Revised author (Rick Henry)

Tarzan – Deposed Jungle Lord Book 1 Part 1
5 (5)

The Jungle Lord has made a dangerous enemy, that sent a Hunter after him.
The hunter continually scans the silent night of the deep jungle from its high trees to the river’s edge, hoping to sight the young jungle man he seeks. It is nearly 5AM and the sun will rise soon. He has been watching since sunset having arrived at his present vantage point just before sun-up the day before.

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 5
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. Part 5 A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN   Superman awoke to an empty bed. He groaned and slowly stirred. The room was a shambles. The bed had sprung every spring. The mattress stuffing was piled about like wool at a sheep shearing. The sheets were torn to shreds and stained everywhere. The pillow looked half bitten through. Superman wearily sat up and looked around for his clothes. As he was dressing the memory of what had occurred last night came flooding back to him. He sobbed uncontrollably, his big naked body shaken with grief and humiliation. He tried to rise but felt dizzy and collapsed onto the bed once again. Only then did a now familiar pain arouse him to the continued presence of the Kryptonite. He struggled towards the dressing table, crawling on his hands and knees. He reached for the Kryptonite. It was like grabbing a burning torch, but he fought the urge to fling it away. He looked frantically around the disarray… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 5

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 3 and 4
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. Part 3 THESE HANDS ARE REGISTERED AS LETHAL WEAPONS   Knotts lunged after him, shouting to “Please, give them back!” Superman had completely forgotten he still held the photos in his hands. Don grabbed them and a brief tug of war ensued. Superman was surprised at Knotts’ wiry strength, fueled by his desperation. Surprised still more that the comedian was actually beginning to win the battle, wresting the photos from Superman’s normally vise-like grip. Don eventually tore them away from Superman and ran around in front of the Man of Steel, slamming the open door shut and locking it. “You’re not going anywhere, Superman. Not until you promise not to say anything about these,” he shouted, tossing the photos aside. “And what is supposed to stop me, that flimsy door, or you?” Superman laughed, pushing Don aside and kicking the door. To his surprise instead of exploding into splinters the thin wooden portal held fast. “That all you got, Superman? Hell, I can kick harder… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 3 and 4

Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 1 and 2
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  SUPERMAN VS. DON KNOTTS Author: Unknown Moderately embellished/enhanced and re-spaced by Rick Henry, 06-2021, Fan fiction for adult readers. 1. THE MONEY SHOT   Clark Kent endeavored to cover the 200th taping of the Andy Griffith Show called a “Money Shot”— (in the business it means syndication is now bankable in reruns). But he can’t seem to get past the stage door security, as even well-known reporters for show business tabloids like Variety and TV Guide aren’t welcomed backstage in the Green Room for the cast party after taping. Buying a studio ticket, he watches the show from the audience and laughs along with everyone else at Don Knott’s antics… such as his trademark bantam rooster swaggering braggadocio and his howler of an ad-libbed line at the end: “Well, I guess there’s “a New Sheriff in Town,” now!” when Andy temporarily puts him in charge as he prepares to go on his honeymoon after marrying his long-time girlfriend. Leaving the theater he notices a ticket seller hawking tickets to the “Adventures of Superman” show, taping across the street at another studio. He gets… Read More »Superman vs. Don Knotts Part 1 and 2

Luthor’s New/Final Weapon
4.3 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 4.3]Characters within are properties of DC Comics. This is a work of fan-fiction for adult, mature readers.    Luthor’s New/Final Weapon  Author: Pat (Enhanced/expanded/adjusted by Rick Henry 06-2021;   It was very simple: primitive really, Lex Luthor thought as he handled the object in his hand, weighing and spinning it in his palm. He then carefully redeposited it in its container. The great Superman truly did not have long now, did he…?  The power-housed inhuman miracle fallen into his hands. He smiled as he heard a crash from the other room; his ploy had certainly worked, knowing that the massive Man of Steel had broken through his defenses and the lead-lined walls of Luthor’s newest lair. Small price to pay for the grand finale which was about to unfold.  He could hear Superman making short work of his henchmen, the audible sounds of punches and grunting echoed off the cold, barren next-door walls. Luthor looked up as the hero entered the room. Every time Luthor saw Superman the sight took his breath away. It never became common place or less awe inspiring to see… Read More »Luthor’s New/Final Weapon

Batman Gets Laid
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5] Fan-fiction for adult, mature readers. Batman Gets Laid   By Cum, an unknown author; May 1998. (Enhanced/expanded/adjusted by Rick Henry 05-2021;   Batman breathed in deeply, his massive chest filling with air. It was nearing morning, the night around him still cool and dark… hidden from the prying eyes of almost everybody. He sighed, almost bored. He was getting a little tired of the super hero business. There hadn’t been a major crime in several months, and the “little stuff,” didn’t stimulate much of his keener interests. Sitting alone by himself under the hidden, central overhang of a notable skyscraper, he decided to jerk-off because there was nothing else to do…. Well, he did remember his recent meeting with Superman, and how that always stirred his blood to total distraction. What an incredible man he was, even greater than his own impressive physique… what kind of cock could that superb alien have? Wondering how, what it might be like, to become intimate with him? But that wasn’t likely. Superman seemed to be a little goofy over that Lois, or so it appeared. He sighed.… Read More »Batman Gets Laid

The Capture of Superman Part 9 (Final)
3.8 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 3.8]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,     Part Nine – Endgame   The next day Superman awakes as the blast door slams shut with a loud thud that echoes through the empty storage room far below the hangar floor above. Blooms of compressed air fill the room and dissipate quickly as the overhead lights flicker and dim to 25% illumination. Superman finds himself sprawled facedown on the dirty floor with his hands extended over his head and his legs wide apart. Bart, the shackles and the Kryptonite are all gone. He shakes his head and rises off his chest and realizes he is still naked! This can’t be happening! This has to a nightmare that I’ll wake up from! Superman then suddenly remembers the events before he passed out yesterday morning. He recalls in chilling detail Bart’s visit and the cruel torment before he uncased the lethal Kryptonite. Superman shakes his head again to clear his mind. Finally free of that damn steel collar and shackles! What a… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 9 (Final)

The Capture of Superman Part 8
3.3 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 3.3]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,     Part Eight -Bart Returns   The next day Bart stands over the pathetic sight of the once mighty Superman holding the now familiar lead box and a black canvas bag as both sets of steel doors to the shaft leading to the hangar above slam shut with a loud metallic thud. Superman remains face down on the floor naked and shackled, ashamed and afraid, after an initial glance, to look the teenager in the face. Bart dressed in desert camos, black T-shirt and polished black engineer’s boots circles Superman with an evil grin as he observes the hero whom he sees naked for the first time; Superman, the mighty champion is collared, restrained, completely naked and in chains with his wrists bound tightly behind his back and ankles shackled tightly together. His naked body is covered with a film of sweat and grime. Superman’s hair is disheveled and matted and his mouth is crusted with dried drool. His handsome face is… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 8

The Capture of Superman Part 7
3.5 (6)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 6 Average: 3.5]THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,     Part Seven -Temporary Reprieve for Superman   The Kryptonite fragments Bart exposed Superman to have effectively reduced him to the stature of a quivering slug lying dully exposed on the concrete floor unable to move speak or construct a coherent thought. His mind, numbed by the pain, Superman merely lies face down naked, his body stiffened by the unrelenting ache of pain. Dumont has taken Superman’s famous red and blue costume as a trophy and Superman is left wearing only a blank expression with drool trickling from the open mouth of his craned head. Dumont grins wickedly as he hurries around the vault collecting the man’s discarded costume: leather boots, cape, belt, briefs, and tights. He roughly compresses the costume and boots and shoves the items into the large black canvas bag he brought with him. As Dumont zips the canvas bag he leers over at the helpless man. The grin leaves his face as he realizes it is time to decide… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 7

The Capture of Superman Part 6
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,     Part Six – Dumont’s Broomstick   Dumont shakes himself out of his rage and takes several deep breaths as he paces back and forth beside the powerless blue and red clad Man of Steel who is shackled from head to foot facedown on the dusty floor in a state of unconsciousness. He slowly regains his composure and turns his attention back to the man. “Now I’ll have my broomstick,” announces Dumont grimly as he quickly moves to confiscate Superman famous costume. I’m going to display that fancy costume on a mannequin in my study!” promises Dumont.  But it looks like I’ll have to run those tights through the washer first as you seem to have turned into a real slob Superman. Well, where do I begin? …The boots of course.” decides Dumont. Dumont kneels and the shackles and chain clatter as he rolls the man off his belly and onto his back. Dumont laughs at Superman’s blank expression of incomprehension as… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 6

The Capture of Superman Part 5
3 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 3]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,     Part Five-The Evil Genius Dumont   Superman is no longer cognizant of the dire situation he is in. The constant mind-numbing pain from the combined power of the Kryptonite fragments has rendered the ultimate superhero unconsciousness and placed him at the mercy of the evil genius Dumont. Superman’s mind is vacant as the morning hours pass slowly. He remains tightly restrained with his arms shackled tight behind his back lying prostrate on the floor in anguish his blue eyes staring blankly in the direction of the sealed anteroom. His head is craned and his mouth is open with a trickle of drool seeping out. Dumont’s nephew Bart, the bait for the ingenious trap, has thrashed Superman badly and left the overcome superhero in chains surrounded by lethal Kryptonite fragments. As the early morning wears on Superman does not even blink as the Containment Room lights flicker on. The lights are dim at first but get brighter and brighter. Seconds later the… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 5

The Capture of Superman Part 4
2.5 (6)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 6 Average: 2.5]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,     Part Four – Superman in Chains   Superman, powerless, helpless and defeated kneels before the smaller man clutching his stomach in agony. “I can end your suffering Superman; the Kryptonite is kicking your ass,” snickers Bart. “Anyhow, while I’m waiting for you to break, FYI, Kryptonite is actually a piece of your home town, Superman.” Bart circles the helpless Man of Steel and lights a smoke as he continues his explanation; “As Dumont explained it to me so eloquently, you are experiencing the Delphinium Theory of Reverse Effects whereas elements harmless to you in your own environment when transposed to Earth are harmful.” lectures young Bart. “I wish I could take credit for discovering the secret of Kryptonite, but alas it is my uncle who is the brains of the outfit. Of course, my sniveling weasel of an uncle was not confident enough to confront you with his discovery himself. He obviously had his doubts about his little theory; thus, I… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 4

The Capture of Superman Part 3
4.6 (5)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 5 Average: 4.6]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,     Part Three – Superman Defeated   Bart’s sullen expression vanishes in a flash as he sees the Kryptonite finally beginning to take effect on the astonished Superman. “YES!” screams Bart as he deftly scoops up the Kryptonite from the concrete floor and quickly pursues the retreating Superman, “YES!  What’s the matter Superman? You’re awful quiet all of a sudden. Are you through with your sermon? Did you misjudge me and the fantasy of my delusional uncle? Where are you off to? Feeling a need for some air, Super Hero?” Bart runs after Superman who unsteadily staggers into the anteroom with a very talkative Bart right behind him. “FYI Superman, Kryptonite is poison to you. It strips you of your mighty superpowers … completely; although it evidently takes time to have an affect on you. My uncle could have warned me about a potential lag time. To tell you the truth, I was scared shit-less when you seemed OK… Whew!!!…. sure glad… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 3

The Capture of Superman Part 2
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.    Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,       Part Two – Kryptonite   Superman quickly makes his way downward using the long array of metal stairs that descend to the substructure below the hangar; he leaves the shaft and enters the anteroom examining the thick concrete walls and low circling as he moves to the end of the narrow room and stands before a large steel blast door. A sign next to the blast door reads: “CONTAINMENT ROOM.” Superman bangs lightly on the door and shouts, “Dumont!” No answer. Very odd indeed thinks Superman; this is the time and place. Superman bangs again on the steel door and shouts, “Dumont, its Superman. I have an appointment here.” No answer. Superman examines the steel blast door for several seconds and again x-rays the interior finding it completely empty. “Nothing here, or for miles around this old hangar,” thinks Superman. “I guess this is somebody’s idea of a cleaver prank”. Superman turns towards the shaft to the surface and hears… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 2

The Capture of Superman Part 1
4 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4]  THE CAPTURE OF SUPERMAN!   Originally “The Capture of Superboy,” story by L.Cross.   Modestly text-enhanced by Rick Henry, 05-2021,     Part One  – The Discovery… Young Bart drove north out of the city in his uncle’s 2007 Avalanche, he conceded to himself that this scheme of his uncle’s seemed a bit of an overreach, even for the gifted Dumont. Sure his uncle was a genius, but to “defeat” the Man of Steel seemed unachievable even for his intellect. Bart was a good-looking youth almost 17 years old. He stood just shy of 6’ and weighted 160 lbs, had green eyes, and short blond hair. Bart, like his uncle, Dumont, was manipulative as well as deceptive; both had a cruel streak; it seemed to run in the family. Dumont, a wealthy young scientist from a family that had been powerful for generations, had spent the last several years studying Earth’s mightiest champion, Superman, with the sole purpose of discovering any Achilles’ Heel Superman might have. Dumont, hated Superman and everything he stood for; it was a fixation driven by both envy and natural… Read More »The Capture of Superman Part 1

Clark Kent’s Secret Admirer
4.3 (7)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 7 Average: 4.3]M/M sexual content, for mature audiences only; Superman fan fiction, rights owned by D.C. Comics.   CLARK KENT’S SECRET ADMIRER Revised/enhanced/embellished and expanded by Rick Henry (, 04-2021.  Original story by CA172.   Chapter 1: For God’s Sake, Sneeze Or Cough!   Clark Kent had a secret admirer, his landlord Stewart Martin. Stewart was in his mid 30’s, very attractive with blonde curly hair, blue eyes and a good physique, which he kept in shape by working out in his home gym that he had in his basement, 4 to 5 days a week. He often got looked at lustily by both men and women, but it went right over his sun-bleached head. He wasn’t vain in the least, he was what he was, and never gave it much thought. Well, truth be told, he never gave anything much thought. It wasn’t that he was dumb, he just didn’t care. Though well-endowed, good looking, and built… he often moved through life like an automaton. He had failed out of medical school, entered a because-she-was-pregnant marriage, and thus rumbled through life with not much steam. Though… Read More »Clark Kent’s Secret Admirer

Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 3
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  An entertaining bit of fan-fiction, Superman being the property of D.C. Comics. Story for mature readers only, male/male sex freely depicted. Summary: Superman fights to free the enslaved Tarzan: against the Teen Titan, Tam-Rex.   Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion.  Revised by Rick Henry ( enhanced, embellished, and expanded 04-2021.  Original Author: Ashtonjacobs123   Chapter Three: Finalizing Their Stories  The next day Tam-Rex has the MOS brought into him, needs to review his trophy. Kal enters, hands still bound behind him, though ankles loose… still hardly able to walk from the depletion of his strength, semen, and milk… the unusual ripped fucking he’s had, making his insides still tender, nipples quite sore. Ego shattered. He stands wide-legged, the pendulum of his assets heavily uncovered, limply on display. His head slumped forwards, chin down. A picture of dejected, wilted captivity. Tam moves forward from his throne chair, down to greet him; survey. Hand under his chin to forcibly look him in the eyes. The cowed MOS unwilling to do so. His scarred humility hampering his senses; still grappling with the horror of his having… Read More »Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 3

Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 2
4.4 (5)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 5 Average: 4.4]An entertaining bit of fan-fiction, Superman being the property of D.C. Comics. Story for mature readers only, male/male sex freely depicted. Summary: Superman fights to free the enslaved Tarzan: against the Teen Titan, Tam-Rex.   Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion.  Revised by Rick Henry ( enhanced, embellished, and expanded 04-2021.  Original Author: Ashtonjacobs123   Chapter Two: Fall of the Man of Steel   The vanquished Kal lies motionless, flat on his broad lats, deathly pale and barely conscious, slow-sucking in air. His huge-breasted chest heaving laboriously. The blond king’s mighty thighs have squeezed all but a few desperate choking breaths out of him, indeed have seemingly almost killed him. Only his still involuntarily, stiffly mounded manhood shows any lingering signs of normal life. Tam laughs wickedly at the sight, pre-cum rivered and previously expended jism all over the soiled front of him, practically from knees to chest. Super potent and loaded, if nothing else. Echoing Boy’s snide remarks earlier, he haughtily exclaims, “Look’a here, Slut Boy, getting off on his own defeat… getting whipped. Just like his mind-gone slutty friend did, still does, hah!”… Read More »Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 2

Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 1
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]An entertaining bit of fan-fiction, Superman being the property of D.C. Comics. Story for mature readers only, male/male sex freely depicted. Summary: Superman fights to free the enslaved Tarzan: against the Teen Titan, Tam-Rex.   Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion.  Revised by Rick Henry ( enhanced, embellished, and expanded 04-2021.  Original Author: Ashtonjacobs123 Chapter One: Superman to the Rescue!   Kal Jor-El, Superman to most, is having a bad time of it in his personal life of late, having lost, at least temporarily, the great love of his life within the past year. It was long-time flame, Lois Lane, who has never been quite the same since her unfortunate kidnapping and subsequent brainwashing by master criminal, Lex Luthor. It darned near killed Kal trying to win back her affections after her release from Luthor’s clutches. But her being so addled, it didn’t look like anything remotely real might transpire. (After all, he was really “too big” to consummate much of an earthly relationship with anyone, anyway; at least females. As if doomed to be a perennial virgin in many respects.) Now Tarzan (his once… Read More »Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 1