The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 51-52
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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman

Story by Wellsny44


Chapter 51


The captive superhero and his master, the ruthless mega-billionaire, Charles Bryant arrived at the patio and pool area of the estate a few minutes before 9 P.M. There was not a zephyr of a breeze moving and the smell of night-blooming jasmine filled the night air with its sweet fragrance. The moon had risen over the ocean and it lit the calm waters surrounding the island. Far out, anchored in the moonlight, Bryant’s huge yacht could be seen. “Lois will be here at 9 sharp,” Bryant said, “so let’s get you set to watch the show.” Bryant grabbed one of the pool chairs and he and Superman walked a few feet into the foliage finding a perfect vantage point for Superman to sit and watch. Bryant returned to the patio gazing into the area where the fallen superhero sat. “Perfect”, Bryant said, “You’r totally invisible where you are.” Bryant switched on a stereo system and soft romantic sounds could be heard from hidden speakers. He walked to the edge of the patio and said, “You’r hidden completely. Don’t make any noise no matter what happens or how long this takes. You do and I’ll punish you very severly.” “Don’t worry”, Superman said coldly, “and don’t forget our bargain. If Lois remains true, as I know she will, we go free tomorrow. As you promised.” Bryant smiled, “You have my absolute word of honor. Let’s not forget what happens should I win. You become my very willing concubine. Mmmmm, love that word. But enough now, she’ll be here in a moment.” Bryant walked over and stood looking into the brightly lit blue water of the pool as if in deep thought. At that moment Lois Lane appeared, walking down the path to the patio area. She looked radiant wearing a simple, teal colored summer dress with heels that matched. Her long black hair bounced off her bare shoulders as she strolled down to the patio. Superman’s heart raced seeing his beautiful wife again. She looked so totally sexy the way she walked. He saw by the way her breasts swayed, that she wore no bra. He fingered the slave collar keeping him powerless, wishing he could just rip it from his neck. He shifted slightly in the chair and slid the hated red panties from his body, letting them fall in the dirt. The cooling night air felt good on his naked cock. Lois Lane walked up to where Bryant stood. She stood next to him and gazed down into the pool water also. “So where is my husband Charles? What have you done with him? she said pleasantly, “I was suprised when Mona sent me down here to meet with you.” “Superman won’t be joining us Lois. I sent him up to Mona’s bedroom to have her seduce him.” “What”, she exclaimed in a nervous voice. “But I, I’m with Mona. You know what I mean.” Bryant smiled, “Lois, you suprise me. You’ve certainly had your fun, not just with Mona, but with me too. Are you jealous of Mona being with someone else or are you jealous of your husband being with someone else?” Lois thought for a moment and said, Yes, “both I guess. But I don’t want Mona touching anyone else. She gets me hot and you know it. You’r being a real prick Charles” Bryant knew Superman could hear every word. His plan was working perfectly. Soon the defeated superhero would know his precious wife had been corrupted utterly. Bryant moved behind Lois and put his hand gently on each hip. Moving slightly forward he rubbed his cock slowly against the crack of her ass He was rewarded with a low moan of pleasure as Lois matched his effort, lewdly rubbing her ass back against his hardening cock. Bryant slipped one hand from her hip up to her full breast and began to gently massage it. Lois’ eyes closed and her head fell back against Bryants muscular shoulder. In the darkness The Man of Steel leaned forward to see better. Could this be?



Chapter 52


Bryant’s other hand left her hip, moved forward to lightly caress her lower stomach. It then slid seductivly upward finding her other breast. Lois leaned back against his broad, muscular chest, eyes closed in bliss as Bryant massaged her firm breasts. He nuzzled her ear and kissed her neck and then said, “Come, darling, come sit on this chaise lounge with me.” He walked Lois over to the lounger and she sat down. Bryant remained standing in close proximity to her. He knew that Superman was watching from less than 10 feet from where they were. Bryant could already savor his victory over the fallen, humiliated superhero. “Look what you’ve done to me Lois,” he said, pointing to his crotch. His rock-hard cock was clearly visible straining against the thin fabric of his slacks. “What kind of a woman would leave a man in this terrible state?” Lois coyly replied, “Why Charles, you don’t think I could be so mean, do you?” Clearly, good-natured sexual bantering was taking place and that fact was not lost on Superman. He sat miserable in the shadows as his world fell apart. Lois caressed Bryant’s hard cock through the fabric and then her hands moved to the belt buckle. She opened it and then slowly lowered the zipper. The slacks dropped around Charles Bryant’s ankles. His thick cock stood erect in the moonlight, inches from Lois Lane’s mouth. “Oh God”, she whispered, “you really are ready, are’nt you?” She caressed his hard cock several times, stroking it up and down, and then wrapping her hand around the base of his cock, she moved forward and took it into her mouth. A long, deep moan of satisfaction escaped from her throat as she began to suck her captor’s hard, dripping cock. Lois slid forward off of the lounger and knelt on the hard tile floor, oblivious to that discomfort. Her hands went up, caressing Bryant’s ass-cheeks, pulling him even deeper into her mouth. She began mewling and whining in her throat like some alley-cat being fucked over the back fence. The wife of Superman was in the throes of a passion that was almost too great for her to contain. After one especially loud moan, she stopped the sucking. With his wet cock in her hand, she looked up at Bryant and panted, “I just climaxed. I’m so wet. I hate you Charles for what you have done to us but you get me so fucking hot I can hardly stand it.” She returned to her erotic task as Bryant stood in victory over her. He let her suck him for another minute and then stopped her. She was a talented cock-sucker and he knew he could only hold out for a few minutes longer. As much as he wanted to drop his load in her mouth, he wanted the defeated superhero to watch as his long, hard cock buried itself in his wifes pussy. “Cmon Lois, stand up and get rid of that dress. I want to see all of you.” Lois scrambled to her feet and the dress was off and discarded in a heartbeat. She posed brazenly in the moonlight, flaunting her magnificent body for him.


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