The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 03-04
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 3


As a small boat was lowered from Charles Bryant’s yacht to take her ashore, Lois noticed 2 small boats each containing 4 men. One far to the left of the estate and the other off to the right. They were off in the distance but her eyes were keen and she knew instinctively that this was part of Bryant’s security. She needed no one to tell her that these men were heavily armed and prepared to do whatever was necessary to maintain the islands security and privacy. This too would become part of her story. She boarded the small boat and 10 minutes later it pulled up to the dock at the base of the small hill leading up to the estate. As she drew near she saw two figures awaiting her arrival. One was Charles Bryant. He wore a pale blue sports jacket over a white silk shirt. He looked tan and fit and for the first time she saw how handsome he was. Lois had to admit to herself that she was impressed. She knew Bryant was a bachelor and had never married. Standing slightly behind him, wearing a lilac colored sarong was a striking woman in sunglasses. Raven black hair cascaded down to her bare shoulders. She had a beautiful figure but with the sunglasses on and an expressionless look on her face, Lois wondered where she fit in Charles Brant’s life. Bryant greeted her warmly with an open smile and she felt comfortable immediately. He introduce the mystery woman as Mona, his executive assistant, his girl Friday as he put it. So now Lois knew where the woman fit in. Lois would want to know about her too as part of her story. Her luggage was placed in the golf-cart at the dock and soon the 3 of them were on the way to the fabulous mansion on the top of the hill. Lois thought to herself as the cart made its way to the top of the hill, “Executive assistant…Ha. How come executive assistants are never homely.” Lois smiled inwardly that no matter what, rich or poor, men just had to have pussy. Bryant for all of his billions was no different than the poorest of the poor. Or her man for that matter. Super powers of not, her super hero hungered for what lay between her silken thighs. Or at least she thought so.



Chapter 4


At the door to the mansion Lois was surprised to see Charles Bryant carrying her luggage into the foyer. “Mr. Bryant,” she said, “I’m surprised you don’t have someone to do that for you.” He again smiled that disarming smile and said to her, “Oh no Miss Lane, I value my privacy much to much to have servants here in the house. Except for Mona we are quite alone. My meals are prepared on board my yacht and brought to me here when I wish. Other maintenance and cleaning staff are brought in only when I request them. Now Mona will show you to your room. Tell me Miss Lane, will you and Superman share a room or shall I prepare separate quarters?” “Oh no,” she smiled sweetly looking at Mona, “We share the same room.” Lois thought proudly to herself, “Put that in your pipe and smoke it Mona. The worlds mightiest man shares my bed because he wants to, not because I am on the payroll.” Lois did not know why, but her claws were out whenever she thought about Mona with Bryant or Mona near her man. Lois knew herself to be a beautiful woman but looking at Mona she felt…well…inadequate. Mona was so stunningly beautiful. The woman’s beauty and sexuality unsettled her. A feeling she had never known before. She followed Mona down the hallway to her suite trying not to stare at the erotic swaying of her hips as she led Lois to her suite. Once inside her suite Mona stood before her and asked a simple question. “Is there anything else you want Lois? Anything at all?” The question reeked of sexual undertones and completely unnerved Lois. She thought she would get lost in the woman’s penetrating gaze. “N-n-no,” she stammered, hating herself for this loss of composure, “Nothing else, thank you.” The door closed and Mona was gone leaving Lois trembling at the encounter.


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