June 2021

The Capture of Superman Part 2
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021, strawbridge88@att.net.       Part Two – Kryptonite   Superman quickly makes his way downward using the long array of metal stairs that descend to the substructure below the hangar; he leaves the shaft and enters the anteroom examining the thick concrete walls and low circling as he moves to the end of the narrow room and stands before a large steel blast door. A sign next to the blast door reads: “CONTAINMENT ROOM.” Superman bangs lightly on the door and shouts, “Dumont!” No answer. Very odd indeed thinks Superman; this is the time and place. Superman bangs again on the steel door and shouts, “Dumont, its Superman. I have an appointment here.” No answer. Superman examines the steel blast door for several seconds and again x-rays the interior finding it completely empty. “Nothing here, or for miles around this old hangar,” thinks Superman. “I guess this is somebody’s idea of a cleaver prank”. Superman turns towards the shaft to the surface and hears… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 2

The Capture of Superman Part 1
4 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.   Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021, strawbridge88@att.net.     Part One  – The Discovery… Young Bart drove north out of the city in his uncle’s 2007 Avalanche, he conceded to himself that this scheme of his uncle’s seemed a bit of an overreach, even for the gifted Dumont. Sure his uncle was a genius, but to “defeat” the Man of Steel seemed unachievable even for his intellect. Bart was a good-looking youth almost 17 years old. He stood just shy of 6’ and weighted 160 lbs, had green eyes, and short blond hair. Bart, like his uncle, Dumont, was manipulative as well as deceptive; both had a cruel streak; it seemed to run in the family. Dumont, a wealthy young scientist from a family that had been powerful for generations, had spent the last several years studying Earth’s mightiest champion, Superman, with the sole purpose of discovering any Achilles’ Heel Superman might have. Dumont, hated Superman and everything he stood for; it was a fixation driven by both envy and natural… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 1

Clark Kent’s Secret Admirer
4.3 (7)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 7 Average: 4.3]M/M sexual content, for mature audiences only; Superman fan fiction, rights owned by D.C. Comics.   CLARK KENT’S SECRET ADMIRER Revised/enhanced/embellished and expanded by Rick Henry (strawbridge88@att.net), 04-2021.  Original story by CA172.   Chapter 1: For God’s Sake, Sneeze Or Cough!   Clark Kent had a secret admirer, his landlord Stewart Martin. Stewart was in his mid 30’s, very attractive with blonde curly hair, blue eyes and a good physique, which he kept in shape by working out in his home gym that he had in his basement, 4 to 5 days a week. He often got looked at lustily by both men and women, but it went right over his sun-bleached head. He wasn’t vain in the least, he was what he was, and never gave it much thought. Well, truth be told, he never gave anything much thought. It wasn’t that he was dumb, he just didn’t care. Though well-endowed, good looking, and built… he often moved through life like an automaton. He had failed out of medical school, entered a because-she-was-pregnant marriage, and thus rumbled through life with not much steam. Though… Read More »Clark Kent’s Secret Admirer

Superman, Vulnerable Chapters 5 and 6
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]   The characters in this work are fan fiction and are the property of DC Comics, no copyright infringement is intended.  Sexual material written for adult readers only.   SUPERMAN, VULNERABLE  Author: Unknown   Chapter Five    “Are you hot, Superman?” Superman again nodded.  He was genuinely amazed to feel the blood flowing through his body – not just to be aware of it in a distant way, but to feel it for the first time.  As he stood, his arms tired, his legs slightly spread, his cape removed, and the mirror across the room showing him everything he did, Superman felt…aroused.  This was what it was to feel aroused. Lex said, “I’m going to kiss you, Superman.”  Superman opened his mouth to object, but Luthor’s lips met his at that instant, Luthor reaching up and pulling Superman’s head down a little as his own stretched up.  A shockwave explosion rocked Superman’s body.  Blood raced into his penis and through his brain and through his entire body with a previously unparalleled force.  When Luthor’s tongue entered Superman’s mouth, Superman instinctively tried to wrap his arms… Read More »Superman, Vulnerable Chapters 5 and 6

Superman, Vulnerable Chapters 3 and 4
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]   The characters in this work are fan fiction and are the property of DC Comics, no copyright infringement is intended.  Sexual material written for adult readers only.   SUPERMAN, VULNERABLE  Author: Unknown   Chapter Three   Left alone in the Kryptonite chamber, Superman wasted no time pulling with all his might against the chains that held him.  No use; he was held fast without his superpowers to call on.  It then occurred to him not to pull at all four chains at once, but to focus on just one.  With all his considerable muscle weight, Superman pulled with against the chain holding his left arm in place.  He leaned to the right as far as the chains would allow, contracting his whole body’s musculature in an effort to break the chain.  Once again he felt himself beginning to sweat, and now he also felt his muscles working against the metal that held him fast.  Despite the lack of give in the chain, Superman refused to give up his efforts, tugging, leaning, pulling as hard as he could.  The chain would not budge.  Superman hoped… Read More »Superman, Vulnerable Chapters 3 and 4

Superman, Vulnerable Chapters 1 and 2
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5] The characters in this work are fan fiction and are the property of DC Comics, no copyright infringement is intended.  Sexual material written for adult readers only.   SUPERMAN, VULNERABLE  Author: Unknown   Chapter One   Superman flew swiftly over Metropolis, performing one final scan of the city before heading home.  With Lois out of town on assignment for the Daily Planet, he had more time than usual to maintain law and order in the nation’s largest city.  Crime was down by a double-digit percentage while Superman was pulling this extra duty.  With Lois away, Superman was able to focus on what he did best: Capturing criminals, and making sure they were handed over to the authorities. This night seemed to be no different from any other – the occasional attempted burglary, an odd attempted mugging, nothing out of the ordinary…until Superman heard an announcement on an exceptionally high-pitched frequency that not even dogs could register. “Hello, old friend.” It was Lex Luthor.  Superman’s eyes narrowed as he listened. “I’m going to skip the preliminaries.  I know you can hear me, I know you know… Read More »Superman, Vulnerable Chapters 1 and 2

Breaking Superman Chapters 5 and 6
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  Breaking Superman Author: smdown Chapter 5   Lex coughed on his morning coffee as his personal assistant handed him today’s edition of the Daily Planet. He read and re-read the headline not quite believing the words in front of his eyes. ‘The return of Superman?’ read the banner. A large color photo on the front page showed a section of the city skyline with a blue and red streak passing between two skyscrapers. “It can’t be…” Lex muttered to himself. 6 months earlier, the people of Metropolis had been shocked by the sudden disappearance of Superman. The population had become used to his almost daily heroics when, without warning, he mysteriously left without a trace. It had been a bleak time in the city: people felt that their champion had abandoned them. The resulting rise in crime had been a concern to many. But Lex was well satisfied, being able to go about his business without interference from the hero, who had confronted him and foiled many of his nefarious plans. He would have liked to know the fate of Superman but nevertheless felt… Read More »Breaking Superman Chapters 5 and 6

Breaking Superman Chapters 3 and 4
4.7 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.7]Breaking Superman Author: smdown Chapter 3   “Please don’t” begged Superman. “Please don’t do that!” The fear of death had stolen the last of Superman’s pride. “Relax, Supes, I have no intention of killing you. I’m going to use this blade to cut the ‘S’ shield from your chest. I’m going to cut away and rip off that symbol of your identity and pride,” hissed Jack. “…But I’ll only cut it off because you are going to beg and plead with me to do so.” “That will never happen,” replied Superman. “Oh I think it might,” said Jack as he laid his gloved hand onto the center of Superman’s chest, the electric shock shooting through his pec muscles. Superman panted “You may have the power to rip open my suit, but you’ll never force me to beg you to do it,” defiance and pride coming back into his voice. “Wrong!” shouted Jack. “Lets increase to level 3 intensity.” Again, Jack dug his hand into Superman’s muscular chest, grabbing the pec muscle as the intense shock wracked the hero’s body. Superman’s screams were louder and his… Read More »Breaking Superman Chapters 3 and 4

Breaking Superman Chapters 1 and 2
4.3 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.3] Breaking Superman Author: smdown Chapter 1   I   Superman stood atop the daily planet building looking over the city as night fell. It was rare for him to have the opportunity to rest and reflect on his achievements. He had arrived in Metropolis three years previously and had almost immediately become a source of hope for the troubled city. His muscular figure was now a regular sight across the city, flying here and there to foil the violent criminals, whose stranglehold was diminishing thanks to his heroic actions.  As he stood looking down on the city lights, he felt proud of himself. He felt aware of the youth and power of his body. He had never experienced pain or weakness. The criminals of Metropolis were on the back foot. The schemes and plans they had developed to evade or damage the Man of Steel had come to nothing; his power and strength could not be overcome.  From his lofty position as an untouchable hero, he would never have been able to gather intelligence about the activities of the criminal gangs of Metropolis, however… Read More »Breaking Superman Chapters 1 and 2

Tony vs Superman
3.9 (8)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 8 Average: 3.9] TONY vs. SUPERMAN Author: Unknown Tony lumbered away from the devastated zoo, his belly full from his jungle feast.  As his mammoth muscles continued to absorb more and more protein his balls began to churn again, his incredible muscle body pumping up with more and more power, the surge in testosterone making his body tingle and his dick harden all over again.  He began to flex his huge muscles, watching each one intently as he pumped it bigger and bigger.  Because of his awesome mass it was hard to do, but he still managed to bring each of his gigantically bulging biceps up to his lips, kissing them and licking the source of his amazing strength.  Tony was so absorbed in watching his body it took a while before he realized he wasn’t alone.  About twenty feet in front of him, hovering five feet off the ground, was Superman.  Tony had heard of Superman, but never really believed there was such a person.  After all, Tony had roamed the planet wreaking havoc and destruction, and never once had any Superman come to save a… Read More »Tony vs Superman

Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 3
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  An entertaining bit of fan-fiction, Superman being the property of D.C. Comics. Story for mature readers only, male/male sex freely depicted. Summary: Superman fights to free the enslaved Tarzan: against the Teen Titan, Tam-Rex.   Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion.  Revised by Rick Henry (strawbridge88@att.net) enhanced, embellished, and expanded 04-2021.  Original Author: Ashtonjacobs123   Chapter Three: Finalizing Their Stories  The next day Tam-Rex has the MOS brought into him, needs to review his trophy. Kal enters, hands still bound behind him, though ankles loose… still hardly able to walk from the depletion of his strength, semen, and milk… the unusual ripped fucking he’s had, making his insides still tender, nipples quite sore. Ego shattered. He stands wide-legged, the pendulum of his assets heavily uncovered, limply on display. His head slumped forwards, chin down. A picture of dejected, wilted captivity. Tam moves forward from his throne chair, down to greet him; survey. Hand under his chin to forcibly look him in the eyes. The cowed MOS unwilling to do so. His scarred humility hampering his senses; still grappling with the horror of his having… Read More »Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 3

Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 2
4.4 (5)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 5 Average: 4.4]An entertaining bit of fan-fiction, Superman being the property of D.C. Comics. Story for mature readers only, male/male sex freely depicted. Summary: Superman fights to free the enslaved Tarzan: against the Teen Titan, Tam-Rex.   Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion.  Revised by Rick Henry (strawbridge88@att.net) enhanced, embellished, and expanded 04-2021.  Original Author: Ashtonjacobs123   Chapter Two: Fall of the Man of Steel   The vanquished Kal lies motionless, flat on his broad lats, deathly pale and barely conscious, slow-sucking in air. His huge-breasted chest heaving laboriously. The blond king’s mighty thighs have squeezed all but a few desperate choking breaths out of him, indeed have seemingly almost killed him. Only his still involuntarily, stiffly mounded manhood shows any lingering signs of normal life. Tam laughs wickedly at the sight, pre-cum rivered and previously expended jism all over the soiled front of him, practically from knees to chest. Super potent and loaded, if nothing else. Echoing Boy’s snide remarks earlier, he haughtily exclaims, “Look’a here, Slut Boy, getting off on his own defeat… getting whipped. Just like his mind-gone slutty friend did, still does, hah!”… Read More »Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 2

Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 1
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]An entertaining bit of fan-fiction, Superman being the property of D.C. Comics. Story for mature readers only, male/male sex freely depicted. Summary: Superman fights to free the enslaved Tarzan: against the Teen Titan, Tam-Rex.   Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion.  Revised by Rick Henry (strawbridge88@att.net) enhanced, embellished, and expanded 04-2021.  Original Author: Ashtonjacobs123 Chapter One: Superman to the Rescue!   Kal Jor-El, Superman to most, is having a bad time of it in his personal life of late, having lost, at least temporarily, the great love of his life within the past year. It was long-time flame, Lois Lane, who has never been quite the same since her unfortunate kidnapping and subsequent brainwashing by master criminal, Lex Luthor. It darned near killed Kal trying to win back her affections after her release from Luthor’s clutches. But her being so addled, it didn’t look like anything remotely real might transpire. (After all, he was really “too big” to consummate much of an earthly relationship with anyone, anyway; at least females. As if doomed to be a perennial virgin in many respects.) Now Tarzan (his once… Read More »Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 1