Superman Meets Ike Paris Chapter 2
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a continuing story by Superman Fannn


Chapter 2


….Shocked and dazed, Superman’s thoughts ran rampant. Ike was coming closer and Superman was more than concerned. He had never been violated in such a way in his life and his lack of control concerned him even more than his failing powers. He knew they would come back in time as the Parasite drain had always been temporary in the past. One thought was constant, he needed to get away from Ike NOW. There was no time to lose.

Superman knew he had not regained enough of his powers to simply fly away, so he quickly scrambled to the wall. Ike, feeling he was in complete control strolled towards the Man of Steel. “You don’t think you can escape me that easily, do you? Where do you think you’re going to go now? I feel the incredible power I gained from you in that short time! Perhaps my ability is not inferior to my father’s. You look terribly weak and there’s no way you can bust through that brick wall in this condition”, the Parasite gloated. Superman knew he was right and simply backed against the wall. Years ago, Superman had encountered a house sized metal cube that no matter how hard he tried, he could not penetrate it. It was at that time that Superman learned a trick from his friend Professor Lucerne who had suggested Superman may be able to alter his molecular make up and simply pass through the wall. It worked then and Superman hoped it would work now. He rarely ran from a fight, but he knew nothing good could come of this one. He needed time to think of a solution…. Superman concentrated all his remaining strength and effort on being able to pass through the brick wall he was now standing up against. Ike said, “Back on your knees, you weekling. You’re not finished serving my needs yet. Superman gave a slight grin as he felt himself “oozing” through the wall. Ike stood in disbelief…”You haven’t seen the end of me yet!” he said under his breath. On the other side of the wall, Superman concentrated all his efforts to reassemble his molecules. His body appeared transparent at first and slowly became more and more solid. Finally he appeared to be back in full body and he slumped to one knee, grunting with pain as he was obviously very drained from the effort. Superman knew Ike had the power now to simply break through the wall, so he quickly got to his feet and began a “not so super” speed run from the building. Surprisingly, Ike didn’t follow. Superman ducked into a deserted alley in hopes of quickly regaining some of his lost strength. He was honestly surprised at how such a limited contact with Ike caused such weakness. Was it possible that the anal penetration caused this increase or could Ike actually be a stronger version of his father?

Superman ducked between two dumpsters to get the rest he needed. Today was, ironically, the day he agreed to do an exhibition at a local jail. Three prisoners Superman was responsible for jailing became fast friends and turned their lives around in jail. They worked out regulary, gave up their drinking and smoking vices, learned a new trade and were soon to be released to be model citizens of Metropolis. Superman had follwed their dedication with admiration and had agreed to appear at the jail during one of their gym times to do a little exhibition. He felt confident that if he got a quick 15 minute rest he would be back to normal. At least he hoped he would. Superman closed his eyes and took a deep breath, hoping the rays of sunshine beating down on him would return all of his super strength and speed.

What seemed like a few seconds later, Superman awoke to the voice of a small boy, “Mommy…look….it’s Supman and he’s taking a nap!”. Superman jumped to his feet, impishly smiling at the young attractive mother who had her son by the hand. “Even Superman needs a little rest, sometimes,” he said in his booming voice. The mother gave a sideways smile, obvioulsy wondering why Superman would be sleeping between two dumpsters in an alleyway. Superman excused himself and began walking to the street level. With his super hearing, he heard the child whisper to his mother, “He must still be tired. He’s not even flying away.” Superman WAS still tired and it concerned him. As he glanced at the town square clock, he noticed that he was asleep for nearly 2 hours and his appointment at the jail was in 5 minutes. “I never want to disappoint a fan,” he thought as he raised his arms in preparation of flight. NOTHING….a panicked feeling came over Superman. He took a running start, a jump and away he flew. His flight was shaky and not fluid, but it was flight which was a slight relief. He knew he would make it to the prison on time….

Superman landed with an ungraceful thud a the gates to the prison. He was greeted by the guards at the gate with big smiles and extended arms for handshakes. “A little turbulent today, Huh Superman,” one of the guards chuckled. “I guess so,” Superman responded with a chuckle of his own, trying to hide his concern. His powers should have all returned by now. If this power loss is taking longer than normal for him, Ike’s additional powers may not fade as fast as his father’s either. This had Superman extremely concerned.

Superman was escorted into the gym area where he was expecting to lift some weights and then the entire Universal Gym off the floor as an entertainment exhibition for the three model prisoners. He was waiting outside the door for Head Warden Cam to introduce him. Cam was a professional bodybuilder who Superman had a great working relationship with. Superman was hoping enough of his powers returned to be able to complete his task with ease and not show his weakness to Cam and the men. The Man of Steel who could normally swim through hot lava was worried about lifing a few thousand pounds! He walked over to a deserted cell and put his hands on the bars. His biceps and triceps flexed and strained…the vein in his neck was extremely pronounced and the bars gave way. Out of breath, he rested for a few seconds and then repeated the process moving them back. Unknown to him, Cam was watching from the door. Cam called to Superman who quickly turned and smiled and greeted Cam with a firm handshake. Cam said, “Are you feeling OK today, Superman?” Superman knew Cam must have been watching. “FINE!” he answered. Just doing a little warm up! “Great,” said Cam. Let’s get started!

“Gentlemen, I present SUPERMAN,” Cam bellowed as they entered the prison gym. There in front of Superman stook the 3 very muscular prisoners as well as a wrestling mat, a boxing ring and an arm wrestling table….not to mention handguns, machine guns, knives, chains and cement block structures resembling small walls. Superman knew what was expected of him and he trembled slightly….

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