Testing Superman Chapter 94 (1)
Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4] Testing Superman By Superman Fannn Chapter 9 Superman, carrying Jimmy in his arms, was still completely naked as his costume had been destroyed by the Super soldier. Almost immediately upon taking off, he began to grow hard. At first he thought it was just the stimulation of the air as he flew with no costume, but he soon realized that he was hornier than he had ever been in his life. He tried to will the hard-on to go away but it was of no use. Jimmy noticed, but pretended not to. Superman knew that he couldn’t fly back to Metropolis this way for fear someone would see him in his “condition”. He looked below and saw a deserted area. He landed and put Jimmy down. “I’m sorry, Jimmy, but it appears my new found powers come with some side effects”, Superman explained. He turned from Jimmy, placed his hands behind his head and produced a hands free ejaculation like he never experienced before. “Fffffuccccckkkkkkk”, Superman groaned as ribbon upon ribbon of milky white cum flowed from his now even more enormous… Read More »Testing Superman Chapter 9