Lex Luthor

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 16-18
5 (3)

DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable

Luthor continued speaking: “My scientists have discovered a fascinating thing about our cock sucking hero here.   He hasn’t aged since his early twenties.  He has been kept young by the very substance that we now extract from him. .

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 13-15
5 (1)

 DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

Though surprised by the unexpected arrival, Mark and his buddies greeted Luthor with sincere and well deserved respect.   As Luthor entered, he was followed by a number of scientists and technicians….equipment was carried in and added to the already elaborate set-up present in the warehouse.  It was clear that Luthor had a definite plan for the helpless superhero.

The Final Conquest of Superman Chapters 10-12
5 (2)

DISCLAIMER: This story contains graphic violence and brutal sexual scenes which may offend. Please do not read if sadism, brutality and sexual erotic violence are not something you find palatable.

After both Austin and Frank had each taken their turn at Jimmy Olsen’s ass, each mercilessly raping the tender hole of the young man—the exhausted captive lay drenched in a combination of sweat, smeared pale green cum and ass juice.