
The Hunter and the Prey Part 2
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]  The Hunter and the Prey  Author: Unknown Part 2   Ten hours had passed and a wagon covered truck was rolling along a dusty road in the open wild of Africa. Kraven and his henchmen had captured New York’s Web-Wonder with ease and had transported him to other continent. “When we arrive at the camp, I want Spider-man bound to the stake and given fresh water. Do not remove his mask and do not remove the shackles until ordered. I want him bound for a while so he gain his strength back and then I will give him the rules of how this game will be played. In the end I will win of course” said Kraven. Another 20 minutes had passed and the truck was pulling up to the camp. Several muscle bound men were working about the camp. After stopping, Kraven’s two main henchmen lifted the casket off the back of the truck and opened up the casket and removed the body bag encased the hero. Within 10 minutes Spider-man was shackled and bound with chains to a metal post with his… Read More »The Hunter and the Prey Part 2

Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 1
5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 5]An entertaining bit of fan-fiction, Superman being the property of D.C. Comics. Story for mature readers only, male/male sex freely depicted. Summary: Superman fights to free the enslaved Tarzan: against the Teen Titan, Tam-Rex.   Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion.  Revised by Rick Henry ( enhanced, embellished, and expanded 04-2021.  Original Author: Ashtonjacobs123 Chapter One: Superman to the Rescue!   Kal Jor-El, Superman to most, is having a bad time of it in his personal life of late, having lost, at least temporarily, the great love of his life within the past year. It was long-time flame, Lois Lane, who has never been quite the same since her unfortunate kidnapping and subsequent brainwashing by master criminal, Lex Luthor. It darned near killed Kal trying to win back her affections after her release from Luthor’s clutches. But her being so addled, it didn’t look like anything remotely real might transpire. (After all, he was really “too big” to consummate much of an earthly relationship with anyone, anyway; at least females. As if doomed to be a perennial virgin in many respects.) Now Tarzan (his once… Read More »Superman VS. Tam-Rex: The Ultimate Conclusion Chapter 1

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 4
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 4   (Superman’s Thoughts):” Urgh, Zane… he’s destroying me, dominating me, must resist, but I can’t. He’s touching me, pleasuring me, draining my strength. I’ve got to resist, got to beat him…can’t let him win, can’t let him strip me in front of the crowd. Oh no, he’s on top of me again. His firm body is forcing me to stay down, keeping me beneath him. Every time I try to push him off my hand slide over his solid glistening pecs, up and down his washboard abs, his body….so powerful, so strong. He’s bigger than me and stronger than I am, he’s more powerful than Superman and I can feel as his groin thrusts into mine, pleasuring me, making me hard and draining me of my strength. Got to stop him, but it feels so good, feels so right to submit to him, to let him dominate me to give in to the pleasure. His hands clamp down around my wrists. I struggle to break free, but I can’t, I’m weak and his every move is grinding… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 4

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 3
4.5 (4)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 4 Average: 4.5]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 3   (Superman’s Thoughts): “uuhhh, can’t think straight….pleasant feelings….I close my eyes….something is happening to me…but yet…I still can’t focus….I can only focus on warm…fuzzy…..feeling….uhhhhh.” (Zanes’s Thoughts): “very interesting….I’m enjoying groping Superman….perhaps the reason he is like this is because I’m stimulating his erogenous zones…he must not get a lot of action…maybe I’m ‘reminding’ him of what he desires…Now, let’s see what the male erogenous zones were….the package, the feet, neck, ears, eyelids, inner thighs, under his arms….behind the knees, his ass….” Zane decided to test out his theory, disguising his sinister ‘experiment, he got Superman into a Boston crab position, which meant Superman was lying face down as his legs were bent high into the sky with his shins underneath Zane’s armpits. At this moment, Zane used his fingers to stimulate Superman behind his knees, through the blue fabric. He let Superman’s legs fall to the ground. Superman turned around, half dazed, the hair on his head soaked with sweat. Zane grabbed Superman’s red booted feet and squeezed, again noticing the softening of Superman’s body and the… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 3

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 2
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 2 The Man of Steel was led onto a metal table. The dull metallic surface  was in stark contrast to the colourful blue and red costume that adorned Superman’s muscular body. The staff member spoke “normally we would request you to remove your super suit Superman, but for the purposes of speeding up the process I  don’t think it will make much difference.” Superman looked around, always eager to help, “Ok, no problem. what will  I wear in the wrestling ring?” The staff member smiled “Your famous costume of course!” At that moment there was a knock on the door, and Jean Howard, the business owner, walked in. “Ah Superman, thank you again for your participation! We are always trying to find unique ways to raise money for charity!” Superman smiled, always the good citizen “Always glad to help. How much  have we raised so far?” Jean did some mental sums in his head “hmm, let’s see, we had the broadcast rights of $2Million, ticket sales of $1Million, so $3Million so far.” Superman was surprised “that’s excellent, is that… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 2

Superman Rasslin Fun Part 1
3 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 3]  Superman Rasslin Fun   Author: Rhmrz Part 1   The buildings were run down; most of them boarded up, with rusty nails which stuck out dangerously, the walls covered over with messy graffiti. This seedy part of town had been largely neglected by Metropolis City Hall. Until one day, an old warehouse was bought by a local businessman, Jean Howard. In no time, it was converted into a boxing ring and gym. And so the old run down building was revamped and renamed ‘Superbox’. Whilst this area was notorious for crime and unemployment, the gym had provided employment opportunities for the local hobos. Without Jean’s help, they would have continued to beg for money and rely on community handouts. Jean trained them to perform manual tasks such as cleaning and setting up the gym and boxing ring. It wasn’t long before Metropolis City Hall awarded a prestigious Mayor’s prize to Jean for services to the community. Jean was flattered, and commented that his greatest reward was to serve the community and see it improve. One of the staff members suggested a PR boost could be… Read More »Superman Rasslin Fun Part 1

The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 29-30
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Story by Wellsny44   Chapter 29   Superman sat at a table by the window in Charles Bryant’s bedroom. He had showered and been given a fresh pair of red Superman “S” panties, these were trimmed in lace. He slipped them on without comment. Bryant sat across from him dressed in white linen slacks and a blue flowered silk shirt. He snacked on some fruit from the table as he contemplated the appearance of his captive. “Have some fruit Superman. You’r going to need you’r strength for what Mona has planned for you.” The Man of Steel selected a pear which he began to eat. “What are you talking about Bryant? What plans?” “You must fight Mona today. One on one in the rec-room. And in just a few minutes.” Superman scoffed, “I may be weakened but I’m not that weak and besides I don’t fight women.” “I think you’ll fight this woman,” Bryant said, “Mona says the winner of this fight gets Lois Lane. Lois HAS spent a lot of time with her, I would be… Read More »The Conquest of Lois Lane and Superman Chapters 29-30

Kid Leopard vs Spider-man
5 (3)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 3 Average: 5]  KID LEOPARD VS. SPIDER-MAN (Punishment, pain and humiliation)   SPIDERMAN SWINGS INTO THEWRONG WEB…KID LEOPARDS!!!                       Kid Leopard practically drooled when asked if he wanted the spandex muscleman for a match!  “Just get him here and I’ll do the rest”! Leopard said. The Amazing Spider-man approached the building with caution, but still overwhelmingly confidant. He received a tip that leads him to this location. His Spider sense was going crazy as he swung to the back door! He couldn’t see any visible danger so he entered the unlocked room, a mist was hovering in the doorway as he past through, “HMMMM?” A pause, “NOTHING” he went into the darkened room and noticed what looked like a stage, he stepped up onto it. Suddenly the lights flickered on. Spider-man realized he was standing in the middle of a wrestling ring and he wasn’t alone, sitting on a couch in front of him was a man with dark hair wearing a leopard Speedo.  “SHIT!!! THIS WON’T TAKE LONG” said Kid Leopard looking over the muscular superhero.  Kid Leopard entered the ring. Spider-man stood with his arms crossed… Read More »Kid Leopard vs Spider-man

Tam-Rex VS Heroes Part 3
4 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 4]  Tam-Rex vs Batman (The  Boxing Ring)   Batman fights the young warrior, Tam-Rex   So here they all are in the ring at Madison Square Garden this fateful evening.  In one corner, Batman, the caped superhero defender of the free world, attended by his current lover, Robin. The caped crusader is wearing his already quite sweaty classic grey uniform that shows his impressive phisical stud muscled forms, he looks invincible and extremly dangerous. Robin, not to be out done, is spectacularly decked out in his green/red outfits. Thebeautiful, muscled dark hairedcrimefighter, Batman, appears to have pulled it together alright, has his stern fight face on.  In the far corner is the mysterious young blond warrior, Tam-Rex, clad only in the skimpiest of leather red thongs. And there also, standing before their ravishing Master, are Slut Boy, clad in a blue loin cloth, and Jungle Slut, clad only in a red, white and blue thong. And, of course, there, standing to one side, is Tam-Rex’s ever attentive top lieutenant, the striking blond warrior Boy, more “modestly” clad than his leather loincloth. Slut Boy and Jungle… Read More »Tam-Rex VS Heroes Part 3

Tam-Rex VS Heroes Part 2
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  Tam-Rex vs Superman  (Superman to the rescue?)   Superman fights to free the enslaved Tarzan   Kal Jor-El, Superman to most, is having a bad time of it in his personal life of late, having lost, at least temporarily, his great loves of his life within the past year. It was long-time flame, Lois Lane, who has never been quite the same since her unfortunate kidnapping and subsequent brainwashing by master criminal, Lex Luthor.It darned near killed Kal trying to win back her affections after her release from Luthor’s clutches.  Now Tarzan,has been savagely beaten and enslaved by that sadistic young Tiburran Warrior, Tam-Rex. The former Jungle Lord, now known as Jungle Slut by his Tiburran captors, is, by all accounts, outwardly content and earnest in his slavish 24/7 devotion to the imperious young Teen Tyro, Tam-Rex.  But Superman knows, or thinks he does, that Tarzan cannot  possibly be of sound mind; is perhaps doped up perpetually, artificially maintained in a strange state of vulnerability and weakness by his evil young warrior captor.  There is no other logical explanation for his bizarre transformation in… Read More »Tam-Rex VS Heroes Part 2

Tam-Rex VS Heroes Part 1
3 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 3]  Tam-Rex vs Tarzan  Tarzan’s Fateful Duel   Comment: This story appear to be part 2 of the storyline of Tam-Rex, sadly I don’t have the first part or at least did’t find it. If I find the first part I will upload it. Next parts will continue the story with others two heroes that are the favorites of many.   Young Tam-Rex challenges Tarzan for Jungle warriors Supremacy  And so it comes to pass that the Warrior tribe which fell into disarray centuries ago after the defeat and enslavement of their leader, Xenon, having been rebuilt in modern times by Tarzan, is once again threatened by a renegade warrior from an old tribe od white man.  This new challenger, ironically, is another blond haired young man, a direct descendant as it were of the notorious Xenon slayer, Kyr.  He is Tam-Rex, just 19 years old, but already, like his ancient ancestor, a strapping young man of uncommon size and strength and dazzling beauty.  Yes, Tam-Rex, a stunning young man who is brazenly unafraid of  flaunting his obvious bodily charms, indeed is almost fully unclothed… Read More »Tam-Rex VS Heroes Part 1

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 4
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Four   He rushed me. I sidestepped and he lunged past me. I tackled him and we went rolling on the ground, locked like snarling dogs, arms and legs intertwined. I was on top of him. He managed to fist me in the side. UGGHHH! He bridged up with his back lifting me off the ground, pushing up with his left leg and rolling on top of me. Fist into myface. I saw stars! Tasted more blood! Another fist into my face.  My head smashed down into the cement. I managed to grab both his wrists and push him back. I whipped my legs up, locking my ankles around his neck, pushing with all my strength – my quads against his massive torso, my arms against his massive arms. He shaking, straining, his cock grinding hard against my cock, face going red. Icould just see his mind trying to figure out all these sensations – “fight to finish!” or “fuck to the finish!” – it was one and the same. I thrust… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 4

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 3
5 (1)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 1 Average: 5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Three He rushed at me like a lightning bolt, slamming into me, smashing us through the wall of the hanger. Even though he couldn’t fly the momentum sent us hurtling straight across the airfield at 90 miles an hour. The wind was knocked out of me. I tried to grapple him down, but we were going too fast. Straight across the field, then SLAMMMMM!!! We hit the base of a tall steel tower. Metal girders crashed around us like tinker toys. He rolled on top of me and slammed his fist into my face.  Urgrgh!  That hurt. We were invulnerable, but because we each had Kryptonian DNA invulnerable was relative. We could do damage to each other. Yeah! What’s a fight without damage? I returned the blow, slamming him hard in the chin with enough force to catapult him back, metal girders flying in all directions. He landed with a crash on the cement and picked up a girder as he rolled to his feet. He swung at me. I saw it… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 3

The Ultimate Take-Down Part 2
4.5 (2)

Our Score Click to rate this post! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]  The Ultimate Take-Down By with some help from Catbatbom900900   Part Two   “Aaaaaarrgggghhh!” I let out a yell that came from the most intense pleasure and most intense pain you could imagine as all my muscles began to heave like moving earth. My back curved and swelled, my chest heaved out. It was better than any pump at the gym. I could feel the muscle fibers multiplying by the millions. You could almost hear it, like an avalanche of rumbling rock. My shirt went first, ripping open as my chest exploded out and my arms burst their sleeves. My pants buttons shot off, and the legs tore open. Veins shot out all over my paper-thin skin. They glowed and pulsed green through my tan. The shreds of clothing fell off my body as I stood up. As I had planned my brief and my boots stretched with the growth and were all that remained on my massive body. Superman had a puzzled look on his face. I was the same 6′, but now weighed at least 350 pounds. I stretched my arms… Read More »The Ultimate Take-Down Part 2