Testing Superman Chapter 6
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Testing Superman


By Superman Fannn 

Chapter 6

“I give you permission to exit through the giant hole I was able to make using MY super powers, Super…wait…I’ll just call you Kal-el from now on because Superman just does not seem to fit you anymore…haaahaahaa,” taunted the new “super” man. He stood there bouncing his rock hard pecs which strained against Superman’s much to small top. “This pajama top is becoming bothersome,” the massive man said as he grabbed the one indestructable tunic and in one swift motion, tore it off of his body. Superman and Jimmy watched and were awed by the physique of this man who now stood with only his black tights and boots. “I think I will go with this look when I fly around Metropolis. What do you think, Kal?” the man asked. “Y…y…you can fly?” asked Superman. “Of course I can. But from the looks of you, I don’t think you’ll be joining me anytime too soon.” “But how?” asked Superman. “If you have my powers you must be Kryptonian so the red rays of the sun should be effecting you as well.” “That’s where you are wrong,” answered the superior being. “I’m from a planet called Titron. I not only have the same powers you have here on earth, but I have none of your weaknesses. I am powered just as easily in the red rays of the sun as I am in yellow and Kryptonite has no effect on me either. Also, my home planet is still in existence so there are no fragments of Titronite around to weaken me. Face it, Kal. I am the superior race. I could have finished you off even with you at full power but I didn’t want to waste the energy. Ha ha ha ha ha..” “Why don’t you let me out into the yellow rays so you can put your money where your mouth is?” asked Superman. “What kind of fool do you take me for, Kal,” answered the man. “Although it is my opinion that your powers are now completely gone forever, on the off chance I’m wrong, you might just act like the coward you are and fly away. It’s a big world out there and although I’d find you cowering in a corner eventually, I don’t want to waste that much time. I do want to take some time for a little fun, now however,” he said. “Boys…please come in”, he bellowed. Superman heard the door open and 2 musclular soldiers entered wearing only camoflauge briefs. Although very nicely put together, they were dwarfed by the strong man and were also smaller in stature and less muscular than  Superman. “I’d like to do a little film to show the world what has become of the man they used to know as Superman,” he said. “Boys”. One soldier walked up to Superman and stared him down. Superman stared right back thinking that even as a mortal he was bigger and more muscular and could easily defend himself against this mere mortal. The man cocked back his fist and Superman prepared to block it but was surprised by the other soldier who was now behind him and had locked his arms into a full nelson. Superman smiled a little as he tried to bring his arms down to break the hold. Fear washed over him as he couldn’t budge the strong soldier. The big man laughed and said, “So you are one of those muscle men who have all that muscle for show and nothing to back it up!” Superman kept trying to break the hold when the second soldier wound up and hit him with a fierce gut punch. Superman had the wind knocked out of him and was obviously outnumbered by these two…

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