Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 44 (1)
Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]Superman’s Night in the Museum Author: Lcross Chapter 4 A block of rectangular light from the infirmary illuminates a prone Man of Steel as he slowly lifts off the padded floor. “I hope I didn’t club him too hard…I want him to remember this,” thinks Harvey. The orderly watches the ascension through the observation window peering into cell. Superman is hung inverted on a trapeze of sorts by his ankles. Superman’s ankles are buckled tightly in the thick restraints attached to either end of a metal spreader bar. Twin chains are attached to the sturdy bar above each ankle; the twin chains connect together above the center of the bar to allow rotation to display the victim from all sides. As the chain retracts the bar rises upwards hauling the big straight jacketed man up off the padded floor upward towards the high ceiling. The biter mask has been removed from Superman’s face. Now his blue eyes are covered with a thick leather blindfold. A stainless metal clamping apparatus is inserted deep into his mouth and secured with black leather straps buckled behind his neck… Read More »Superman’s Night in the Museum Chapter 4