Superman Meets Ike Paris

Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 5
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  SUPERMAN MEETS IKE PARIS a continuing story by Superman Fannn   Chapter 5   Superman was actully trembling in fear as he saw Ike towering over him and the 4 men he ironically was there to entertain with amazing feats of strength.  He knew that he was now completely outclassed by Ike and that even if the 4 other men weren’t incapacitated by the cum exposion he just produced the 5 of them couldn’t over power him.  His mind was cloudy proving that his super mental abilities were also compromised.  His only hope, he thought, was to fake Ike out, making him believe his powers were returning. Superman lept to his feat as fast as he could, his tights still around his ankles and cum dripping from his still semi rigid cock.  “My powers are returning quickly, so uh, you better get ready for a battle, or er…get ready to run…..”, Superman said, realizing he wasn’t making much sense.  “Oh please,” responded Ike.  Like a flash, Ike bitch-slapped Superman who fell to the floor and passed out. When Superman awoke he found himself hanging… Read More »Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 5

Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 4
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  SUPERMAN MEETS IKE PARIS a continuing story by Superman Fannn   Chapter 4   The 3 men stood in awe gawking at Superman’s full package.  Superman stood  with a somewhat shamefull look on his face.  “Well, you see…as with any uman man my body produces something similar to Testosterone.  My super will normally helps me control erections, ejaculation and so on brought on by my kryptonian testosterone.  The exposure to the Kryptonite in the bullet hasdecreased my super will, causing the erection,” explained Superman.  “Now that I’m no longer feeling the effects,” Superman said looking down.  He attempted to will his cock to go back into a flacid state.  For a moment, nothing happened. More fear coursed through his mind.  Finally, the erection began to decrease. “OK, Superman…if you don’t mind we can continue,” said Cam.”Our next demonstration for you is breaking through the cinderblock walls we have created.”  “It’s always been exciting for me as I’m sure it is for the these three men, to see you burst through a wall.”  “Well, Cam,” Superman began.  “That is unless you are not feeling up… Read More »Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 4

Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 3
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  SUPERMAN MEETS IKE PARIS a continuing story by Superman Fannn   Chapter 3 Standing before Superman were three of the most muscular and well put together men he had ever seen. Cam, a professional bodybuilder, was dwarfed next to these three men. Superman found it hard to believe these were the same three men he captured and jailed just 3 years ago. Superman knew he had to be sure to keep up a good front for these men who obviously admired Superman even though he was the one responsible for jailing them. He still felt weak but was doing all he could to hide it. He thought to himself that even in a weakened state he was much stronger than even the most muscular and strong human villians he encountered in the past. Wrestling and arm wrestling weren’t as much a concern to him as were the knives and guns that were present. Is it possible that in this weakened state he would be vulnerable to weapons??? His mind was racing as he watched the three massive men approach him. The first man to… Read More »Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 3

Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 2
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  SUPERMAN MEETS IKE PARIS a continuing story by Superman Fannn   Chapter 2   ….Shocked and dazed, Superman’s thoughts ran rampant. Ike was coming closer and Superman was more than concerned. He had never been violated in such a way in his life and his lack of control concerned him even more than his failing powers. He knew they would come back in time as the Parasite drain had always been temporary in the past. One thought was constant, he needed to get away from Ike NOW. There was no time to lose. Superman knew he had not regained enough of his powers to simply fly away, so he quickly scrambled to the wall. Ike, feeling he was in complete control strolled towards the Man of Steel. “You don’t think you can escape me that easily, do you? Where do you think you’re going to go now? I feel the incredible power I gained from you in that short time! Perhaps my ability is not inferior to my father’s. You look terribly weak and there’s no way you can bust through that brick wall… Read More »Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 2

Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 1
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]   SUPERMAN MEETS IKE PARIS a continuing story by Superman Fannn   Thanks yoo Superman Fannn for letting me publish this story in my blog. My hope is that people that did’t have the chance of read stories like this can enjoy them. Chapter 1   Morning falls on Metropolis and Clark Kent (AKA Superman) is awakened from a peaceful slumber. As he rolls from his stomach to his back, he smiles at the enormous tent he has created with the sheets. Sleeping in the nude was refreshing to the Man of Steel as he always wore two layers; one being his skintight spandex uniform and the other, his disguise of Clark Kent. Superman was truly a man of morals and since his love for Lois was steadily growing he was determined to save himself for her. Superman’s abilities went far beyond that of strength and invulnerability. The power of his mind was also incredible. His mental control was so powerful that he could simply make himself cum at will or hold off as long as necessary. He had experimented with masturbation as a… Read More »Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 1