
Superman Vanquished II Part 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Vanquished II Part 4 Midnight Visitor Author: Lcross   It is nearly midnight and Superman nears the beginning of his fifth day of captivity. It has been over two hours since his nasty fall from the bed of Eden’s pick-up truck and Superman is slowly regaining consciousness. He shakes his head gingerly and tries to clear his head that pounds with pain from the large bump on his forehead sustained from the fall. Superman’s vision slowly clears and he tries to take stock of the dire situation in which he finds himself. He is restrained in a brightly illuminated cage with his arms extended high over his head and held together in place with handcuffs – the connecting chain threaded behind one of cage’s black steal vertical bars. Superman groans through the ball gag still stuffed in his mouth and as he applies his weight to his feet and rises from his slump relieving the pressure on his wrists held in the cuffs. He manages to stand weakly erect backed tightly against one side of the large steel cage. He strains as he… Read More »Superman Vanquished II Part 4

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 17-18
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 17   In her room, when Lois Lane got a look at her “new” clothes, she screamed, raged, threatened and cursed Mona all to no avail. She found that every item she owned was gone, replaced with the most whorish, slutty, provocative underthings that a woman might wear on a honeymoon. Her tantrum did her no good as Mona simply ignored her outburst. “Let’s go Lois, Charles wants you in the rec-room so you can see your man.” Grudgingly, cursing under her breath the whole time, Lois donned 5 inch heels, nylons, garter belt, tiny panties and bra. The outfit was entirely black. She rarely wore heels so she stumbled several times following Mona to the rec-room. She gasped aloud when she saw the man she loved naked and held by chains against the wall. Superman turned his head far enough to see her and she saw the look of shock on his face when he saw how she was dressed. Charles Bryant smiled and said, “So Superman, your whore has arrived.… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 17-18

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 11-12
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 11   “I said STRIP” Mona snarled. “Either do as I say or there’s the door. Get the hell out and face the consequences.” Lois stared dumbly at the raven-haired beauty sitting on the bed.  All of her life people had fawned over her. Because of her beauty, because of her dazzling accomplishments and because she was the woman who landed Superman. Now she was faced with a foe who offered no mercy nor respect for who she was.  This time there was no Man of Steel, no Superman to rescue her. Lois almost burst into tears but instead she yielded to the reality of her circumstances.  Slowly she took off her dress and dropped it at her feet. Her bra followed. She felt pleased that her full breasts did not sag.  Why she did not know.  She felt confused, helpless.  Her thumbs hooked in the waistband of her panties to pull them down.  “That’s  far enough.”  Mona said.  “Turn around, I want to see what I’m getting.  Lois obediently turned slowly… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 11-12

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 09-10
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 9   Lois showered and then selected a pale green summer dress from the assortment of designer clothes Charles Bryant had stocked her closet with. Like a little girl on Christmas morning she was thrilled at the selection of brand new things hers for the taking. The finest shoes, dresses, underwear and accessories. “This is one billionaire who sure knows how to spoil a girl,” she thought as she slid on a wispy pair of panties. Admiring her naked body in the mirror as she did so. Thinking back on her shameless performance the previous evening, she was beginning to feel less and less guilty. After all, in all the years Superman and her had been together she had never strayed nor wanted to. Her superhero was man enough in bed for any woman. Regardless of her love for him, she had to admit she fell to pieces while dancing with Bryant. The feel of his hard cock pushing against her pussy as they swayed together to the music ignited a fire… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 09-10