The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 17-18
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 17


In her room, when Lois Lane got a look at her “new” clothes, she screamed, raged, threatened and cursed Mona all to no avail. She found that every item she owned was gone, replaced with the most whorish, slutty, provocative underthings that a woman might wear on a honeymoon. Her tantrum did her no good as Mona simply ignored her outburst. “Let’s go Lois, Charles wants you in the rec-room so you can see your man.” Grudgingly, cursing under her breath the whole time, Lois donned 5 inch heels, nylons, garter belt, tiny panties and bra. The outfit was entirely black. She rarely wore heels so she stumbled several times following Mona to the rec-room. She gasped aloud when she saw the man she loved naked and held by chains against the wall. Superman turned his head far enough to see her and she saw the look of shock on his face when he saw how she was dressed. Charles Bryant smiled and said, “So Superman, your whore has arrived. She belongs to me now. Well, Mona and I.” Bryant lied, “Oh don’t fret yourself Superman, her virtue is intact and she has been untouched. Your cooperation will insure that I don’t decide to explore that fine ass and those nice tits of hers. But now, we waste time. It’s time for your first lesson in humility. Come here Lois.” Bryant handed her a broad leather paddle. The first 10 inches looked like a baseball bat then becoming 18 inches of leather paddle. It was a wicked looking item. “Now spank him Lois. 20 good hard ones. Do it now or else” Lois read the implied threat in Bryant’s eyes. The message was to do it or Superman would be shown the video of her blowing Charles Bryant. Reluctantly she stepped up to the bound superhero, drew back and whacked him across his beautifully shaped ass. Bryant stepped up taking the paddle from her, “no, no Lois, that does’nt count as one. You must hit him across that handsome ass of his as hard as you can. Otherwise we may be here for a long time. Remember, I’m being kind. Letting you spank him. I hit much harder than you. watch.” Bryant slammed the paddle across Supermans ass causing a loud “craaaack” to fill the room. Superman lurched forward gasping at the sudden pain. His ass cheeks grew an angry red. Suddenly that broad, powerful, beautifully muscled back was bathed in a sheen of sweat. Bryant handed the paddle back to Lois and said, “OK Lois, lets see 20 good ones. He’s much too arrogant. His taming begins now.” Lois Lane stepped up to her task and began slamming blow after blow to the buttocks of the man she loved. Bryant and Mona stood back on looked on as Lois began. By the 15th blow Superman began to moan audibly for the first time. Sweat dripped from his powerful body. His hair dripped with perspiration. At paddle blow 20 he was moaning constantly. Lois, panting with the exertion, threw the paddle to the floor and whirled to face her captors. She had a wild untamed look about her. Her face was flushed and her breasts heaved. Her eyes had a wild look to them. That she was a magnificent female animal did not go unnoticed by Mona who gestured for Lois to follow her. Lois did follow, walking behind Mona she watched the sway of her hips and thought how hungry she was for what lay between those silken thighs.



Chapter 18


Charles Bryant released Superman from the chains that bound him to the rec-room wall. Superman sagged to the floor in a fetal position. Bryant stood over him triumphantly. Enjoying seeing his sweat-soaked captive quivering from the pain which had been inflicted on him by none other than Lois Lane herself. His face still stung from Bryant’s slaps and his ass was on fire with pain. Contrary to all the wild stories in the tabloids and elsewhere, Superman had never fallen to Kryptonite. Lex Luthor and all the other villians had tried, that was true, but always Superman had escaped the traps. After all, he had super powers, X-ray vision and dozens of other incredible super-skills. He never would have been trapped by Bryant either, except for his love for Lois Lane and the elaborate multi-million dollar trap this estate actually represented. Superman had bought into the story that Bryant was some weird millionaire who lined his home with lead to keep out cosmic rays. Now he found himself naked and helpless before this ruthless man. The Man of Steel, the mightiest man on the planet was groaning in pain at the feet of his new master. He was totally and completely unprepared mentally for this defeat. “Get on your feet, you pussy,” Bryant growled. Superman struggled and rose to his feet, his eyes downcast, unable to meet Bryant’s gaze. Standing chained and naked before Bryant who’s eyes appraised the magnificent body of his captive. Superman glistened with sweat in the dim light of the room and Bryant was tempted to throw him across the couch and fuck him right there. But he did not. In his mind it was much too early. Superman would come crawling, begging for it before he was finished with him, of that Bryant was certain. Bryant produced a key and removed the chains attaching Supermans wrists to his ankles. Now both arms were free although his ankles were bound together by an 18 inch length of chain. “Let’s go superstud,” Bryant mocked, “off to my bedroom for a nice bath.” Walking behind Superman, Bryant shoved him along every few feet while taking the time to admire his captives beautiful butt. He imagined running his tongue across the small of Supermans back and of course he imagined much more. “C’mon move it. You’re pathetic you know that.” Bryant led Superman into the bedrooms master bath. There was a huge tub there and he ordered Superman to fill it with sudsy, scented water. The Man of Steel did as he was ordered, filling the tub and dumping in scented oils, grateful that he was able to bathe. His ass still throbbed with dull pain from the spanking. Finally the chore was done and Superman prepared to enter the water. Bryant barked at him, “No you bitch, this bath is for me, not you.” Shocked, Superman watched as Bryant dropped his clothes on the floor and stepped naked into the scented waters. “Now,” Bryant said to the superhero who sat on the side of the tub, “the sponge there, take it and bathe me. And do it right otherwise I’ll have Lois down here to give you another 20. In helpless resignation Superman reached for the sponge and began to follow Bryant’s commands. In another bedroom in the mansion quite a different scene was playing out. When Lois and Mona arrived in her bedroom, Lois practically attacked her with passion and need. Mona lay naked amoung the satin pillows on the bed as Lois passionatly made love to her. Just laying back, enjoying the sight of Superman’s woman pleasuring her. Finally after her 5th orgasm she pulled Lois up alongside of her and whispered provocativly in her ear, “Tell me, my sweet plaything, what is it that got you so hot and bothered? Lois whined, “Please don’t make me. Please.” “No,” Mona said firmly, “tell me.” “When I spanked him, not at first, but when he began to moan in pain, I almost had an orgasm. It rocked me to my foundation. No sound ever got me so hot. I”m so ashamed.” “There, there darling,” Mona whispered, You’ll be fine.” The confession had ignited Mona and she pushed Lois back downward to continue what she had been doing.


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