The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 33-34
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 33


Superman stirred in the bed to sit up and found his right wrist band was chained to the headboard. Bryant was still taking no chances. The door opened and Charles Bryant entered the bedroom carrying a small plate of fresh cut fruit and cheeses. “Good to see you awake Superman. Brought you something to snack on. How are you feeling after that brutal beating that Mona gave you? Better I hope.” Bryant had assumed a casual demeanor. Superman thought to himself, as if Bryant had’nt practically seduced him on these very sheets just hours earlier. Superman shot back, “Don’t give me that and don’t think I don’t know the game you’r playing.” “What game would that be Superman?” Superman replied heatedly: “Good cop, bad cop. You force Lois to whip me, send Mona to beat me and humiliate me in front of Lois. But all the time you do nothing. Nothing except sooth me. Win me over. Weaken my resistance to your sexual desires and plans. You’r very clever Bryant, I’ll give you that… but it won’t work on me!” Bryant smiled broadly as he produced a key and unlocked Supermans wrist. “I want to hear all about your new resolve Superman. But for now, get up and go and prepare my bath. Let’s not forget what this is all about. You are my slave and you will obey me. Now move it.” Superman walked naked into the huge bathroom with Bryant right behind him. “I must say Superman, I like what Mona did to your ass cheek. Kind of says it all does’nt it.” Superman said nothing as he continued preparing the bath but he felt his face redden. Finally the preparations were complete and he turned to face Bryant. “Don’t just stand there Superman, undress me.” Once again The Man of Steel was forced to undress his captor. He slowly unbuttoned the silk shirt forcing his hands not to tremble. Then he loosened the belt and unzipped the slacks and let them fall to the floor, grateful that he had’nt been ordered to his knees to remove the pants. Bryant now stood naked before him, their bodies inches apart. Superman could feel Bryants body heat so close were they. Again Superman felt weak and trapped. He desperatly wanted not to look into Bryant’s eyes but feared looking down and seeing the powerfully muscled torso of his captor. He feared seeing the mans lean hips, that handsome cock. Against his will and despite his resolve earlier, he was again going to pieces. Bryant slowly and deliberatly slipped his fingers under Supermans neck collar and pulled Supermans face down to his chest. “Lick my chest. Lick it all over. Do it now,” Bryant commanded. The defeated superhero began to obey. Tentative at first with small flicks of his tongue he slowly began licking Bryant’s chest. Little by little giving more and more of his tongue to the task at hand until finally Superman was lapping at his captors chest with broad wet strokes of his tongue. Sucking and licking Bryants nipples totally submerged in what he was doing. Bryant whispered, “Lower,” and the captive hero began to lick the hard, flat stomach of his conquorer. Finally Bryant pulled him up from his erotic chore and saw that Superman had a glazed look of passion in his eyes. Bryant was a master of getting the other guy hot. “Now bathe me”, he ordered, stepping into the sudsy water. Bryant continued, “I want you to bathe after me. I want you nice and fresh and clean for later. We’re gonna have a champagne party and I think I’m gonna get you good and drunk. Just you, me and the girls. Let’s see how you hold up in front of them. Maybe tonight I’ll finish you off in front of them.”



Chapter 34


When Superman finally finished bathing his captor he was permitted the use of the still warm bath water for his own bath. He slid into the sudsy water and felt, as he did the previous time, vaguely aroused by this simple act of submission to Bryant’s will. Undeserving of his own fresh bathwater and using Bryant’s damp towel somehow got to him. He did not know why but he felt a tingling in his cock when Bryant treated him this way. After he finished bathing and drying himself he rejoined his captor in the bedroom. He found Bryant stretched out on the bed, face down, his mighty body naked. “I’ve been waiting for you,” Bryant said, “I want a massage and a good one. The oils are on the table.” The worlds mightiest hero, now reduced to the role of bathroom slave, picked up the vial of scented oil and began the task of massaging his captors perfect body. He struggled to maintain his composure but feared it was a losing battle. Charles Bryant’s pure, raw sexual magnetism was threatening to overwhelm him. Superman’s hands kneaded the powerful shoulders and back of his captor. Worked oils into the mucscles of those perfectly formed calves and thighs. He studied the butt of his captor and finally drizzled a small amount of the oil there and massaged it into the firm flesh. When Bryant rolled over onto his back and Superman saw his cock was hard his composure finally gave way. “Please,” he begged, “don’t do this to me. Please let Lois and me go on our way. I don’t want to be a slave. I’ll do anything you ask.” Bryant simply ignored him and just said, “Continue the massage.” And Superman did. He served the man who clearly had become his master in all ways. His hand shook and his legs were like rubber but Bryant got his way and he got his massage. Even his hard throbbing cock was massaged with scented oils coating the hands of the fallen superhero. Bryant’s hard cock arched and posed for the Man of Steel who, for the first time, wondered what it must feel like to have a man cum in your mouth.


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