The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 37-38
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 37


Superman obediently followed along behind Charles Bryant. One end of his leash attached to the slave collar around his throat and the other held in Bryant’s powerful fist. Supermans heart was pounding and his stomach was doing flip-flops. The apprehension of not knowing what was planned for him totally unnerved him. Bryant’s cryptic words repeated over and over in his mind, “tonight I’m going to make a woman of you. It’s your destiny.” Bryant did’nt lead his captive to the rec-room but instead took him into another room in the mansion set up as a media room. It was a very comfortably furnished affair with a movie screen on one wall and several large tv sets on another wall. A pair of love seats faced one of the tv sets. Each soft leather seat was designed for two people. On a table next to the tv was a large quantity of champagnes and wines already on ice. Glasses were at the ready as were trays of snacks. Superman guessed Lois and Mona had just set all this up. Bryant unleashed the fallen hero and told him to sit in one of the seats. Superman sat down under the watchful eyes of his captor. Bryant spoke, “Cross you legs and let the slip ride up a bit. I want to see your legs. I want you to look sexy for me.” Superman hiked the slip a bit exposing some thigh. He was rewarded with a low murmer of approval from Bryant and thought he saw a growing hunger for him in Bryant’s eyes. The Man of Steel thought to himself, “So this is what a woman experiences when she displays a bit of flesh. It must be very erotic to do that and have a man look at you hungrily.” Bryant stood in the dim light of the room looking at him approvingly. Without knowing why he did it, Superman locked eyes with Bryant and slowly and provocativly raised the slip several inches higher on his thigh. Superman heard the sharp intake of breath as Bryant reacted to this brazen gesture. Time seemed to stand still as if the master stood over a slavegirl and was not certain how to deal with her. The defeated superhero sensed the moment of hesitation on Bryant’s part. With his eyes still locked with Bryant’s he ever-so-slowly wet his red lips with his tongue. Superman saw Bryant’s eyes blaze as he started toward him. At that very moment the spell was broken as Mona and Lois came breezing in. Mona wore a flimsey bit of a pale blue summer dress while Lois still was attired in heels, panties, bra and nylons. Sexually provocative right down to the garter belt. Charles had Superman stand so the women could get a good look at him. Mona thought he looked sexy and said so. Lois said nothing but her eyes were drinking in his provocative attire. She found something wildly exciting about seeing her man being feminized and treated like this. Charles Bryant started the ball rolling by saying, “Allright let’s party.” With that the champagne began to flow with a dozen different bottles being popped open. The best booze the world offered was flowing freely and after an hour or so of drinking all were starting to feel their drinks. Not unpleasantly though. Mona and Lois were giggling constantly and even Superman loosened up tremendously. He had never experienced being drunk but without his powers it was a new experience. He liked it. Liked the loose feeling that came with drinking. The evening continued on as did the drinking…….


Chapter 38


The drinking continued and after another hour Lois and Mona were clearly buzzed. Soft music filled the room and the two women began a slow dance with each other. Lois pressed herself up against Mona as the two swayed to the music. Mona’s hands roamed freely over Lois’ lush body. Superman, himself pleasantly drunk, watched the erotic dance taking place before him. It vaguely excited him to see Mona taking liberties with his woman. He knew he should be angry but could’nt muster the effort. Bryant walked up behind him and put his hands around Superman’s waist clasping them over his stomach. He pulled the superhero back against him and began rubbing his semi-erect cock against the satin covered ass of his prisoner. Nuzzling and licking the neck of his captive, breathing in his ear, he whispered, “C’mon beautiful. Lets you and I dance.” He turned Superman around and pulled him into an intimate embrace. The Man of Steel was acutely conscious of every hard inch of Bryants body pressed up against his. He felt Bryants hand caressing the small of his back and moving back and forth across his firm buttocks. Bryant’s cock felt as hard as rock against his silk covered manhood. His hardness insistently rubbing against Superman’s  imprisoned cock. Charles Bryant smelled so good, felt so good that Superman relaxed more and more in the arms of the man who had imprisoned him. Mona and Lois had taken a seat together, kissing occassionaly as they watched the sensual and erotic dance before them. Bryant whispered seductivly, “Undo my robe.” The defeated superhero reached down, found the sash and untied it. The robe fell open revealing Bryants powerful chest and hard stomach. Superman had but a short view of his captors body before he was gathered into those powerful arms again. Bryant continued his whispered campaign of seduction. “If you want my robe off, just slip it from my shoulders, Go ahead. You know you want it off me.” An almost inaudible moan escaped Superman’s lips as he complied with Bryants suggestion. The white silk robe fluttered to the floor and now Bryant was almost naked but for a pair of white silk briefs that did little to conceal his hard-on. The worlds premier superhero was still totally dressed but Bryant was becoming more agressive as they swayed together. His hands werer lifting the satin slip, caressing the thighs of his captive. Moving above the top of the thigh-high nylons to caress the bare flesh of the upper thighs. Fingers lightly brushing against the manhood imprisoned in black lace panties. Cupping and squeezing the hard ass-cheeks and moving on to torment and delight his prisoner who was by this time openly moaning. Lois and Mona had stopped and were watching the two men with riveted attention. Lois felt she was about to see something she could never have dreamed of. Bryant dropped the slip back down and put his arm around his prisoners shoulder. In a commanding and assertive manner he kissed Superman on the mouth. The Man of Steel after a moment struggled to break free of the kiss but the power of his captor could not be denied. He weakened and then submitted to the kiss. Bryant finally released him and took him by the wrist. He led him to the love-seat across from the women and pulled Superman down next to him. Superman wore an expression of utter and complete surrender. Any will to resist had fled. Bryant took the top of the beautiful lace trimmed slip in his hands and ripped it apart. Baring Superman’s  chest and stomach down to the top of the black panties. “You knew this was coming Superman, did’nt you?”……


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