The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 41-42
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 41


“Tell him about it Lois, how eager you were to suck me off.” Bryant had spoken the words that she most dreaded hearing. But now, kneeling next to Superman, watching him as he slavishly sucked on Bryant’s hard cock, it seemed to matter little. She listened to the low moans coming from Superman and it was clear to her that they were’nt moans of pain. Lois saw the sheen of sweat on his mighty body and the perspiration on his forehead. The thick black hair was matted with sweat as he continued to pleasure Bryant. For reasons she could not fathom, the sight of Superman, her husband, naked but for dark nylons and the shredded remains of a womans slip, was unbearably erotic. She leaned closer to Superman and whispered to him, “I did, the first night I was here. I could’nt help myself or resist him. Please forgive me darling. I sucked him off.” Fresh moans arose from the defeated superhero as Lois’ words sunk in but in no way did he slow down his effort to please his master. Lois sat back to watch and saw that Superman’s cock was fully hard and throbbing with excitement. Bryant tormented his captive even further. Deepening his defeat and humiliation. “Look at me Superman.” The kneeling hero opened his eyes and looked up into the eyes of his conquorer. Bryant’s thick cock still in his mouth, the remains of the lipstick clearly visible on Superman’s  lips. Bryant said softly, “I came in her mouth. She took the whole load Superman. Every bit of it. Your wife’s a skilled cock-sucker but nowhere near as good as you’r gonna be after I’m finished with you.” He pushed Superman’s head back down and said passionatly, “Now finish this. I need to cum.” Superman went back to his erotic task, moving beyond just sucking on Bryant’s cock, he now was licking the shaft up one side and down the other before moving down to lick Bryants balls. Then back to the hard male flesh which he hungrily began to suck on once again. Cum was beginning to drip steadily from Bryant’s cock giving Superman a taste of what was about to happen. This only served to take him to a deeper level of submission to the man that he knelt before. Now Bryant was moaning with open passion as he approached climax. “Come up here Superman”, he said huskily. The Man of Steel moved up quickly on the couch and lay with his face on Bryants hard stomach. Watching as Bryant massaged the length of his hard cock. It gleamed in the dim light with the sheen of saliva from Superman’s  mouth. Bryant urged the kneeling Lois Lane even closer and then said to her excitedly, “Ooh Lois, I’m gonna cum now. Tell me what you want. Should I cum in his mouth or cum on his face? Lois was panting openly, her lush breasts heaving with the excitement of this moment, “On his face, cum on his face. I want to see it.” Bryant thrust his cock back in Superman’s willing mouth once again to be sucked. After a few moments he pulled his cock from the wet mouth and, grabbing the base of his cock, Bryant’s cum exploed across Superman’s cheek and into his hair. Bryant then thrust his still spurting cock back into the Man of Steel’s mouth. There he kept the fallen hero for ten more minutes while his cock slowly softened and spilled the last of his cum into his captives mouth. Mona came over and took Lois by the hand. She walked the overheated, aroused reporter back to her bedroom, leaving the two men to share this intimate moment alone.


Chapter 42


Charles Bryant finally stirred from the lethargy one feels after an exciting climax. Superman still lay, face down in his lap. Cooing and murmuring softly, Bryants cock still in his mouth. His face resting against Bryants muscular stomach. Bryant moved him to sit up and his cock slipped from the superheros mouth. A strand of cum was visible in the dim light between Superman’s  lips and the cock he had just sucked on. Bryant was very pleased with his conquest. He was pleased that Superman had the look of being “used” about him. The cum drying in his hair and on his cheek. His hair matted with dried sweat. It had grown late and the room was littered with empty and partially empty wine and champagne bottles. “Time for bed”, Bryant said. He and Superman arose and walked to the bedroom, Bryant following behind. He did not bother to attach the leash to Superman’s  collar. He knew this superhero was’nt making any trouble this evening. He admired the Man of Steel’s smooth, hard ass-cheeks and thought to himself how much he was going to enjoy taking the virginity from that tight ass. Much as he had just taken Superman’s  virgin mouth and used it for his pleasure. When they got to the bedroom Bryant walked to the bathroom. “Come in here with me.” He directed Superman towards the toilet bowl. “Go over there and kneel next to the bowl.” Superman obeyed, not sure what it was that Bryant wanted. The utterly ruthless mega-billionaire walked to the toilet and looked down at the defeated superhero. “Take my cock and aim it at the water. You’r not just my sex-slave, you’r my toilet slave too. Now do it or I’ll give you to Mona for another beating. Superman groaned but obeyed. He took Bryant’s cock and watched as he pissed into the bowl. At the very end Bryant grabbed the slave collar and pulled Superman forward, “Suck it dry, slave.” He thrust his still dripping cock into Superman’s mouth and waited until he obediently fulfilled the command. Following orders the fallen superhero worked to squeeze every last drop of piss out of Bryant’s cock. Licking it up as he did so. The sight of of his captive abasing himself before him ignited his passion once again and his cock hardened once more and grew to full erection. He was ready to cum again. He pulled Superman to his feet and dragged him to the bed. “Let’s go slave. You’ve got more work to do.”


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