
Tarzan – Deposed Jungle Lord Book V Part 5
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A scene repeats itself on the remote jungle airstrip of San Miguel.  A C-130 bearing a captured young hero arrives to be delivered and payment collected. This time no chains are needed to bind the captive superhero – for his young mind is magically enslaved and the body now follows blindly. Thus a stupefied Spiderman, unmasked, striped of his anonymity, steps down out of the plane’s cargo bay.

Tarzan – Deposed Jungle Lord Book V Part 2
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The Hunter and company have departed for NYC to capture Spider-man, who is destined to become the 6th unwilling member of Bill’s Martin’s twisted, pervertedly abused menagerie of captive heroes, which he keeps on his private island of San Miguel. Bill ends a call and tosses his cell onto the wrought-iron table under the shade of the large, white cotton tarp which provides shade from the blazing tropical sun. His chair creaks under his prodigious weight as the old man leans back and gazes out into his brig’s sun-drenched punishment yard.

Tarzan – Deposed Jungle Lord Book V Part 1
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It is early afternoon on the Caribbean island of San Miguel; the contractor who can acquire rare merchandise, be it a precious stone or gem – even famous crime fighters, known simply as the “Hunter” has arrived on the secluded island. The Hunter has delivered his latest two acquisitions to Bill Martin the eccentric billionaire with a perverted and twisted taste for young men of notability.

Spiders in love
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]The first post in this new blog is a drawing of Miles and Peter, I love the idea of a younger and manlier Miles dominating Peter and taking the tilte of the superior Spider-man Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]

The Hunter and the Prey Part 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Hunter and the Prey  Author: Unknown Part 2   Ten hours had passed and a wagon covered truck was rolling along a dusty road in the open wild of Africa. Kraven and his henchmen had captured New York’s Web-Wonder with ease and had transported him to other continent. “When we arrive at the camp, I want Spider-man bound to the stake and given fresh water. Do not remove his mask and do not remove the shackles until ordered. I want him bound for a while so he gain his strength back and then I will give him the rules of how this game will be played. In the end I will win of course” said Kraven. Another 20 minutes had passed and the truck was pulling up to the camp. Several muscle bound men were working about the camp. After stopping, Kraven’s two main henchmen lifted the casket off the back of the truck and opened up the casket and removed the body bag encased the hero. Within 10 minutes Spider-man was shackled and bound with chains to a metal post with his… Read More »The Hunter and the Prey Part 2

The Hunter and the Prey Part 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0] This story is the continuation of Jokers and Goblins, if I remember correctly it was published in the Yahoo Group named PerilsOfSpiderman. This story wasn’t completed and only 2 parts were published. The story has some grammar problems I try to correct at the best of my knowledge. Hope you enjoy it. The Hunter and the Prey  Author: Unknown Part 1 Thirty-six hours passed since the Green Goblin and Joker had stripped Peter of his manhood. In the hours that had passed Peter managed to find a pair of his torn tights that were somewhat intact and locate his web shooters and his torn stained mask. His shirts were in tatters and could not be worth wearing. Barely able to crawl or walk because of his sore ass, Peter carefully swung home in a great deal of pain. He knew several ribs were cracked from his beatings. Once reaching home Peter managed to drop onto the rooftop of his apartment and stumble through the skylight. Once in his apartment, Peter inched his way into his bedroom and fell onto the bed in his tattered tights… Read More »The Hunter and the Prey Part 1

Spidey defeated
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5] Hey I just did my first draw in many years, I will try to do more draws. Hope you enjoy it. Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 5   Peter watched as The Mask smashed a strange looking machine. Could that be what took away his powers? he thought wildly. He tried to stop the muscle man from destroying the only chance he had to regain his former life, but he was tossed aside easily. “No!” Peter screamed as the machine was smashed to little bits. Sirens could be heard in the background as the villain accomplished what many had dreamed, The Mask had destroyed Spider-Man. The sirens grew louder and louder as the villain slammed Peter to the ground causing the former hero to cry out in pain. “You never should have messed with me boy!” The newly powered villain hissed as he leaped into the shadows. Peter cried for his tormentor to return as The Mask was his only hope to ever regaining his powers. Standing alone in the wrestling ring, the former hero tried to figure out what he was going to do. His thoughts were interrupted as the doors slammed open as the police flooded the room with… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 5

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 4   Yesterday, Peter Parker was on top of the world. He was the mighty hero, Spider-Man, and fought crime against the criminal element of New York City. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he would be powerless sucking on the cock of a washed up wrestler. His ass felt like it was on fire as the cool air seemed to make the stinging even worse. His own cock was out of control and hard so if someone was watching, they would think he was turned on by serving the bigger man. His jaw felt like it would break at any moment trying to take in the monster cock of the huge wrestler. As a straight man, Peter never touched another man’s cock and the thought of sucking it like he was a woman was repulsive to him. He would have refused to service the man who stole his powers, but the recent memory of the spanking he had to endure was too much for him to handle. There was no amusement… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 4

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 3
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 3   Peter could not believe his eyes as he left the Daily Bugle and hopped on the subway home. After delivering his pictures, Jonas kept him busy all day with tasks leaving him unable to start his own investigation. It was unlike Jonas to work him like this but he was too worried about his own reputation to really think about it. Every aspect of the media believed that it was Spider-Man who committed the murder and he had to watch helplessly as they slammed his alter ego all day. Even Peter could not fault them for believing their once beloved hero snapped and committed murder. The evidence seemed daunting and the it only made Peter want to hurry home and clear his name before too much damage was done. The talk on the subway was all about Spider-Man and their belief that he had snapped. Peter could not believe the general public would turn on him this quickly. Could Hobgoblin be right when he told Spider-Man how the public lived for the fall… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 3

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 2
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]Hey, here is the continuation of this great story, for me is very special because is one of the few of my favorite superhero and it was wrote by one of my favorite authors, if you want to see more of Todd’s work you can go to his Patreon, he also have some books in Amazon. The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 2   New York was blanketed by the dark starry night as the City that never sleeps pulsed with the night life. One of the largest buildings in the whole city sat quietly in the business district. Oscorp was the largest business dedicated to research for military application. Even with the problems of the CEO and owner of the company, Harry Osborn, the research giant stood out from its competition. The Mask, clad in all black, looked out at New York from the roof of the monstrous building. He looked at his watch and waited in the silent night for the signal. His plans for revenge against the hero who ruined his life were complicated, but he did not want… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 2

The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 1
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]Hi, this is a new serie about my favorite hero Spider-man. I loved this story since the first time I read it many years ago. The author of this story is Todd Fleming, I am very grateful with him letting me put this story on the blog, If you love the story and want to read more of his works you can find his books on Amazon they are very good and have very good covers some of them have work of IcemanBlue. Hope you enjoy the reading 😈.    The Mask of Spider-man   By Todd Fleming  Chapter 1   The crowd roared as they sat in the arena of the wrestling ring. The champion known as The Mask raised his hands in thanks as he flexed and strutted around. He was undefeated and many poor souls desperate for money tried to last against him for three minutes to win the grand prize. As his newest opponent entered the arena, The Mask started to laugh. Even though he was wearing a mask, there was no disguising that this twink of a young man would… Read More »The Mask of Spider-man Chapter 1

Kid Leopard vs Spider-man
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  KID LEOPARD VS. SPIDER-MAN (Punishment, pain and humiliation)   SPIDERMAN SWINGS INTO THEWRONG WEB…KID LEOPARDS!!!                       Kid Leopard practically drooled when asked if he wanted the spandex muscleman for a match!  “Just get him here and I’ll do the rest”! Leopard said. The Amazing Spider-man approached the building with caution, but still overwhelmingly confidant. He received a tip that leads him to this location. His Spider sense was going crazy as he swung to the back door! He couldn’t see any visible danger so he entered the unlocked room, a mist was hovering in the doorway as he past through, “HMMMM?” A pause, “NOTHING” he went into the darkened room and noticed what looked like a stage, he stepped up onto it. Suddenly the lights flickered on. Spider-man realized he was standing in the middle of a wrestling ring and he wasn’t alone, sitting on a couch in front of him was a man with dark hair wearing a leopard Speedo.  “SHIT!!! THIS WON’T TAKE LONG” said Kid Leopard looking over the muscular superhero.  Kid Leopard entered the ring. Spider-man stood with his arms crossed… Read More »Kid Leopard vs Spider-man

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 6
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]   Jokers and Goblins      Chapter 6   Several minutes had passed and Spider-man was beginning to stir and find himself in an awkward position.  Spider-man’s upper body was stretched to its limit with heavy chains wrapped around his chest and outlining the muscles in his pecs. Chains were securely wrapped around his biceps and wrists, exposing the well haired armpits Spider-man’s hairy legs were nicely showing the quads and his cock at half-mast and his large low hanging balls. “God, I’m in trouble now” thought Spider-man, “have to try and break free but too weak to even attempt” Soon the Green Goblin and the Joker entered the chamber this time only wearing jockstraps. The goblin’s body was muscular and well-built as Norman Osborn kept himself in shape.  His upper body was slightly hairy and his mid-section somewhat smooth. The Joker was an average villain but was in athletic shape as well. He was mainly smooth after the acid bath that he had taken from encountering Batman in his early days. The Goblin walked in front of the hero and snorted, “I’m not sorry that… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 6

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 5
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Jokers and Goblins      Chapter 5   Several hours had passed and the Joker kept the webbed hero sedated under the drug. The Green goblin had left the premises for quite some time only to come back with a clean costume for the hero. The Joker had not realized that the goblin knew Spider-man’s true identity and knew where he lived. “Oh a fresh change of clothes for the webbed dummy” snickered the Joker.  “Yes so we can eventually see what strength he has left after we are done with phase 3.  Get the boys to get him dressed and don’t unmask him quite yet” ordered the Green goblin. Soon Boris and another well-built thug went into the cell and while one held the weakened drugged hero the other had dressed the hero in a fresh costume.  “Wonder what the two have in store for this moron” asked Boris. “Only the Goblin knows what he’s going to do next” replied the other Meanwhile in the other room, The Green Goblin was letting the Joker know about his next phase.  “This is the plan. We… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 5

Jokers and Goblins Chapter 4
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Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 0 Average: 0]  Jokers and Goblins   Chapter 4   Spider-man lay on the cold concrete floor motionless.  His costume was burnt and shredded bearing his muscular arms shoulders legs and half of his upper body, and most of his back Boris went over and kicked Spider-man hard in the groin area “that’s for hitting me you fuck head”. “Ok boys prepare him for phase two” ordered the Joker. Boris grabbed Spider-man by one of his legs and began dragging the hero across the cold concrete floor to the adjoining room. This time a pair of heavy chains were placed on each of Spider-man’s wrists and around his ankles. Spider-man was then hoisted so that his arms were chained over his head and hoisted so that the chains that were attached to his ankles were supported to heavy cement blocks. Spider-man’s body was being stretched to its limit and was helpless.  Spider-man hung like a beaten dog with his muscular body showing through his burnt and shredded costume.  Tony the next largest henchman of the Joker went over to the beaten hero and begin to feel the… Read More »Jokers and Goblins Chapter 4