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The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 35-36
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 35   For more than an hour the Man of Steel had been massaging scented oils into his captors powerful body. The shadows in the room lengthened and the day was coming to an end. Charles Bryant lay on his back, his head and shoulders propped up by several pillows. He was naked and totally relaxed. Through half-closed eyes he watched his captive finishing his sensual duties. The best always came last Bryant thought, as he watched Superman, tentativly and hesitantly, massaging oil up and down the length of his very hard cock. Superman, naked himself, sat on the side of the bed seemingly mesmerized by the hard, throbbing cock he was stroking. Bryant for his part, ached to cum and was tempted to just shove the fallen heros mouth down on him and be done with it. But he did’nt. He wanted this superheros torment to go on and on till he begged for it. Unexpectedly the bedroom door burst open and Mona and Lois came into the room. Both wore… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 35-36

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 33-34
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 33   Superman stirred in the bed to sit up and found his right wrist band was chained to the headboard. Bryant was still taking no chances. The door opened and Charles Bryant entered the bedroom carrying a small plate of fresh cut fruit and cheeses. “Good to see you awake Superman. Brought you something to snack on. How are you feeling after that brutal beating that Mona gave you? Better I hope.” Bryant had assumed a casual demeanor. Superman thought to himself, as if Bryant had’nt practically seduced him on these very sheets just hours earlier. Superman shot back, “Don’t give me that and don’t think I don’t know the game you’r playing.” “What game would that be Superman?” Superman replied heatedly: “Good cop, bad cop. You force Lois to whip me, send Mona to beat me and humiliate me in front of Lois. But all the time you do nothing. Nothing except sooth me. Win me over. Weaken my resistance to your sexual desires and plans. You’r very clever Bryant,… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 33-34

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 31-32
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 31   Charles Bryant loosened the many straps which bound Superman to the padded table. The Man of Steel lay face down, immovable and moaning softly. Bryant pulled off the ripped panties and silk pants and dropped them to the floor. “Come Superman, try to stand so we can get back to the room.” He helped Superman from the table but the defeated man was unable to stand on his own. His knees screamed painfully and he sagged against Bryant. He would have fallen but Bryant grabbed him about the waist and supported him. Supermans face, throat, chest and shoulders were streaked with drying blood. Bryant slowly walked him back to the master bedroom holding him as they walked. “How could you let her beat and bloody me like that? Have you no decency?,” Superman asked weakly. Bryant simply said, “What makes you think I’m in charge of Mona?” Once in the bedroom Bryant helped him lie on the bed face down. Bryant said, “Let me give you something that will ease… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 31-32

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 29-30
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 29   Superman sat at a table by the window in Charles Bryant’s bedroom. He had showered and been given a fresh pair of red Superman “S” panties, these were trimmed in lace. He slipped them on without comment. Bryant sat across from him dressed in white linen slacks and a blue flowered silk shirt. He snacked on some fruit from the table as he contemplated the appearance of his captive. “Have some fruit Superman. You’r going to need you’r strength for what Mona has planned for you.” The Man of Steel selected a pear which he began to eat. “What are you talking about Bryant? What plans?” “You must fight Mona today. One on one in the rec-room. And in just a few minutes.” Superman scoffed, “I may be weakened but I’m not that weak and besides I don’t fight women.” “I think you’ll fight this woman,” Bryant said, “Mona says the winner of this fight gets Lois Lane. Lois HAS spent a lot of time with her, I would be… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 29-30

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 27-28
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 27   Finally breakfast on the patio concluded. Superman sat sullenly nearby at the food table. Bryant spoke to the superhero, “Superman, you and Lois go in for a swim. Mona and I have some things to discuss.” “But I have no swimsuit here,” Lois protested. “You’r swimming naked Lois, now get to it,” Bryant said. Superman jumped to his feet but Lois headed trouble off. She quickly crossed to where he stood. He was clearly angry. She spoke softly to him, “No darling, don’t let him bait you. You’r too weakened to fight him. Let’s just swim together.” She turned defiantly toward Bryant and Mona who sat enjoying their discomfort. Lois slowly stripped off the emerald green babydoll and pulled the ribbon from her thick hair. She stood proudly facing her captors, shoulders back, flaunting her beauty. Wearing only a tiny pair of green panties. She felt an illicit thrill baring herself like this in front of the group. Especially Mona who had not gone anywhere near Lois. Even though Lois… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 27-28

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 25-26
3 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 3]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 25   The two men stood drying themselves in Charles Bryant’s bathroom The Man of Steel was grateful for the warm shower and a chance to clean himself. But he was very upset by the long, lingering kiss he had endured from Bryant. Those powerful arms had held him fast. He was unable to escape from the muscular body jammed against his. Chest to chest, stomach to stomach, thigh to thigh as the water splashed down on them. He was painfully aware of the feeling of Bryants hardening manhood pressed firmly against his. A situation that left him mixed up and confused. He spoke quietly to Bryant who had finished toweling himself dry. Bryant turned to listen, further unbalancing the superhero who now faced a naked conquorer. “Please don’t get angry but I wish to tell you my feelings about your sexual advances. Is that Ok?” Bryant said, “Since you said please, go ahead.” Superman spoke quietly and with firm conviction, “I am not a gay man. I’m offended by your sexual… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 25-26

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 23-24
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 23   Charles Bryant reattached the dog leash to the collar on the neck of the defeated superhero and led him back to the master bedroom. He took a forlorn look at Lois as he was led from the room. She and Mona stood near the table where they had shaved off all his body hair. He walked behind Bryant down the long hallway to the master bedroom. Bryant wore slacks and a beautiful long sleeve silk shirt. Expensive Italian loafers completed his outfit. The man of steel watched Bryant’s broad muscular back as they walked. He was thinking desperatly of a way to overpower him. He accepted the reality that he could’nt. He was as weak as a child thanks to the damn kryptonite embedded in his slave collar. Bryant removed the leash from the collar of his prisoners neck and tossed it casually aside. “Now undress me.” By the time Superman managed to open the buttons on the silk shirt, his hands were trembling noticibly. He slipped the shirt off… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 23-24

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 21-22
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 21   A leashed Superman stumbled into the huge rec-room being yanked along by Charles Bryant. He could scarcely believe his eyes at the sight that he beheld. A table in one corner was set with fine linens, china and silverware. The day was ending and the room was dark with the only light coming from two silver candle holders on the table. Each held 4 candles. Seated at the table was the beautiful temptress, Mona. She wore a lavender dress that was low cut showing her ample cleavage. Her shoulders were bare and her thick, black hair spilled down on those bare shoulders. She looked utterly relaxed. And little wonder, she had just enjoyed Lois Lane’s oral attentions and she was completely satiated. Standing next to Mona at the table was The Man of Steel’s woman, Lois Lane. Superman blinked in disbelief. Lois Lane was completely dressed as a french maid. 5 inch heels, fishnet stockings and a fetching little mini-skirt. The skimpy little outfit displayed loads of her abundant clevage.… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 21-22

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 19-20
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 19   Superman sat on the edge of the huge tub soaking the sponge in the scented water and bathing Charles Bryant as he had been ordered. Across the muscled back and broad chest of his captor his hands moved, the sponge caressing Bryant’s tight body. Bryant raised his arms and Superman obediently rinsed under his arms until finally Bryant was satisfied. Superman’s nimble mind assessed the situation but could find no solution to his dilemma. He was especially anguished about the situation Lois was in. They would pay if either Bryant or Mona even thought about touching her. How could he know that at the very moment that those thoughts were in his mind, Lois Lane’s face was between Mona’s thighs as she eagerly pleased her captor. The metal collar about Supermans neck contained a small chunk of kryptonite, just enough to strip him of his powers and leave him as weak as a kitten. Then Bryant stood up in the tub. “Everywhere. Wash me everywhere,” he commanded. Bryant’s thick cock… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 19-20

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 17-18
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 17   In her room, when Lois Lane got a look at her “new” clothes, she screamed, raged, threatened and cursed Mona all to no avail. She found that every item she owned was gone, replaced with the most whorish, slutty, provocative underthings that a woman might wear on a honeymoon. Her tantrum did her no good as Mona simply ignored her outburst. “Let’s go Lois, Charles wants you in the rec-room so you can see your man.” Grudgingly, cursing under her breath the whole time, Lois donned 5 inch heels, nylons, garter belt, tiny panties and bra. The outfit was entirely black. She rarely wore heels so she stumbled several times following Mona to the rec-room. She gasped aloud when she saw the man she loved naked and held by chains against the wall. Superman turned his head far enough to see her and she saw the look of shock on his face when he saw how she was dressed. Charles Bryant smiled and said, “So Superman, your whore has arrived.… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 17-18

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 15-16
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 15   Charles Bryant wheeled the gurney, on which the naked, unconscious superhero lay, into his bedroom. With the help of Lois and Mona they dragged him off and onto Bryant’s bed. Superman lay on his back, legs spread apart, muscular arms falling away to each side. Naked and helpless. Lois watched, horrified. She believed they were now in the clutches of a madman who intended to kill them both. She knew the crimes being commited here would guarantee that Bryant would never let them escape. Bryant slowly took his wet clothes off and dropped them on the tiled floor. He stood over the fallen hero and said to him, “It’s cost me millions and millions of dollars to set this trap for you Superman. But seeing you here, in my bed, naked and helpless, makes me realize that it was money well spent. Lois watched the billionaire with apprehension as he stood over Supermans prostrate body. She noted that Bryant had a body almost the match of the superheros. Slim hips… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 15-16

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 13-14
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 13   Charles Bryant, multi-billionaire, had to admit to himself that even he was impressed by the sheer, undeniable magnetism radiating from this man. Bryant was 6 ft 2 and in peak physical condition. His 220 pound frame was rock hard but now even he was awed by the man he faced. He estimated Superman to be slightly taller than he but much heavier. Superman could have been carved from marble by Michaelangelo so perfect was his form. His feet clad in supple red leather leading to thighs that rippled with the aura of power. Not in a weight-lifter kind of way but sleek with rippling muscles. Poetry from his thighs to his lean hips and then tapering into a narrow waist and a stomach of hard appearance sweeping into a broad powerful chest. Muscular arms and a powerful neck supported what must have been as handsome a face God ever allowed anyone to have. Piercing, penetrating blue eyes, a flawless complection which radiated health and jet-black hair. The superhero put his… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 13-14

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 11-12
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 11   “I said STRIP” Mona snarled. “Either do as I say or there’s the door. Get the hell out and face the consequences.” Lois stared dumbly at the raven-haired beauty sitting on the bed.  All of her life people had fawned over her. Because of her beauty, because of her dazzling accomplishments and because she was the woman who landed Superman. Now she was faced with a foe who offered no mercy nor respect for who she was.  This time there was no Man of Steel, no Superman to rescue her. Lois almost burst into tears but instead she yielded to the reality of her circumstances.  Slowly she took off her dress and dropped it at her feet. Her bra followed. She felt pleased that her full breasts did not sag.  Why she did not know.  She felt confused, helpless.  Her thumbs hooked in the waistband of her panties to pull them down.  “That’s  far enough.”  Mona said.  “Turn around, I want to see what I’m getting.  Lois obediently turned slowly… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 11-12

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 09-10
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 9   Lois showered and then selected a pale green summer dress from the assortment of designer clothes Charles Bryant had stocked her closet with. Like a little girl on Christmas morning she was thrilled at the selection of brand new things hers for the taking. The finest shoes, dresses, underwear and accessories. “This is one billionaire who sure knows how to spoil a girl,” she thought as she slid on a wispy pair of panties. Admiring her naked body in the mirror as she did so. Thinking back on her shameless performance the previous evening, she was beginning to feel less and less guilty. After all, in all the years Superman and her had been together she had never strayed nor wanted to. Her superhero was man enough in bed for any woman. Regardless of her love for him, she had to admit she fell to pieces while dancing with Bryant. The feel of his hard cock pushing against her pussy as they swayed together to the music ignited a fire… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 09-10

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 07-08
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 7   Her time spent with Charles Bryant on the terrace of his mansion unfolded in dreamlike beauty. Hours had gone by and night had fallen. Soft breezes caressed her bare shoulders and the tropical sky was filled with an impossible amount of stars. He had served an assortment of rare and unusual cheeses from around the world. Along with the best wines the world had to offer. He offered a witty and running commentary as to how the cheeses and wines were made. As the wine took hold and the evening deepened Lois grew more and more relaxed. Her initial questions for her story were simply brushed off by Bryant saying that he would give her all she needed in the morning and that tonight was for relaxing. It was all so seductive. The atmosphere was romantic and the man irresistible. The two of them laughed together at the table they shared while, unknown to Lois, hidden cameras and microphones were recording every word and movement. Charles Bryant was going to… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 07-08

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 05-06
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 5   Mona crossed to the opposite side of the mansion, touched 4 digits on a cypher door and entered a small, darkened room where Charles Bryant sat before a bank of tv screens. He was watching Lois Lane within her suite. “Anything of interest?” she asked. Bryant. smiled, “I thought she was going to faint when you got in her face and asked her if there was anything else she wanted. I think our Miss Lane is yours for the taking. Although I do believe she is straight. A tribute to your raw sexuality and beauty Mona.” She replied softly, “I think she’s a snooty, haughty bitch and I’m going to enjoy putting her in her place, which in this case will be between my thighs. But I will especially enjoy seeing the look on her face when you fuck her beloved superhero.” “Soon enough my darling”, he replied “but for now let’s see what our Miss Lane looks like naked.” Bryant touched a button on the intercom and spoke softly,… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 05-06

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 03-04
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 3   As a small boat was lowered from Charles Bryant’s yacht to take her ashore, Lois noticed 2 small boats each containing 4 men. One far to the left of the estate and the other off to the right. They were off in the distance but her eyes were keen and she knew instinctively that this was part of Bryant’s security. She needed no one to tell her that these men were heavily armed and prepared to do whatever was necessary to maintain the islands security and privacy. This too would become part of her story. She boarded the small boat and 10 minutes later it pulled up to the dock at the base of the small hill leading up to the estate. As she drew near she saw two figures awaiting her arrival. One was Charles Bryant. He wore a pale blue sports jacket over a white silk shirt. He looked tan and fit and for the first time she saw how handsome he was. Lois had to admit to herself… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 03-04

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 01-02
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]Hey everyone, this story might not be for everyone, some chapters might have some straight and lesbian sex and cuckolding, i will try to tag these parts, but even those chapters may have good gay parts. I recommend you to read every chapter, this story is one of those I remember very fondly  from the old group. Hope you enjoy this story as the story is very long (85 chapters in 102 pages) I might post multiple chapters in one entry I still have not decide if it will be the case with in every entry or only in the very short chapters.   The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 1 Lois thought back ruefully to the day the events began which were to lead to her capture and the capture of The Man of Steel. A prominent Metropolis lawyer had contacted her at The Daily Planet requesting a meeting and promising her a fantastic story. Lois met with the man in an office at the paper. Indeed she thought, it would be a fantastic story. A reclusive mega-billionaire… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 01-02

Testing Superman Chapter 11
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5] This is the last chapter I have from this series, hope you like it.   Testing Superman   By Superman Fannn  Chapter 11   Jimmy was feeling quite strange.  His clothing was feeling tight from his muscle growth and his admiration of Superman was quickly turning to that of disdain and dislike.  The power of Superman’s one drop of semen was making him feel powerful and in a way it was changing his feeling of needing Superman to protect him into one of feeling like a competitor.  Superman’s new found confidence wasn’t helping matters.  Jimmy, however, did not want to let on to his new found strength until he first knew the limits and until he knew if he needed more of the sweet nectar that made him this way. “I’m going to test my visual powers first,” Superman said as he walked to the vault area with a swagger.  He focused his eyes on the vault where valuables were kept and attempted to engage his x-ray vision. It was obvious that he was struggling a little bit as his beefy hands rubbed his eyes… Read More »Testing Superman Chapter 11

Testing Superman Chapter 10
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]  Testing Superman   By Superman Fannn  Chapter 10   “Jimmy”, Superman said, “I’m so sorry…Like I said, I feel so different and this new feeling power and lack of self control is worrying me a bit.  I fear that the extra strength and increased testosterone level could prohibit me from protecting the people as I have always done.  I must test myself and find out how much control I actually have.  Are you truly willing to stay with me until I can figure things out, Jimmy?”  “Of course I will,” answered Jimmy, who was continuing to feel the amazing effects of the one drop of Superman’s cum he just swallowed.  He could feel his muscles tensing underneath his clothing.  His dick stirred in his boxers and he actually could feel a course coating of ginger hair growing on his chest.  He knew he wanted more but even with this one drop he was beginning to feel like a Superman. “Jimmy”, Superman began, “Before I test my strength and invulnerability, I’d like to test my other powers first.  We know that flight is not a… Read More »Testing Superman Chapter 10