The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 21-22
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 21


A leashed Superman stumbled into the huge rec-room being yanked along by Charles Bryant. He could scarcely believe his eyes at the sight that he beheld. A table in one corner was set with fine linens, china and silverware. The day was ending and the room was dark with the only light coming from two silver candle holders on the table. Each held 4 candles. Seated at the table was the beautiful temptress, Mona. She wore a lavender dress that was low cut showing her ample cleavage. Her shoulders were bare and her thick, black hair spilled down on those bare shoulders. She looked utterly relaxed. And little wonder, she had just enjoyed Lois Lane’s oral attentions and she was completely satiated. Standing next to Mona at the table was The Man of Steel’s woman, Lois Lane. Superman blinked in disbelief. Lois Lane was completely dressed as a french maid. 5 inch heels, fishnet stockings and a fetching little mini-skirt. The skimpy little outfit displayed loads of her abundant clevage. Bryant mocked him, “So what do you think of our new maids outfit superhero?” Superman felt impotent rage at the sight and did not reply. He followed Bryant to the table where Bryant roughly shoved him down on the floor. Under the table there was a short length of chain attached to an iron link set in the floor. Bryant attached and locked the chain onto Supermans neck. “Superman, I told you that you were joining us for dinner. You are, but underneath the table, not at it.” Superman’s face crimsoned with embarrasment and humiliation to have the woman he loved see him in these circumstances. “Now Miss Lois Lane,” Bryant said, “you may serve us dinner.” (Every week the chef on Bryant’s yacht prepared meals which were flash frozen and delivered to the dock. No servant or worker ever stepped foot on the island.) On a table nearby were hot foods prepared in the microwave oven. Lois served Bryant and Mona and placed food on the plate reserved for herself. When she finished she handed a plate of food and silverware to Superman who had to use the floor as his table. The look of pain in his face made Lois look away. She could’nt bear to see it. Lois joined her captors at the table and the 3 of them ate in splendor while a nearly naked captive sulked underneath them. Bryant and Mona chatted about many things and soon Lois joined in the conversation while the fallen hero listened miserably to them. Several times all 3 laughed at something, doubling his anguish. For the very first time doubts and thoughts of weakness crept into Superman’s mind. “Perhaps Bryant is right. Maybe without my powers I am just a pussy. Unable to protect my woman. I’m unable to meet Bryant’s gaze. He’s got me where he wants me and I’m fearful of the pain of another spanking. Am I just a coward?” As he ate, another vision troubled him greatly. When Charles Bryant abruptly stood up in the bathwater, his thick cock was just inches from Superman’s face, the fallen superheros stomach had done flip-flops. Why did the sight of a cock, dripping sudsy water, thrust so near his lips, trouble him so greatly? He thought to himself, “One thing I know, that’s the nearest this gay madman’s cock is ever going to get to me.” How very, very wrong this prediction will turn out to be.


Chapter 22


The meal was leisurely and pleasant conversation ensued. After a while an observer would scarcely believe that the world’s mightiest man was chained in sullen silence under the table. Even Lois forgot. She was lost in Mona’s eyes. Finally Charles Bryant pushed his chair back from the table and sighed, “It’s been a great meal but, reluctantly, I must get back to the business at hand. The training of your man Lois.” Bryant produced a key which he gave to Lois. “Unlock him for me.” Lois took the key and got under the table. Their eyes met but neither said anything. Lois unshackled Supermans hands from the chains and as she got up she whispered to him, “Be brave my darling.” Superman struggled to his feet only to be confronted by Bryant. “Let’s go stud.” He pushed and shoved Superman over to a padded table in the the area where the exercise equipment was. He forcefully slammed Superman down on the table so his feet was on the floor but his upper body was pinned to the table. Bryant held him in place with one powerful hand on the back of Supermans neck and the other pinning his arm behind his back and forcing it up until Superman emitted a yelp of pain. Bryant barked, “Lois, bring that paddle back here and give him another 20.” Superman yelled out, “No, don’t. I’ve been quiet. I have’nt done anything. Please no more paddling.” To no avail. Lois took position behind the helpless superhero while Bryant yanked his white silk pajamas down around his knees. The muscular, perfectly shaped buttocks offered a mouth-watering target in the dim, flickering candlelight. Lois Lane did not have to be told twice to hit his ass hard. Superman, utterly unused to pain of any kind, did not hold out to the fifteenth blow this time. By the time the wicked leather paddle had landed 5 times on his ass, he was howling with pain and begging for mercy. When at last it was over, the once proud superhero lay across the table sobbing. Tears driven from his eyes by the violence of the beating, streaked his face. Bryant spoke to him in utter contempt, “Look at you. You’r a cunt. Pussy. Crawl up on the table and lay on your back.” Superman painfully dragged himself up on the table and lay on his back as ordered. Trying not to put any weight at all on his stinging, throbbing ass. From a drawer in the table that the broken Man of Steel lay on, Bryant produced several razors and a can of shave gel. He gestured to Lois and Mona, “Here girls, shave this bitch. A pussy like this should’nt have body hair. Besides I like my girls clean-shaven. Mona was beaming when she took the razor and even Lois could not deny that she felt a flush of sexual excitement in what she was about to do. For the next 30 minutes the superhero was shaved of every bit of body hair from neck to ankles and all in between. Superman just lay there as if in shock. Which, perhaps, he was. Toward the end Mona whispered to Lois, “When you go back to your room, shave your pussy. I like my girls clean-shaven too. Finally the task was done. Bryant ordered Superman to stand in front of him. Superman did as ordered. The silk pajamas had been stripped from him and his body was damp and slick from the shave gel. The flickering candlelight played on his mighty form. It was glistening, gleaming perfection. Superman stood in front of Bryant, head bowed, looking at the floor. Bryant contemplated his fallen captive and thought to himself, “Great gods, he is a handsome bastard.” Bryant sensed that he could have his way with the fallen hero anytime he wished but he wanted it his way. He wanted Superman to plead for his cock. “Let’s go Superman, off to our bedroom for the night.”


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