The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 39-40
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 39


“You knew this was coming, did’nt you Superman?”, Charles Bryant whispered hotly to the Man of Steel as his powerful hands ripped apart the slip he was wearing leaving only tatters covering his mighty frame. Superman was pinned on the couch by his more powerful adversary who took full advantage of his greater strength. Bryants strong hands found Superman’s  nylon clad thighs and claimed them. Caressing and stroking the thighs while Superman was pulled ever closer in a tighter embrace. He tried pushing Bryant’s hand away but was unable to stop the man. Bryant again kissed him passionatly while reaching around and caressing his ass through the black silk panties. By the time the kiss ended Suerman was panting through open lips. “Please,” he whispered, “take me back to the room. I’ll do anything you want. Lois is watching. Please don’t let her see this.” Bryant ignored him and again pulled him close and kissed him long and deep. This time Bryant’s hand moved and found Superman’s  cock, closing over the large bulge. The powerful hand massaged and fondled his prisoner and finally hooked his thumb under the waistband of the panties and slowly pulled them free and half-way down Superman’s  thighs. “Please”, the fallen superhero whispered again, ‘I’m begging you. Anything, just not in front of her.” Again Bryant ignored his plea, sliding his hand up the nylon clad thigh he found Superman’s  cock. Freed of the silk constraint it had rapidly blossomed into a large hard erection. Bryant was pleased to find the cock so ready and even more pleased when just a light caress of his fingers produced a loud moan of submissive pleasure from his prisoner. “Get those panties off,” he said quietly to Superman as he again claimed his mouth in a long kiss. The Man of Steel pushed them down and then kicked them off as he lay in Bryant’s embrace. Now he was naked except for the black nylons and the ripped remains of the slip. For the first time he more then met Bryant’s half-way. His arms went around Bryants shoulder and he returned the kisses passionatly. Across from them both women watched intently, eyes glittering with passion at the scene. Bryant broke off a long kiss and said, “Take my underwear off.” Superman slid down in Bryants embrace, his face against the powerful chest. He pushed down one side of the silk and then the other until finally they were clear of what they had been concealing. Charles Bryant had a very hard erection and it was pointed directly at Superman’s  mouth, barely 6 inches away. Bryant reached over and caressed Superman’s  chest and stomach dropping lower and lower till he found and encircled his thick cock. He began gently milking it back and forth, caressing and teasing the hard flesh. Getting Superman hotter and hotter till he was groaning continually. The superheros face slid lower on Bryants chest till the hard cock was just a scant inch from the lipsticked mouth. The seductive voice of his new master whispered to him, “You know you want it. You need it Superman. Just say it and it’s yours…….Say it. The reply was almost inaudible but Bryant heard it. “Yes. I do. I want it and I need you cock.” Superman’s  hand encircled the base of Bryants thick cock and then he went down on it. Bryant hissed with pure pleasure as his hard cock slowly slipped into Superman’s  hot, wet mouth.


Chapter 40


Charles Bryant’s hard cock slipped into Susperman’s mouth as the defeated hero crouched over him. At last, all will to resist Bryant had fled and it did’nt matter if Lois was watching or not. For long seconds The Man of Steel remained still and unmoving. The, slowly, the once invincible man’s head moved upward and then back down. Upward and then back down as his mouth began to pleasure the man who had captured and broken him. For a minute or more Charles Bryant leaned back into the soft leather and relished the feel and look of this moment of victory. The sight of Superman’s  broad muscular back and his powerful legs clad in black nylon were an aphrodisiac getting him even harder. The word, “slave” branded on Superman’s  ass cheek was clearly visible in the dim light of the room and further inflamed his passion. But Bryant wanted more. He wanted to see the defeat and helpless passion in his captives eyes. He wanted more humiliation for the worlds best known hero. “Superman, slide down on the floor. Kneel between my legs. I want to see your face as you suck me.” Superman moved to the floor, kneeling before Bryant as ordered. He again took the thick cock in his hand and for a moment their eyes locked. Superman, was unable to speak and just looked up helplessly. Bryant spoke quietly, “You’ve wanted this all you life. You always longed for a hard cock You just needed a man to come along and put you in your place. Now go back to what you do best.” Superman settled into a confortable position between those muscular thighs and again began sucking Bryant’s cock. “Come over here Lois,” Bryant ordered, “kneel here beside him. I want you to watch.” Lois, nearly naked herself, crossed over and knelt where Charles Bryant indicated. Her eyes could scarcely believe the sight that was unfolding before them. Superman, THe Man Of Steel, worlds mightiest man, utterly defeated and kneeling between the legs of his handsome and powerfully built conquorer. Lois knew she should’nt be excited but she was. Bryant began adressing her, getting her more and more aroused as she viewed the erotic spectacle before her. “See what I’ve done to him. Take a good long look at your loving husband Lois. He’s finished. He’s not so high and mighty now, is he? Now’s the time Lois, the time to tell him about our first night together here. Tell him about it Lois, how eager you were to suck me off. Just like your husband is doing now…….


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