The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 19-20
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 19


Superman sat on the edge of the huge tub soaking the sponge in the scented water and bathing Charles Bryant as he had been ordered. Across the muscled back and broad chest of his captor his hands moved, the sponge caressing Bryant’s tight body. Bryant raised his arms and Superman obediently rinsed under his arms until finally Bryant was satisfied. Superman’s nimble mind assessed the situation but could find no solution to his dilemma. He was especially anguished about the situation Lois was in. They would pay if either Bryant or Mona even thought about touching her. How could he know that at the very moment that those thoughts were in his mind, Lois Lane’s face was between Mona’s thighs as she eagerly pleased her captor. The metal collar about Supermans neck contained a small chunk of kryptonite, just enough to strip him of his powers and leave him as weak as a kitten. Then Bryant stood up in the tub. “Everywhere. Wash me everywhere,” he commanded. Bryant’s thick cock was directly in front of The Man of Steel, only inches from his face. Superman was shocked with the realization of what the motive was for his captivity. Now he knew. “Gods above,” he thought to himself, “he’s a homosexual. That’s what this is about!!” Of course knowing that was little consolation to the fallen superhero. For the time being he had to obey. He continued sudsing and bathing his captor being especially careful that at no time did any part of his hand come in contact with Bryant’s ample manhood. Bryant turned and forced The Man of Steel to wash his ass. Even parting his cheeks for for the sudsy sponge. Superman felt disgusted but did as ordered. Finally Bryant stepped from the tub and stood like some handsome statue while Superman obediently dried him off. As he did so he noticed his reflection in the mirror. There was gold engraving on the black metal collar that encased his neck. He walked to the mirror and studied the backward reflection. His heart and hopes sank as he read the words in block print, “SLAVE” and in smaller script, “PROPERTY OF CHARLES BRYANT”



Chapter 20


In the opulent bathroom Charles Bryant turned and spoke to the naked, sweaty superhero, “You can take your bath now. Use my bathwater. Slaves don’t get their own. Likewise, use my towel to dry. You don’t deserve anything more. Hurry it up. We’re going down for dinner.” Superman avoided Bryant’s piercing gaze preferring to study the floor tile. It troubled him that he was unable to meet the eyes of the man who had captured him. Bryant took a moment and removed the chain connecting Supermans ankles. Superman slipped into the still warm, sudsy water, grateful for being able to bathe the sweat away. His ass still throbbed with remembered pain. He soaked in the warm waters and as he did so his gaze fell on the damp, used towel on the edge of the tub. Then he looked down at the used bathwater. There was something very, very troubling about having to use the same towel and same bathwater as the man who captured him. Especially in view of the fact that the man was gay. The feeling Superman got in the pit of his stomach, he could not explain. A few minutes later Bryant returned to the bathroom and ordered The Man of Steel out of the tub. He complied and quickly dried himself off with the damp towel. Acutely aware that Bryant’s eyes were roaming all over his magnificent body. Bryant handled him his clothes, one garment. Superman slipped it on, a pair of white silk pajama bottoms with a bright red sash. Very blousy but doing little to conceal his muscular buttocks nor the bulge of his impressive manhood. Bryant reattached the length of chain hobbling Supermans ankles. “I want my uniform back”, Superman blurted out unexpectedly, even to himself. Finally Superman mustered the will to meet and stare into Bryant’s eyes. Bryant spoke softly and coldly. Words that withered the fallen superhero and caused him to drop his gaze in a gesture of submission. “That uniform belonged to a superhero. A Superman. You are neither a superhero nor are you a Superman. I”ve taken your powers and your freedom. Now you’r nothing but a man and a weak one at that. Now Let’s go.” Bryant reattched the dog leash about the fallen superheros neck and soon Superman was once again desperatly trying to keep up with Bryant who was walking swiftly to the rec-room and yanking on Supermans collar.


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