Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Epilogue0 (0)
Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Author: Lcross Epilogue After departing the English manor house Clark Kent investigated the property and discovered the sprawling manor house and the accompanying estate is “For Sale.” The manor house has been vacant for several months. Clark contacted the estate’s realtor who informed him the elderly Lord Melbourne died last year and had no heirs. Clark reported that he received reports of suspicious activity at the manor house. In turn the realtor promised to have a constable check the estate. Hours later she called back reporting that the area’s constables had checked the mansion and it was “ship shape.” The mansion was found locked up tight and empty. She informed Clark that the upstairs west drawing room he specifically inquired about was used a house arrest late last century. Apparently 30 years ago one of Lord Melbourne’s cousins had a run in with the law and was confined to the mansion to serve his sentence, thus the barred windows. Oddly someone appeared to have snapped a padlock on one set of bars leaving the window open. Otherwise the room was… Read More »Superman Rides “The Lightning!” Epilogue