaire had moved his hard cock to within an inch of Supermans trembling lips. Taunting him. Superman remembered the feeling of helpless resignation at that moment, knowing Bryant could do whatever he wanted with him. He vowed that there would be no more such moments of weakness. He had to get tough, if not for himself, then for Lois Lane. Finally Bryant stirred and arose from the bed. Charles Bryant slept naked and once again the fallen superhero found himself at the feet of this man. Looking up at his captor trying to avoid seeing the virile manhood so arrogantly displayed by his nudity. Bryant unlocked the chain freeing Superman from the floor and allowed Superman into the bathroom. The Man of Steel performed his functions under the watchful gaze of his captor. When he finished Bryant gestured for him to shower and he put a towel at the edge of the huge tub. Superman’s recently shaved body was slick and sticky from shave gel and he was grateful to be able to step into a warm shower. Bryant stood watching him shower. Superman was aware of Bryant’s hungry gaze devouring him. A glance at the billionaire showed that, once again, his cock was hardening. Superman was not suprised when Bryant stepped into the shower with him. Bryant handed him the sponge and said, “Now do me.” The reluctant captive did as ordered, sudsing and washing Bryant’s entire body. Bryant finally rinsed himself off and then stepped behind Superman. He slipped his hands around his captive and pulled him back against him. Superman could feel Bryant’s cock pressed against his ass and his legs began to feel like rubber. Bryant caressed the broad chest and stomach of The Man of Steel. His hands roamed at will caressing hips, buttocks, shoulders and arms. He nuzzled the powerful neck with his lips, whispering obscene suggestions and comments. Time and again his hand dropped lower and lower, closer and closer to Superman’s thick cock. But never touching it. It was tantalizing and Superman fought not to react to this seductive behavior. Bryant abruptly turned Superman around and as the warm water splashed down on their muscular bodies, Bryant pulled him close and kissed him fully on the mouth. Shocked, Superman struggled to break the grip of the iron arms he was held captive in. He failed. After many long seconds Bryant released him from the kiss and the embrace. “Come Superman, It’s time for breakfast.”


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