The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 05-06
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 5


Mona crossed to the opposite side of the mansion, touched 4 digits on a cypher door and entered a small, darkened room where Charles Bryant sat before a bank of tv screens. He was watching Lois Lane within her suite. “Anything of interest?” she asked. Bryant. smiled, “I thought she was going to faint when you got in her face and asked her if there was anything else she wanted. I think our Miss Lane is yours for the taking. Although I do believe she is straight. A tribute to your raw sexuality and beauty Mona.” She replied softly, “I think she’s a snooty, haughty bitch and I’m going to enjoy putting her in her place, which in this case will be between my thighs. But I will especially enjoy seeing the look on her face when you fuck her beloved superhero.” “Soon enough my darling”, he replied “but for now let’s see what our Miss Lane looks like naked.” Bryant touched a button on the intercom and spoke softly, “Miss Lane, I took the liberty of placing some new summer things in your closet. Why don’t you freshen up and meet me on the terrace for a drink in 30 minutes. For the next half hour they were rewarded as the screen followed Lois through her shower and the trying on of some of the summer dresses she found in her closet. She primped and preened before the mirrors. Checking the curve of her ass and thrust of her boobs before donning yet another dress until finally she found one she liked. Finally completing her tasks she applied her lipstick and leaned toward the mirror blowing herself a kiss. She spoke to her image, “Better than mortal man or Charles Bryant deserves.” In the control room Bryant smiled to himself. Mona said nothing but she licked her lips in anticipation of the feast she knew was coming.



Chapter 6


Lois joined Charles Bryant on the terrace of his mansion just as the sun was setting in the sparkling blue pacific ocean. It was still and the air was filled with the fragrance of night-blooming jasmine. She noted his sport jacket was gone and he was wore only in a pair of slacks and a white silk shirt. He looked to her to be very relaxed, tan and much too handsome. Trying to appear casual she asked, “Oh, where is Mona, I thought she would be joining us.” His reply gratified her womanly vanity, “Miss Lane, Mona is my Executive Assistant not a wife or girl friend as you may think. She is attending to her duties and will not be joining us.” That pleased Lois and she offered no reply. “Good” she thought, “I have him all to myself.” Lois settled herself into a comfortable chair opposite Bryant being sure to permit him a glimpse of thigh in doing so. Her display and flirtation was not lost on Bryant. He had looked into the eyes of too many women not to know what Lois Lane was up to. This was a woman who claimed the love of the worlds most powerful superhero. An award winning reporter for one of America’s great papers, and at the age of 30, one of the most beautiful women in the world. A woman used to getting what she wanted. Taming her was going to be an exquisite pleasure. Exceeded only by the pleasure of bringing The Man of Steel to heel.


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